- opšta diskusija - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

3.775 pregleda 63 odgovora |
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What to answer? Here I stop. 24 h waiting? Enjoy was waiting before way more as client.

I will remind for everyone. Wgered few 10's thousands of USD, lost 7+ k. Weekly bonus ~25 USD. Flattering.

Thanks, no more comment. It is what it is.

Enjoy everyone, play at

filefileSo month is over. As livechat claimed cashback is 1st of the month on net losses over 10 usd.

Nothing added. Livechat did not help on friendly request ang single handedly closed the chat.

Sent mail to admin an VIP manager Max. Cryptocasino admin so at the end all my words and doibts are true.


I guess the casino representative will be much more efficient in explaining than me. Well, I imagine you are not very happy about the whole situation. And I also imagine it would be helpful if the guy just told you how much you have lost according to their system. Did you count the net losses based on your own calculations, or can you access full casino history, perhpas?

Not really a drama here....

The platform provider said that a glitch in their system stopped all players who had levelled up in December from getting automatically credited on the 1st.

Across all their casinos. They have fixed it now. So was just a matter of a bit of patience!

I see, no big deal.

Well, next time it would be kind to use the reply button. Because this information is important primarily for the player who has been asking, I'd say. Thank you for the explanation, of course.

Hi R

The player gets a notification when something is posted in the thread no?

Doesn't everyone in the thread get a notification?

Thank You after bit of fight and frustration, cashback received. Was a bit less tham expected but credited. Thanks to Cryptocasino admin


Glad it got sorted

Hi R

The player gets a notification when something is posted in the thread no?

Doesn't everyone in the thread get a notification?

Yes, but that's if he gets a "reply" to his answer. When someone posts without it, it may not be so that they get the notification, hence this tip.🙂

zašto niste zadovoljni mojim bankovnim izvodima, računom za vodu, računom za komunalije, dajte mi moj depozit od 300 dolara i uzmite svojih 15 dolara, ne želim da prolazim kroz verifikaciju za 15 dolara u dobicima, ne igrajte u ovom kazinu, oni samo prikupiti od vas sva dokumenta, u pismu pišu da nisu zadovoljni dokumentom, bez obrazloženja

Automatski prevedeno:

Hiya unu....

So I asked the team - seems there are numerous reasons you are having issues...

1 - trying to game the betting system

2 - providing suspect documents

3 - stalling on providing valid docs for over 2 weeks

4 - registration address different from registration IP location

I am pretty sure you can fix this easily if you just send the authentic information (if you have it)


slušaj sva dokumenta su originalna i pišem ti da mi jednostavno vratiš depozit, zbog 15 dolara nemam snage da ti bilo šta objašnjavam, nećeš dobiti više dokumenata

Automatski prevedeno:

"I do not have the strength to explain anything to you" - OK. Good luck.

sretno? jesi li ozbiljan? da li ćeš posle ovakvih reči da mi vratiš depozit i zatvoriš svoj neigrani kazino, niko neće da igra sa tobom, ne možeš ni da odgovoriš šta je sa mojim dokumentima? da te citiram? „Vaš dokument je odbijen jer naš tim ne smatra da je prihvatljiv." ne možete ni da odgovorite šta nije u redu, samo zahtevate svaki put nešto novo, prikupljanje dokumenata

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi Unu..good to hear from you again.

I am sure you can appreciate that anti-money laundering is taken very seriously by the casino industry who have to answer to the licence providers. So when they have a player from one country pretending to be from another country, it raises a few eyebrows. I am sure if you just tell them the truth about the situation (which I cannot share here in public), they will be able to help you.

Kind regards

Govorite o tome da ne možete da promenite državu prilikom registracije ako imate omogućen VPN? Ja sam iz Rusije, šta je sledeće? Koje drugo pranje novca? Traže od tebe da vratiš 300 dolara i traže da se ugušiš sa svojih 15, zbog čega si počeo da skupljaš fasciklu dokumenata od mene, idiotizam

Automatski prevedeno:

da li imate vremena da odgovorite ovde svakih sat vremena, kada jedva čekam jednokratni odgovor dnevno u pošti, da li ste zabrinuti za svoje kritike? Ionako će ih uništiti, baš kao i prethodnu stranicu vašeg nekazina

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi Unu.....

You seem to have mistaken me for the fraud department. I am also not customer service. We also don't worry about reviews.

Reviews are usually by people like you have problems they caused themselves (or are impatient). And they always start by saying "Don't play at this casino". You think that helps? If you wanted help you should have started with a regular question or request for help. You didn't and now my hands are tied. Do you think we want our members to have problems? Of course not. But it's a two way street.

Anyway it seems like you have figured out the issue of Moldova vs Russia. You need to just explain it to the AML team and let them help you.

I am sure you will get your money back. In fact I am 100% sure as we never keep anyone's money. But you'll either have to jump through their hoops or be patient. You never know...they might surrender first!

Have a great weekend.

problem ste napravili samo vi, ne prihvatate dokumente za potvrdu adrese, ne navodim razloge za odbijanje, samo ste vi krivi, sa kazinom kao što ste vi, morate da uložite žalbe, već sam napravio jasno ti je da možeš da uzmeš svojih 15 dolara, jer nemam čime da potvrdim adresu, jer sam ti poslao sve što sam mogao, pa te molim da mi vratiš moj novac, jer ove gluposti sa tobom traju već 3 nedelje već. Ne želim više da imam posla sa tobom

Automatski prevedeno:

3 weeks. I totally get wher eyou are coming from. I've only been dealing with it for a few hours and I am bored.'s outta my hands as i said!

Next time you complain about a casino, lead with something softer like

"Hi XXXX Casino Rep, Can you help me with something. I love your casino but i am having a small problem"

I reckon that will work a charm.

Have a great weekend...again. I need a drink.

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