NaslovnaForumKazinaCryptoLeo Casino - opšta diskusija

CryptoLeo Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od anapaul5023
5.434 pregleda 41 odgovora |
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Hvala Romi na poruci. Veoma je frustrirajuće jer sam već imao verifikovan nalog, igrao sam i povlačio se bez ikakvih problema, a ipak su mi blokirali isplate i tražili još dokumenata za verifikaciju. Tražili su dokumente koje mi nijedan drugi kazino nikada nije tražio. Izvodi iz banke, uplatnice, sve... i poslao sam i račun je verifikovan. A ipak mi ne daju da se povučem, neće mi dati odgovor niti reći bilo šta? Očigledno kasne i čine sve što mogu da mi ne plate. Ne mogu da razumem kako ovaj kazino ima tako visok rejting ovde na kazinoguru. Već sam odgovorio Veroniki i čak sam poslao sve dokumente koje je kazino tražio.

Automatski prevedeno:

Želim da vas obavestim da je posle mnogo insistiranja moj nalog konačno odobren i da su moja povlačenja obrađena. hvala za svu vašu pomoć

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, that is really great that after all this you finally got it.

Did you already receive the money as well?

It is for us important information because, without your confirmation, Veronika is not able to close your complaint, you know.🙂


Zdravo Romi, da, već sam primio novac na svoj račun. Takođe sam obavestio Veroniku i slučaj je zatvoren. Hvala vam na pomoći. 😉

Automatski prevedeno:

That's nice of you and I am glad you got it solved.

Will you continue playing there now? What do you reckon?

I’ve been waiting for the payout for days. The account is verified, and I used to receive payouts quickly, literally within 24 hours.


Hey, how long are you waiting for the withdrawals now? Did you ask them if there is any reason for the delay? Did you only play with real money?


I have been waiting for two weeks; I played with my real money, and payouts in the past were processed within 24 hours.filefile


Then it's a dealbreaker if you wait two weeks. I saw that you have already requested the complaint so we will see if our team will have to intervene or you will get the money in the near future. I believe that after a positive experience it will happen eventually.

If not, we will be here to try and help.🙂

Zdravo, nisam dobio povlačenje od Criptoleo-a više od 60 sati, iako ranije nisam imao problema sa povlačenjem. Osvojio sam veliki ekspres na utakmicama Lige šampiona i sada mi neće povući novac. Moj nalog je odavno verifikovan, igram tamo skoro godinu dana. Za to vreme, stanje je minus više od 3.000 dolara (mogu da dam sve snimke ekrana sa depozitima i isplatama. Podrška ništa ne objašnjava. Pisao sam im mejlom, do sada nisu odgovorili. Hteo sam da napravim žalbu na vaš veb-sajt, ali iz nekog razloga posle 3. pitanja imam praznu stranicu i nema nastavka, pomozite mi da rešim ovaj problem!

Automatski prevedeno:

May I ask if the situation still persists now? How long did it take before for you to receive your money from this site?

Unfortunately, we don't deal with sports betting, so I am not sure if we could intervene here, so I hope everything will be solved soon. Please let us know for sure.


Da, još uvek ne podižu novac. Ranije su se uvek povlačili u roku od 1-2 dana. Šteta što ne možete pomoći (

Automatski prevedeno:

Takođe sam igrao kazino tamo, samo ne tako često kao što sam se kladio.

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, we always give casinos 14 full days to proceed with the payment before we intervene. I could actually suggest you file a complaint so our team can see and investigate the whole situation, but be prepared that there can be nothing done before this time period passes.

What you actually could do is to wait and see how it will go, and surely let us know whenever you have any updates.

Could you do that, perhaps? We'll wait here for you.


U redu

Automatski prevedeno:

Iskreno, moj prijateljski savet, izbegavaj ovaj casino!

This CASINO HAS A RATING OF 9.8 out of 10?!

Please, what are the criteria for such an almost PERFECT SCORE?

This seems like a sponsored advertisement by Cryptoleo Casino. I haven't had pleasant experiences with this casino when it comes to withdrawals. Even without that, it’s a new casino, unproven in the industry, and by giving it such a high rating, you are diminishing your own credibility, which we hold in high regard considering the forum's past work.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Please read our article about how we review online casinos so you can better understand it.

I can see that you filed a complaint regarding the issue with your withdrawal, and they finally paid you. Right?

What kind of error was there, tough?🤔

Today I decided to register at this casino. I made a deposit of 300 trx, won 2000 and put it on withdrawal. It has been verified. But for two hours now, we have been waiting for the team's approval. I must say right away that the impression is already bad. Since I play in many places and such amounts are processed instantly. Tomorrow I will write about the result.

Danas sam odlučio da se pridružim jednoj od najboljih kazino igara

Automatski prevedeno:
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