Mmm.. . Imam snimak ekrana…
ali nema druge potvrde
rekli su mi u ćaskanju da imaju ažuriranje softvera i takođe prvo kažu da može potrajati do 2 dana da me kontaktiraju putem e-pošte „sa mojim dobicima"
bili su veoma ljubazni, ali ja sam ionako bio toliko frustriran, jer se bojim da je zbog prvog komentara prvi agent sa kojim sam razgovarao rekao nešto poput: "da proverim da li nema ograničenja za isplate za ovo"
Bio sam kao: uh? Šta mislite?? Ograničenje isplata??
onda to više nikad nije spomenula, ali to me je uplašilo!! Lol!!!
Ne opet molim te!!! Lol…
Mmm.. . I have a screenshot…
but no other confirmation
they told me on the chat that they are having a software update andas well first they say it may take up to 2 days to contact me via email "with my winnings"
they have been very polite but I was so frustrated anyways cuz I’m so afraid because of the very first comment the first agent I talked said something like: "let me check if there is no a limit on the payouts for this"
i was like: uh? What do you mean?? Limit of payouts??
then she never mentioned that again, but that scared the crap out of me!! Lol!!!
Not again please!!! Lol…