NaslovnaForumKazinaDa li da uložim žalbu ili da nastavim sa postupkom?...pomoć...

Da li da uložim žalbu ili da nastavim sa postupkom?...pomoć...

pre 1 godinu od syquence
1.852 pregleda 11 odgovora |
pre 1 godinu

Zdravo svima, treba mi savet nekog stručnijeg od mene o problemu koji imam sa onlajn kazinom koji nije AAMS.

Zatražio sam svoje prvo povlačenje od 300e (bez bonusa, samo pravi novac i stvarne dopune) i sajt mi je poslao e-poštu tražeći dodatne dokumente.

Želim da istaknem da sam već verifikovao račun za igre sa svim potrebnim dokumentima (selfi, vozačka dozvola i kućni račun), u dodatnim dokumentima traže od mene fotografiju sa prekrivenim brojevima, prednje i zadnje strane kartice sa kojim sam deponovao i još jedan selfi sa svojom licencom u čitljivoj ruci.

Zanima me kakva je veza između selfija sa vozačkom dozvolom u ruci i mog povlačenja, kada već imaju fotografiju traženog dokumenta.

Da li da nastavim sa traženom verifikacijom ili je bolje da otvorim žalbu?

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 godinu
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

Hi can I ask what casino exactly is this ? 

As far as verification is concerned, I would recommend to cooperate with the casino. Apparently it's just a additional verification since you say that your account has already been verified. It's a process that casinos are careful about, so I don't think it's unusual. 

In summary, it's best to provide the additional things that the casino requires from you so that you can then withdraw the money. 

Anyway, when you manage to get through the verification, could you let us know if it went smoothly and how long it took ? 

pre 1 godinu

Zdravo, hvala na odgovoru, kazino je Smokace, nemam više

poslao ništa, jer pored selfija moram da pošaljem i dokaz da je kartica

pripejd kartica koju sam koristio pripada meni, izvršio sam više od jedne dopune

na njihovom sajtu, ali je problem što banka ne daje dodatnu dokumentaciju

o pripejdu pa ne znam šta da mu pošaljem.

Dokumenti koje sam do sada poslao su (prednja/zadnja vozačka dozvola, selfi mene bez dokumenata, dva Casam računa, fotografija prednje i zadnje pripejd kartice), čak i da sam poslao svoj selfi sa vozačkom dozvolom, ipak ne bih imaju dokumentaciju koja im je potrebna za pripejd karticu....

(kažu mi da je snimak izvoda kartice iz aplikacije moje banke takođe u redu ako sam dobro razumeo, problem je što žele karticu sa prvih šest brojeva otkrivenih i poslednja četiri... u redu u aplikaciji moja banka prikazuje samo poslednja četiri pa mislim da bi i to odbili)

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

You know, I think it is fair to say that the best approach is to cooperate with the casino. I know how that sounds; believe me, the point, however, is to be verified not to prolong the process further. Thus, I need you to know that we allow casinos 14 full days to complete the verification and send the money.

Other details are provided in this guide:

May I know what seems to be the issue with the prepaid card? Honestly, I would expect the necessity of the card's holder's name, which I assume these cards usually don't have...🤔

Am I close?

pre 1 godinu

Da, tačno, ime se može pročitati samo u aplikaciji banke ali možete videti samo poslednje četiri cifre dok oni žele i prvih šest, poslao sam i sliku kartice sa svim traženim brojevima ali očigledno ime ne pojavljuju na kartici jer je pripejd...

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

Kasnije kada se vratim sa posla pokušaću da im pošaljem ekran i objasnim šta ne mogu dalje, videću i obavestiću vas i hvala na predlozima za sada

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

I understand your situation. So we will wait for the casino's reply and see what statement they will give. If it will not be possible to provide the document that they ask for because it is a prepaid card, I guess they will have some alternative to resolve the situation. 

Let us know when you hear the news. I hope everything will be fine. 🙂

pre 1 godinu

How long has anyone waited for this "game check, bet check" before receiving your withdrawal? I am going on 5 days even after successful kyc verification and I was told I been verified and did not need any further verification procedures to withdraw but I haven't even gotten one or any email or indication that I am getting my winnings going on day 5! They keep sending me the same excuses each time "waiting to hear back from the game provider" 🙄 such an unnecessary withdrawal process just to stall from paying

pre 1 godinu

Hello. May I ask which casino are you referring to, please? We usually give casinos 14 full days to complete the process, especially if some additional checks need to be done. Hopefully it'll be processed soon. Please let us know about any updates regarding.

pre 1 godinu

Smokace. And it has now been day 8. They've since canceled two of my pending withdrawals and haven't given me a reason why, I've been talking to automated responses all this time, I've yet to hear from a real person filefile

pre 1 godinu

In this case, the live support won't be in any help, in my opinion, as they can not, or don't know to tell you the exact explanation. And unfortunately, until the casino will get the full check from the game provider, there is not much to do for you, and even for them, just wait. I know, that it is not very easy, nor pleasant, but without the decision from the game provider, there won't be any progress.

Have you got any feeling that you played in a non-standard way, maybe, or encountered some technical error during the game, by any chance?

pre 11 meseci

I m texting yu today, caus I made nearly same experiences with smokace like yu did. I won about 20.000€ 2 weeks ago. First bigger win was in GATES OF OLYMPUS 1000, about 11.000€ I hit the 1000x multiplier in freespins, you can imagine I was near tears of happiness, on next day I topped that with again about 10000€ on 10000 BC slot from yggdrasil. After I confronted smokace with my withdrawal request, one day later I got email, I should wait for the approval of the game provider until 14 working days. This shocked me to a freaking point, okay it s maybe my fault cause I lost self control, I ayed the whole winnings down as I recognized I was limited to withdraw in partly transactions of 1200 per day, this is horrible and not very serious behavior for a recommended casino, I felt so betrayed.

Maybe I should really have waited the time they ve set to wait for me as a player, but I ve read so much other experiences on telegram for example, they all hav made the same bad experiences, and one never gets to know, if anybody of them, with higher winnings ever got his money at the end. It s terrible.

So I m asking yu now, did yu get yur money in the end, or do they still let yu slide strategically, with any complaining about approvals and difficulties with the payment method etc??

I really want to know if anybody with high winning amounts really gets paid from smokace, it seems like a farce.

I want to trust this casino cause I Lov paying there, since I always had the feeling the winnings are really considerable in comparison to other casinos, but what the hell, If yu can t let it be paid out.

So please tell me yu finally got yur money, or my relationship with SMOKACE will end up here with this case. 😂😭

I ve read from a case in telegram Chanel, someone waited over 30working days and he never got any feedback from the casino,, this player didn t go on updating what happened, he left his story exactly open like yu did here, no more comments no more updates.

I want to clear up for me and other players if this casino is worth it or should be avoided, because of strategically perceiving.

I would be so happy, for any answer from yur side, how this story went on. Please Don t hesitate. Thanks so much previously😇❤️

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