ForumKazinaDaddy Casino - opšta diskusija

Daddy Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 3)

pre 10 meseci od franztheuerw
5563 pregleda 60 odgovora |
12 3 4
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pre 4 meseci

Kazino Guru uvek daje visoke ocene svim lažnim kazinom, ne znam da li im plaćaju za ovu stvar, ali mi igrači trpimo sav posao zbog ovoga, lično, kada vidim visok rejting kazina, ja znaj da je to laž

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

We are always sorry if a player experiences some kind of bad experience at an online casino, and our complaint team always does everything possible to help those players solve all the issues. It is not always possible, of course, for many reasons. In accordance to the complaint resolution and many other aspects, our data team then change the safety index of each casino. If you are interested, we have this article you can read, in which it is all explained in detail. Please have a look here 👈.

pre 3 meseci

Nisam mogao da nađem kako da ti napišem privatnu poruku. Odbili ste moju recenziju. Ali zašto? Ja sam običan igrač koji je napisao svoje mišljenje o kazinu.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Hello. Our internal system has detected too many similarities, which is why your review got rejected. If you wish to send us some screenshots from the casino account or accounts you'd like to write your review for for us to see that you are a regular player, please forward those with an explanation to

We really appreciate your cooperation.

pre 3 meseci

U redu. Sada ću poslati. Hvala na odgovoru

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Received! Let our team check those and will get back to you soon. Thank you.

pre 3 meseci

Zašto me odbijaju recenzije kazina? Igram u ovim projektima i podelio sam svoje mišljenje. Vidim da nisam prvi koji je ovo uradio. Da li treba da dostavim i snimke ekrana?

Prokomentarisali ste da u recenzijama ima sličnosti. Ali to je moje mišljenje. A ako se poklapa sa drugim igračima, šta je onda loše u tome?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Your answers are above 👆😉.

pre 3 meseci

Why were my reviews rejected and approved ones deleted?

pre 3 meseci

I sent an email with screenshots to your email.

pre 3 meseci

Hey. Thank you. We'll check those out and come back to you with the decision. If there is proof you are a real player, your reviews will be approved retroactively.🙂

pre 3 meseci

Thank you Romi

pre 3 meseci

No worries at all. We are always glad whenever a player is interested in cooperating. Have a nice day.

pre 3 meseci

Otišao sam da se registrujem u guru kazinu da dobijem bonus. Bonus je bio 200% i 100 okretaja. Čim sam se registrovao na profilu pisalo je 100% bonus. Otišao sam na ćaskanje za pomoć. i šta vidim da je šala .Razgovarala sam sa nekim i on je odjednom otišao dok sam čekao odgovor

Ovo se dešava iznova i iznova.niko vam ne može pomoći.ako želite da se povučete mogu da zamislim šta će se dogoditi.nema razloga da gubim vreme tamo, stavio sam nulu

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Hi, I'm sorry to hear that this situation has arisen. So you still haven't resolved anything and nobody got to you and the casino ignored you, yes ? The best thing would be to find out why this is the case but I see that you obviously didn't stay in the casino and you won't be going back. 

Have you tried emailing support ?  

pre 3 meseci


Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Hi, I looked at your review and retroactively accepted it. I think it doesn't hurt for players to know what happened, and if you had a no deposit bonus that you couldn't play with and had to deposit in the end, it probably wasn't the best experience. 

Next time it would be good if you describe a bit more and don't copy what support wrote, because we want players to explain things about the casino. So for next time you can share more.

Good luck. ☘️

pre 2 meseci

Dobar dan! Recite mi zašto je moja recenzija odbijena? Igram u ovom kazinu i imam mnogo iskustva u igricama.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Thank you for reaching out to us. As we experience too many similarities in the user reviews to the casinos you have written about, and we always want all the reviews to be unbiased, please send an email to with screenshots from your casino account so we can be sure you are a real player there. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

pre 2 meseci kaže nakon što podignem novac da je moj račun verifikovan, ali nedelju dana ne mogu ništa da podignem i kažu da ne znaju kada je račun verifikovan.

Automatski prevedeno:
12 3 4

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