NaslovnaForumKazinaDazzlehand Casino - opšta diskusija

Dazzlehand Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od quartasalvatore748
1.803 pregleda 60 odgovora |
1 2 34

Hvala Radka

Siguran sam da više nikada neću videti svoj novac, ali ipak možemo da napišemo žalbu nadležnom organu za igre na sreću. Ako kazino ne pruži nikakav dokaz ili ga ne komentariše


Automatski prevedeno:


So it means the casino is not willing to cooperate much. well, I'm sorry to hear that.

I just saw the last post in the complaint thread; I'm quite confused, though. Do you truly wish for the complaint to be closed? May I know why, please? I could not understand.

If you discovered that you had self-excluded from the entire group but did not use false personal information, and the casino still discovered this after you had deposited and played, I would say that there is still no justification for canceling your winnings.

What troubles me is this part: "My winnings and my account were blocked and deleted."

Nisam video uslove koji kažu da je maksimalni dobitak 100 evra, ali sopstveni bilans je bio 235 evra i kada je ostvaren promet, bilans se smanjio na 100 evra!

Račun treba zatvoriti odmah nakon što isplate novac!

Automatski prevedeno:

What you're describing sounds like a maximum bonus withdrawal limit—not a win limit. Win limit limits the amount you may win per session or spin.

Can you check the bonus concrete conditions, please?

When it comes to welcome offers, including deposit bonuses, I found this:

Maximum cashout: 15x deposit value = there is a max withdrawable limit


Thank you.

Another reason to keep the complaint going, I guess. If you reconsider your last complaint instruction, please inform Nick as soon as possible. 🙏


zdravo Radka zatvaranje žalbe se malo preklopilo


Šta ćemo dalje?

Kazino mi prenosi samo 2 uplate koje sam stavio u kazino 2k50€

Ali od zarade nema ni traga

šta ćemo dalje??

Hvala ti što se boriš za mene

Ako želite Radku, možete pokušati da kontaktirate kazino. Još uvek imam sve snimke ekrana dobitaka i saobraćaja e-pošte i potvrde verifikacije

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo Radka, odmah ću kontaktirati korisničku podršku u vezi sa mojim dobicima!

Vraćam se!

Automatski prevedeno:


Of course, I will be here!


Radka zašto je žalba zatvorena? Zar Nik ne čita istoriju ćaskanja ovde?

Želeo bih da PROSLEDIM žalbu

Hvala vam, možete li pokušati da kontaktirate kazino, već sam pokušao, ali nisam dobio mnogo, bio bih zadovoljan sa polovinom od 541$

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

zdravo Radka zatvaranje žalbe se malo preklopilo


Šta ćemo dalje?

Kazino mi prenosi samo 2 uplate koje sam stavio u kazino 2k50€

Ali od zarade nema ni traga

šta ćemo dalje??

Hvala ti što se boriš za mene

Ako želite Radku, možete pokušati da kontaktirate kazino. Još uvek imam sve snimke ekrana dobitaka i saobraćaja e-pošte i potvrde verifikacije

Automatski prevedeno:


At this moment the complaint is already closed. Please do not mistake this forum for your complaint. When you change your mind, you have to inform your resolver immediately because Nick is not aware of our separate conversation.

The only option is to ask Nick to reopen the complaint for you. You may send a request by email but preferably use the reopen complaint button located directly in your complaint thread—this link leads to the complaint. 👈

Kindly explain the last events to Nick; he will suggest what comes next. I'm not familiar with details so I do not know whether the refund of deposits is fair or not. We always prefer to investigate such things through the complaint. 🙏


izvini nemam pojma kako da pišem Niku je bio na njegovom profilu da sprečim zatvaranje žalbe, ali nisam mogao da nađem ništa gde bih mogao da mu pišem

Automatski prevedeno:

Kindly read my instructions carefully.

This is merely a forum; we only debate about your problem here. Have you seen Nick in this thread? No, he has never been here on the forum...

Your complaint, however, is held by Nick elsewhere—you can access it anytime you like in your profile details:


This green link leads to the complaint. 👈👈👈 use the reopen request button, please

ok, morao sam da pišem sve iz početka 🙁

Žalba je ponovo podneta

Sada je vaš red 🙂

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:


It worked out - the complaint appears to be open and running. Nick is going to handle that from now on, in the complaint thread. 🙂

Hvala ti za SVE

Bio bih zadovoljan sa polovinom svog dobitka

Nadamo se da će vas kazino kontaktirati

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo Radka

Danas sam primio e-poštu od dazzlehand kazina

Nažalost, moj engleski nije najbolji

nadam se da mi možete pomoći

Ako sam dobro razumeo, kazino želi da ima određene podatke od mene kao što su broj pasoša, datum rođendana

Poslali su mi i obrazac kao prilog. Nažalost, ne razumem šta kazino znači. Da li da ga popunim i pošaljem nazad poštom?

Nažalost, ja to ne mogu

Kazino bi sada trebalo da odgovori poštom, a moja devojka vidi da to ne bi bilo tako sjajno

ili je dovoljno ako podatke pošaljem mejlom

Molim vas pomozite😊 filefile

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Automatski prevedeno:


Sure thing. I'd say you did good job with the translation. 🙂

In order to proceed with our request, which seems like an access request to data stored by the casino in compliance with the GDPR, the casino asked you to provide your date of birth, declare your passport or ID number, plus your home address.

They have to be sure you are the subject of those personal data you wish to review.

They also attached the form you need to fill out so they can proceed further.

Would you please let me know if you are familiar with this request? To me, it seems like you have no idea what this is for.


Zdravo Radka

Ne, prvi put vidim ovaj obrazac

Da li onda obrazac treba poslati poštom?

potrebne su godine dok ne stigne tamo i bude poslata nazad

Zašto sve ne funkcioniše putem e-pošte?

Takođe moram da vam kažem da je forma strana i da jedva razumem šta treba kazinu

AŽURIRANjE 27.02.2025 13:21

Upravo sam poslao sve podatke mejlom

+ broj pasoša

+ Datum rođenja

+ adresa stanovanja

Pored toga, formular je popunjen i fotografija je poslata mejlom

Pored toga, mejlom su poslate i fotografije moje vozačke dozvole i broj pasoša

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Automatski prevedeno:

Now that I think about it, perhaps it would be good to find someone who can help you communicate with the casino in English. I suppose there have been many miscommunications on both sides.

I would like to assist you, but in order to do so, I must participate in all related correspondence between you and the casino.

Otherwise, I have no way of knowing the specifics of the request that the casino believes you made but you are completely unaware of.

Still, I will try: Please let me know what text message you sent to the casino prior to receiving the instructions form.

I think the translator will be required.

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Zdravo Radka

Pre kazino obrasca sam poslao ovu e-poštu kazinu


Kao što ste predložili, poslao sam mejl kazinu i tražio dokaz da mi je, prema kazinu, zabranjen pristup celoj grupi i tražio sam transkript.


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Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you.

In that case, I suppose they believe that to be covered by the GDPR. Therefore, the best course of action would be to comply with the requirements in order to obtain proof of the request, which you hardly remember—the "global account closure" for the complaint purpose.


zdravo Radka

Radim ono što mi kažeš

predložio si mi da zatražim transkript,

Uradio sam to putem mejla

Kazino je tražio moje podatke i popunjen obrazac

Ja sam to uradio

Ne mogu više

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