Apsolutno, strpljenje je dobar prijatelj. Sada se čini da stvari počinju da se razjašnjavaju, konačno su pronašli problem. Prilično sam siguran da je problem bio u tome što je bitkoin opadao/gore. Ne piše ništa o posebnim naknadama kada povučem.
Šta zapravo misle pod: „Izgleda da je došlo do iznenadnog skoka u naknadama i da je to razlog za kašnjenje obrade.
Nažalost, ovo je van naših ruku, što znači da ćemo morati da sačekamo drugog . Može li ovo zaista izgledati validno? Zašto ne vratite moj novac i napraviću novo povlačenje. Po mom mišljenju kripto ide gore-dole, ali pretpostavljam da ove stranice obično ostvaruju prilično dobar profit, pa zašto jednostavno ne padnu, zbog pogrešne kalkulacije, i pošalju mi moj novac?
Ako radim kao stolar i obećam kupcu cenu o kojoj razgovaramo i onda kaže: da, hajde da uradimo to. Onda kada je posao završen, ja odjednom kažem: O izvini cene drva su porasle 30%, stavio je u fakturu….
Veliko gore, hvala momci ovde u kazino guruu 💪.
Ovo je najnovija pošta:
Dragi hrišćane,
Hvala vam na e-poruci i izvinjavam se zbog kasnog odgovora.
Proveravali smo ovu transakciju direktno sa procesorom plaćanja i upravo smo dobili ažuriranje od njih. Vaše povlačenje još uvek čeka na Blockchain potvrde. Čini se da je došlo do iznenadnog skoka u naknadama i da je to razlog za kašnjenje obrade.
Nažalost, ovo nije u našim rukama, što znači da ćemo morati da sačekamo još jedno, nadamo se konačno ažuriranje. Čim dobijemo bilo kakve vesti, obavestićemo vas. Za sada želimo da se izvinimo zbog dugog čekanja i da vam se zahvalimo na strpljenju.
Topli pozdrav,
DepositVin Finance
Absolutely, patience is a good friend. Now it seems that things are starting to clear, they finally found the problem. I’m pretty sure the problem was that bitcoin was going down/ up. It doesn’t say anything about special fees when i withdraw.
What do they really mean by: "It appears that there was a sudden spike in the fees and this is the reason behind the processing delay.
Unfortunately this is out of our hands which means we will have to wait for another". Can this really seems valid? Why don’t deposit back my money and I will make a new withdrawal. In my opinion crypto goes really up and down but I guess this sites normally make a pretty good profit so why don’t just take the fall, due their wrong calculation and send me my money?
If i work as a carpenter and promised a customer a price that we discuss and then says: yeah let’s do it. Then when the job is done I sudden say: Oh sorry wood prices had gone up 30%, it put in the invoice….
Big up, thanks guys here att casino guru 💪.
This is the latest mail:
Dear Christian,
Thank you for your email and apologies for the late reply.
We were checking this transaction directly with the payment processor and we just received an update from them. Your withdrawal is still pending Blockchain confirmations. It appears that there was a sudden spike in the fees and this is the reason behind the processing delay.
Unfortunately this is out of our hands which means we will have to wait for another, hopefully final update. As soon as we receive any news we will let you know. For now we want to apologize for the long waiting time and thank you for being patient.
Warm Regards,
DepositWin Finance
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