NaslovnaForumKazinaDivas Luck Casino - opšta diskusija

Divas Luck Casino - opšta diskusija

 od Leonorcostaa
6.944 pregleda 20 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Divas Luck Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Od marta pokušavam da podignem svoj novac odatle i ne mogu, a već sam pokušao da kontaktiram kazino i nije pomoglo. Može li mi neko pomoći molim vas?

Automatski prevedeno:

We are always willing to help, but it will require more details, I'm sure

Has your account been fully verified, please? Have you received any related information from the casino? If so, feel free to paste it all here.

Sadly, I can see that the casino is among the bad ones though. (check here) Well, it may complicate things a bit.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Moj nalog je verifikovan mesecima, dobio sam mejl sa potvrdom.

Već sam napravio više od 3 depozita i uložio sam više novca nego što sam već uložio.

Već sam razgovarao sa 3 različita asistenta, i ne mogu mi ništa pomoći, sada će ponovo da provere moj nalog 🤷🏽‍♀

Automatski prevedeno:

Isto foi a resposta que os 3 me deram:

62.10 Before ordering the first payment, the player must bet 100% of the payment as a deposit of money amount at minimum 1.50 odd. This requirement is introduced to combat fraud and "money laundering" by players.

63.6 Money deposited in the Casino must" be used for gaming activity. Due to this, all deposits need to be wagered at least three (3) times.


Just to make sure that I understand correctly, you have already fulfilled the wagering of deposits: 3 times the total amount and you still can't withdraw the active balance, am I correct, please?

Are you sure that you meet the wagering requirement, please?


Danas su konačno prihvatili da podignem novac (barem više nema novca na računu), nakon 5 pokušaja i mnogo razmena mejlova. Zamolio sam ih da mi pošalju novac putem bankovnog transfera, da li neko zna koliko je vremena potrebno da uđe na moj račun?

Automatski prevedeno:


normally it would take about a few working days, I'd say.

Let me know how it goes.

Zdravo, uspeo sam da vratim svoj novac! Hvala puno za svu pomoć!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello there!

Wonderful and splendid 🙂!

How long did it take in total to get the money, can you tell, please?


Hi, that's great. I am also curious same like Radka. Let us know please. 🙂

Zdravo, trebalo je 2/3 dana.

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, I'd say that is very refreshing since we are more used to rather long periods. 😀

I just noticed that 1 month ago you wrote "I've been trying to withdraw my money from there since March and I can't, and I've already tried to contact the casino and it didn't help. Can anyone help me please?"

So, your answer sounds quite confusing. Is it just me?

Zdravo: Registrovao sam se u Divas kazinu, igrao, verifikovao svoj račun i napravio povlačenje u iznosu od 470 evra. Povlačenje je na čekanju 1 mesec i kada kontaktiram putem mejla da pitam, piše da treba da nastavim da čekam.

Automatski prevedeno:


I sincerely hope you are not talking about Divas Luck Casino. Kindly check this link, to know what we are dealing with here.

In any case, one month is far more than usual, and I would submit a complaint against the casino. I'm glad you found us!

Don't worry, the complaint's free. More details are available right here.

To create one, click or tap this direct link. Are you up to it?

Upravo taj Divas luck casino jeste. Šta treba da uradim da mi kazino plati?

Automatski prevedeno:

For a start it would be best to file a complaint on the link that Radka sent in her reply. But I'll add it here as well:

Our team will try to help you, because I think a month is too long. However, when I looked at the casino safety index, I am not surprised by this situation. Did the casino give you a reason why you have to wait so long ? 


Podneo sam zahtev za povlačenje 29.11 i još uvek čekam. U prilog samo ukazuju da treba da sačekam.

To je depozit bez bonusa, izvršio sam rollover i u kazinu i u sportskom klađenju i imam verifikovan Skrill nalog.

Šta bih trebao da uradim?

Automatski prevedeno:

Frankly, I guess you need to wait a bit 🙁. I know it sounds harsh...

Simply put, from what you say, I see no obvious reason for any delay, yet it is just an opinion based solely on your point of view.

We could really use some explanation from the casino. And I hate to see you have none.

The usual problems are bound to the verification, so may I know whether you have successfully passed this process yet?

I do not want to put you under additional pressure, but I presume you should know this casino has earned a terrible safety index. Which indicates very low reliability... See for yourself here.

I'm especially concerned about this warning:

Player complaints signify that the casino does not treat players right or deal with certain situations correctly. We consider the number and seriousness of complaints in relation to the casino’s size, as it can be expected that sites with more players will also have more complaints. Complaints about related casinos are also taken into account.

Well, let me know the details, please.


Da, uspešno sam prošao verifikaciju računa i metoda depozita.

Prvo sam deponovao preko Jeton Cash-a (Jeton Card je rekao da nije dostupan, nisu objasnili zašto), zatim sam pokušao da podignem preko Jeton Card-a i oni su odbili jer je to bio drugačiji metod. Čak i to prihvatam, uprkos tome što je to sve Jeton i u podršci su mi rekli da mogu da povučem koristeći drugi metod osim depozita.

Zatim sam napravio novi depozit preko Skrill-a, izvršio novo prebacivanje iznosa i verifikaciju računa i zatražio povlačenje.

Automatski prevedeno:
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