Što se tiče povraćaja sredstava, moguće je da će zatvoriti vrata za kasnije igranje u drugim kazinima, pa sam zato pitao da li je ovo poslednje rešenje za vas dok ne iscrpite druge opcije. Ali možete dobiti mnogo informacija o tome u ovoj temi , pa pogledajte.
Što se tiče rejtinga, zato su nam potrebni igrači u nevolji da otvaraju žalbe da bi saznali da li su zaista pogrešili ili ne. U zavisnosti od toga da li pokušavaju da ga reše ili samo puste stvari, indeks bezbednosti će se promeniti.
Što se tiče onoga što tražite od kazina, moraćete to da pomenete Niku, jer ja ne rešavam žalbe.
Čvrsto verujem da će se to nekako rešiti i da će situacija biti okončana poštenim ishodom.
Držaću vam palčeve.🤞
As for the chargeback, it is possible that it will close the door to play later in other casinos, so that's why I asked if this is a last resort for you until you have exhausted other options. But you can get a lot of information about it in this thread, so check it out.
As for the rating, that's why we need players in trouble to open complaints to find out if they really made a mistake or not. Depending on whether they try to solve it or just let things go, the safety index will change.
As far as what you are asking from the casino, you will have to mention it to Nick, because I don't handle complaints.
I firmly believe that it will be resolved somehow and the situation will be ended with a fair outcome.
I will keep my fingers crossed for you.🤞
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