Mogu li dobiti pomoć u vezi sa žalbom? Samo me teraju da trčim u krug. Stalno insistiraju da je bankovni račun povezan sa mojom kreditnom karticom.
Sve što sam uradio je da sam koristio svoju kreditnu karticu za deponovanje koristeći Apple Pai, što sam uradio na desetinama sajtova i na 3 sajta pod istim upravljanjem (kueenspins/robi/ricki kazino) i niko od njih nije imao ovaj problem ili nesporazum o tome kako kreditna kartica funkcioniše (plaćanje kreditnom karticom, podizanje na bankovni račun KOJI NISU VEROVATNO NISU POVEZANI SA DNEVNOM DRUGIOM PROBLEMA) trebaće mi više od mesec dana ako ne i više da dobijem novac što je suludo
Can I get some help with my complaint? They are just making me run in circles now. They keep insisting there is a bank account attached to my credit card.
All I did was use my credit card to deposit using apple pay, which I have done at dozens of sites and at 3 of the sites under the same management (queenspins/roby/ricky casino) and none of them were having this issue or misunderstanding of how the credit card works (pay by credit card, withdraw to a bank account THAT ARE NOT LINKED TO EACH OTHER), verification was no problem and withdrawal was fine... probably going to take me over a month if not more to actually get the money which is crazy