ForumKazinaElabet Casino - opšta diskusija

Elabet Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 3)

pre 4 meseci od Carmatz
3082 pregleda 54 odgovora |
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pre 3 meseci

Naravno, ako ništa ne bude od toga, osloniću se na AAMS, i zato što im sigurno neću ostaviti svoj saldo, ili bar ne iznos uplaćenih sredstava.

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pre 3 meseci

I totally understand that and I wouldn't give up either, so I applaud that. I hope it will not be necessary, but if it is, it is good that you still have this option to contact someone. 

So let me know if you have anything new. 

pre 3 meseci

Podneo sam žalbu AAMS-u pošto još nisam dobio odgovor iz kazina

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pre 3 meseci

Well then, as I said, I'll wait for your update when you have one. That is, if it will be okay from your side. You might help other players too. Fingers crossed.

pre 3 meseci

Dobre vesti, konačno. Dobio sam povlačenje 750 evra koje sam tražio 14. maja. Dakle 36 dana čekanja.

Ukratko, razumem vreme čekanja, vesti, provere, možda čak i poteškoće sa likvidnošću, ali mislim da treba da radimo malo bolje. Ovo mi se nikada nije desilo u tako dugo vremena. Morao sam da im šaljem dokumente nekoliko puta, a oni su uporno govorili da nisu originalni.

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pre 3 meseci

Konačno dobre vesti!!! U ponedeljak ću napuniti 36, nadajmo se najboljem!

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pre 3 meseci

Konačno dobre vesti!!! U ponedeljak ću napuniti 36, nadajmo se najboljem!

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pre 3 meseci

Kažem ti, ako si im sve dao i više ne cepaju muda tražeći od tebe stvari koje si im već poslao, to je dobar znak, računaj desetak dana odatle...

Luda vremena, ali dobro... Ne znam ni šta očekuju od igrača da uradi ako treba eonima da im se novac vrati

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Dobre vesti, konačno. Dobio sam povlačenje 750 evra koje sam tražio 14. maja. Dakle 36 dana čekanja.

Ukratko, razumem vreme čekanja, vesti, provere, možda čak i poteškoće sa likvidnošću, ali mislim da treba da radimo malo bolje. Ovo mi se nikada nije desilo u tako dugo vremena. Morao sam da im šaljem dokumente nekoliko puta, a oni su uporno govorili da nisu originalni.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Well, I'd say that's too much for my taste. I can understand if the casino has some procedures and has to stick to them, but to make one withdrawal last for over a month would probably discourage me from playing here anymore. 

However, how do you see it, will you find another casino where it won't take so long ? 

Anyway, I'm very glad that even after such a long time you managed to get the money.

Good luck. ☘️

pre 3 meseci

I'm subscribed at various casinos, i use them alternatingly. Before now, the most prolonged waiting was 1 week. So i'm pretty patient, i know it will take time to process and verify, I ain't even withdraw all the money, but right now they didn't make me willing to come back and play with them.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 3 meseci
pre 3 meseci

I honestly admire your patience! Delayed payments may happen for various reasons, but this is huge. No wonder you are not interested in staying at his casino.

Thank you very much for sharing your struggle with us. I'm more than convinced no one would like to experience that on their own.

If you don't mind a little tip, do you know you can review this casino? After all this you have been through, your point of view is more than deserved. If you like the idea, use this link to submit a user review on Elabet Casino.

pre 3 meseci

Sve sam poslao bar par nedelja, mora da sam poslao poslednji dokument bar 5/6 puta. Sada „treba im više vremena da verifikuju". U međuvremenu smo na 36 dana i ništa od mog novca

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pre 3 meseci

For me personally this would be unacceptable. I understand that if it's about account verification then casinos have to care about it as much as the players and have to follow certain procedures. If a player sends something that is not in a good format or does not meet the requirements then I can see why it might be delayed. 

But if a player sends last document and the casino doesn't see it for a week, that's pretty sad to me. 

Still, I believe that the reassurance from the other player helped at least a little bit and that you will see your money soon. 

If that happens, don't hesitate to share it with me.

pre 3 meseci

Ništa na kraju, kontaktirao sam svog advokata, predložio mi je da pošaljem još jedan mejl kojim ih podsećam na ugovorne obaveze i poštovanje ugovora o uslugama i na moju dostupnost za vansudsko rešenje, do sledeće nedelje ako nemam odgovor Nastaviću sa pravnim putem. Apsurdno je da dođe do ovoga!

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pre 3 meseci

Na pitanje s obzirom na moje neznanje o ovoj temi, otkrio sam da upravljaju isti ljudi koji su upravljali, onlajn kazinom koji je zatvoren neposredno pre otvaranja Elabeta bez plaćanja računa igrača. Kako to funkcioniše? Da li proglašavaju neku vrstu bankrota da bi oprali ruke od toga?

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pre 3 meseci

I'm not sure how it was and why the other casino closed. Maybe you can find more information on the internet, but it's not impossible. 

Regarding your next course of action, I'm curious to see how this is resolved. 

However, I saw that Michal has called the casino again, so let's hope that the case can be brought to a successful conclusion. This waiting would probably get on my nerves, but it will be important what the ending will be. 

Fingers crossed 🤞

12 3

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