Oh, razumem šta misliš.
Još jedan razlog za popunjavanje prijave. Vidite, za razliku od drugih „sajtova za pregled", naš Indeks bezbednosti pokušava da izrazi verovatnoću da će igrač biti plaćen, a ne koliko brzo ili glatko stvari idu. Dakle, iz ove perspektive, kazino mora da propusti da u potpunosti isplati dobitak da bi se smatrao prevarom. Iako razumem da igrači smatraju da je prevara više kao skup praksi za odlaganje plaćanja, a ovaj kazino je istražen.
Nisam siguran da li možete da vidite recenziju kazina, ali indeks bezbednosti je nizak:
Nažalost, vaš opis odgovara opštoj slici i mislimo da je rizičan. 🙁
Nadam se da ćeš dobiti novac, naravno!
Oh, I see what you mean.
Another reason for filling up the compalint. You see, unlike other "review sites," our Safety Index tries to express the probability that the player will get paid, not how quickly or smoothly things goes. So, from this perspective, the casino has to fail to pay the winnings completely to be considered a scam. Though I understand that players feel a scam is more like a set of practices for delaying payments, and this casino has been investigated.
I'm not sure whether you can see the casino review, but the Safety Index is low:
Unfortunately, your description fits the overall picture, and we think it is risky. 🙁
I hope you get the money, of course!