Zdravo ponovo momci!
Danas sam dobio e-poštu od MGA, gde su otkrili koliko sam imao na računu na dan kada je zatvoren. Ova suma nije imala sredstva koja sam pokušao da podignem...
Ali važan deo, koji može biti nova informacija za sve nas je ovo:
„Nakon naše istrage, Uprava je potvrdila da je EGMIT Elite Limited imao nedostatak sredstava za igrače. Nakon višestrukih pokušaja da kontaktira operatera i njegove predstavnike, Uprava je podnela policijski izveštaj, a takođe je nastavila da poništava dozvolu operatera i pokrenuo postupak likvidacije".
Dakle, izgleda da povrat novca nije tako jednostavan. Ali barem MGA radi nešto ovde. Ima li vesti od vas?
Hi again guys!
Today i got an email from MGA, where they found how much i had in my account the day it was closed. This sum did not have funds i had made a withdrawal attempt...
But the important part, which may be new information to all of us is this:
"Following our investigations, the Authority has confirmed that EGMIT Elite Limited experienced a shortfall of player funds. Following multiple attempts at contacting the operator and its representatives, the Authority has filed a police report, and has also proceeded to cancel the operator’s licence and has initiated liquidation proceedings."
So, it seems that getting our money back isnt that simple. But at least MGA is doing something here. Any news from you?
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