NaslovnaForumKazinaFairspin Casino - opšta diskusija

Fairspin Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

pre 3 godina od Anonymized284
27.252 pregleda 108 odgovora |
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pre 2 godina

As far as I believe, you already solved this issue via the regulator, am I correct, please?

Please bear in mind that we deliberately serve as mediators, we are not regulators nor lawers, so our hands are bound sometimes.

What Kristina wrote to you is all right. It's a business standard that payments are handled by those payment providers - the 3rd party company, so such an issue is out of our reach and the casino must usually wait for the provider to solve the problem - it's up to the provider.

don't make me wrong, however, customers should not get involved.

pre 2 godina

hbabe je već uplatio 500. Jednom je tražio povlačenje 150 gdje je samo 88 stiglo na moj račun. Odgađao sam se već dvije sedmice da preostali iznos ipak stigne na moj račun. ali ništa se ne dešava, mogu samo savjetovati da ne igrate ovdje. podrška je ljubazna, ali ne nužno od pomoći. Samo kaže da ste već završili proces i da bi novac trebao doći vrlo brzo. samo ne igrajte ovdje, ima dovoljno stranica na kojima se možete kockati. depozit je potpuno propao. 10 eura koje ni ja ne vraćam jer kažu da će iznos biti vraćen. takođe nije tačno. incident je već bio prije 10 dana.

ovo su prevaranti.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

I did a deposit of 300 usd 6 days ago , their system gave a different account provider from the last time to deposit.

until now I DONT have my money credited or refunded . They are ignoring all my emails and on the chat they answer always the same :" we are still waiting updates from your case, just wait " and then they ignore me for all day again

their are being totally unprofessional and unfair , i just want my money !!

pre 2 godina

Wow same for me ! And today they told me that the money was credited and lost, which is not true at all. Also they inform me I cannot withdraw more money that deposit but only less.... This casino is a scam... Do you know who the providor is ?

pre 2 godina

You must send a complaint to

they are the gambling regulator. Mine problem was solved just 6 days later after send the complaint

pre 2 godina

Wow same for me ! And today they told me that the money was credited and lost, which is not true at all. Also they inform me I cannot withdraw more money that deposit but only less.... This casino is a scam... Do you know who the providor is ?

pre 2 godina

Kindly submit the complaint as well, as I have instructed earlier.

Thank you.

pre 2 godina

Pravi prljavi kazino "Fairspin" i poznati streamer Casinodaddy promovira kazino. Klonite se ovog kazina jer je sumnjivo!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina


I can see that your complaint against this one was closed as resolved and you got your winnings. It's been

months back. How long did you wait for the money back then?

pre 2 godina


I can see that your complaint against this one was closed as resolved and you got your winnings. It's been

months back. How long did you wait for the money back then?

pre 2 godina

Sumnjiv kazino već dugo vremena. Imate li za mene dobru preporuku za igrače iz Njemačke Radka? LG

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pre 2 godina

You can start by browsing the recommended casinos. Alternatively, you can browse newly opened casinos.

Feel free to adjust all filters to your liking.

I can't recommend casinos directly because I'm not a big player myself 🙂.

pre 2 godina

Položio sam 10 evra i moj novac je u Londonu...

Fairspin kaže da je ovo moj problem...

Skrill kaže da kontaktirajte kazino...

Fairspina nije briga...

Kažu greške u skrilu...

Pustili su me da položim negde u Lindinu... Reci posle da nismo mi krivi...

Greška u sistemu...

Isti trik po treći put...

Čak ni nekoliko FreeSpin-a nakon sati stresa podrške..

I nabavite dokumenta...

Fairspin je nekada bio 10/10.. Sada 2/10..

Čak i sa držanjem žetona nisu prevarili za oko 100 €..

Budite oprezni sa igrom tokena...

Pokušavaju da vas prevare isplatama koje iznenada nestaju bez nagoveštaja mogućih komplikacija...

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 2 godina
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina


thank you for sharing. Did you eventually solve the deposit issue? I must confess that I did not fully follow: the money "was in London" and then you deposited it "somewhere in the Lindin".

I'm also interested to know, how does the token game work in Fairspin? How exactly you were cheated? 🤔

pre 2 godina

Imaju sisteme plaćanja koje ne mogu da kontrolišu ili da reše probleme sa njima. Čekao sam svoj novac 4 puta nedelje i provodio vreme u razgovorima za podršku.

Nije došao novac, ali uvek nekada..

Sada čekam svoj novac od 20.12.22.


Sa igrom tokena teoretski možete uložiti novac sa zonama u kazinu...

U nekom trenutku sam želeo da isplatim svoje deonice iz kazina i pao sam na uslove koji su veoma skriveni i podmukli.

Nikada nisam dobio ovu isplatu.

Savetujem vam da napravite snimke ekrana ćaskanja za sve. I da se izričito sve pita i ima dokaz.

Zamislite da kupujete akcije kreditnom karticom.. Ali ne dobijate svoj novac jer ste platili bankovnim transferom...

Trikovi su otprilike toliko loši.

Imam skrinšite istorije ćaskanja koji su veoma..vrlo nepoštovani...

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina


not the best experience, I won't be happy about that either. Did I understand correctly that this is not the first time you're facing an issue with the deposit (among other issues)?

Anyway, I fear that the problem can be caused by the payment provider, and that is something the casino can't resolve on its own. Not ideal, but quite common.

I can see that you wrote "The money has been credited to Fairspin's bank account in london" - in the complaint.

Can you see that amount in your casino account? 🤔 Or do you just know that the money has reached the recipient, but issue persists? I'm honestly not sure.

pre 2 godina

Imam potvrdu o prenosu skrila.

Kaže da je novac prebačen u London

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

Well, has the issue with the lost deposit been solved already? The complaint remains open, so maybe you would like to update Nick about the other issues you described. 🤔

pre 2 godina

Problem nije rešen i postoji više od mesec dana.

U kazinu me zavaraju spam porukama za kopiranje

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

Seems that both Nick and I lost track of the issue. 🤔

I would say that you should write a short recap of the problem and paste it into the complaint. Can you do that, please?

pre 2 godina




Smeju ti se u lice dok te prevare..


Moj novac je prenet, ali nije odobren.

Prema priznanici o transferu, novac je poslat na račun u Londonu.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 2 godina
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina


I do not see any inappropriate reactions on the chat operator's site, to be honest.

The transaction is under investigation, hence no other "guy" can tell you more until this investigation is over, I'm afraid. To investigate further, the casinos usually forward the issue to their 3rd party payment provider, until further notice, the casinos can only wait for the results, at that moment you are literally in the same boat.

I suggest you wait for an update, there is nothing else you can do, I'm sorry.

I checked your complaint though, and find out that 12 hours ago the casino informed, that they had asked the provider for an update and received it.

I guess that this is a good turn.🤞

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 2 godina
pre 2 godina

Ovo je mali isečak...

Još ništa nije jasno

Ponovo sam kasnio sa traženjem dokumenata koje sam slao nekoliko puta pre mesec dana.

Moja isplata tokena, koja nije isplaćena, jednostavno je ignorisana

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