NaslovnaForumKazinaFairspin Casino - opšta diskusija

Fairspin Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 4)

 od Anonymized284
28.066 pregleda 108 odgovora |
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I see now. Well, once the authority decides in favor of the casino, there is nothing we can do about it.

As we all know, such authority is an official instance, despite our own opinions their word is kind of a law.

As far as complaints are not closed against the casino, the rating stays. The principle applied stays the same.

I wouldn't say it's a news casino, was established in 2018, so 50 complaints sound normal. You know the amount is not actually relevant, the complaints resolution is. Just a single one ended as unresolved in 2020.


Završio sam sa mnogo nižim saldom sa fair spin tfs tokenom i još mi nisu dozvolili da podignem svoj novac... da li neko zna šta se dešava??

Automatski prevedeno:

I'd say the casino should explain. On the other hand, I'm not actually familiar with the token system, could you explain how it works? Could the lower value be the case for your trouble, perhaps? 🤔

I would certainly ask the casino if I were you.


wow 3 months ago Fiarspin had perfect reputation 9/10, lol thats such bs the fact they have so many complaints and u guys give them PERFECT grading is amazing


Hi, a casino's saftey index (rating) is not just a reflection of its complaints. Of course, it is part of the creation, but if you would like to know more about how we rate casinos and why they have the safety index they have, you can check out this guide:

Anyway, do you have a problem in this casino if you don't like something ? 

Slučajno sam došao u ovaj kazino i ne mogu da se žalim... Imam novca na računu pre nego što se odjavim... 😄

Automatski prevedeno:

Pa, to se obično ne čuje baš često 😀

Hvala na pozitivnim povratnim informacijama!

Automatski prevedeno:

Da li je neko doživeo istu stvar?

Uložio novac i igrao, pobedio i hteo da se povuče. Zatvorili su moj nalog navodeći da imam 2 naloga?

Nalozi imaju istu adresu e-pošte i lozinku, pa sam mislio da je prijavljivanje na isti nalog.

Ne znate kako je moguće otvoriti drugi nalog sa istom e-poštom jer tvrde da je svaki mejl jedinstven i da se može registrovati samo jednom?

Dakle, razumno je trebalo da se pozivaju na prijavljivanje na moj postojeći nalog.

Sada je račun blokiran i ne mogu da podignem dobitak?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello there.

It is quite strange because I'm also convinced that normally you just can't create a second account using the very same email.

Did the casino, by chance, mention the same address before the main email domain rather than the same address in general?

For instance: vs

Well, I'm glad you submitted the complaint without further delay. And I certainly hope we will get some answers very soon!

Poenta je da nisam ni shvatio da postoje 2 različita naloga?

Obično nije moguće čak ni registrovati novi nalog sa istom adresom e-pošte, onda obično piše da već postoji nalog sa tom adresom?

Ništa ne razumeš?

Sad kad im pišem, ne odgovaraju?

Prethodno, kada sam pokušao da uspostavim razumnu komunikaciju sa njima, jedini odgovor koji su dali bio je da sam prekršio pravila tako što sam imao 2 naloga. Kada sam kasnije želeo odgovor kako je to moguće, dobio sam samo odgovor da svaki igrač ima jedinstven nalog sa 1 adresom e-pošte?

Ne žele da mi kažu kako je to moglo da se desi i pre svega ne isplaćuju moj dobitak.

Automatski prevedeno:

From what you describe, it looks like the casino doesn't really want to talk to you. I also find it strange how it is possible to register the same email twice.

However, as Radka mentioned, it's good that you have filed a complaint, because our team will try to help you and look into the case in depth. The most sensible thing to do now is to wait for the casino to respond to you other than the same thing over and over again, or to see where the complaint goes. 

I hope that everything will be resolved eventually. 

Dobar dan, pišem na ovom prostoru ne kao žalbu već kao ispad..... pre nekog vremena isplate na bankovne račune su bile momentalne, od pre nekog vremena su trajale nekoliko dana... Ja sam konstantan igrač, ja sam imaju više nego potpunu verifikaciju...... Smatram da je to dobar kazino, samo mislim da bi trebalo da poboljšaju vreme povlačenja ako je sve u redu. Konačno čekamo....

Automatski prevedeno:

Oh, that's a shame...

Would you say some other methods are better than bank transfers in their current delayed state?

They can't solve the verification problem. I uploaded documents several times, both in my profile and via a special link that support sent me by email. In the casino chat they say that the profile is verified, then they force you to go through everything again. Sent passport selfie confirmed address phone email. Because of this, I cannot withdraw my funds. I sent documents at least 4 times. I spent the whole day on this with no results. There is always a new operator in the chat who has to explain everything anew every time.

Update 14.01.2024

I managed to solve the problem. After 2 days, the money was withdrawn to me and the verification was confirmed after 2 days of communication with the chat and technical support.

As a result, I downloaded documents about 5-6 times. I spent many hours communicating with technical support and chat. So I still don’t recommend that you spend too much nerves and it will take time to sort everything out.


This was problem

Fairspin Casino


Hello there!

We are very sorry to hear that you have encountered these inconveniences while using our platform.

We have looked into your case, and we can see that your most recent withdrawal transaction, as well as the first one you have made, got rejected by our financial department.

The first withdrawal request got declined due to the technical error that our financial department couldn't comprehend the source of, so that's why after the support department representatives asked you to make another withdrawal inquiry, they have determined that the error happened due to the fact that you have entered the invalid Bitcoin Cash wallet address in the withdrawal accruals.

That is indeed true that cryptocurrency transactions are being processed the fastest, so if you wish to make another withdrawal request, please input your wallet address correctly, and your transaction will be processed momentarily on the very same day.

We hope we could assist you on this matter!

If anything, please contact our customer support service for all the instructions if you have any questions or concerns.



yes i had big problem with them. I had finally won some money measly $500 i requested withdrawal they made me wait 4-5 days for btc withdrawal, after the 4-5 day they told me opps there was something wrong with our end regarding wallet address error, saying can u pls re request the withdrawal. This is a pure dishonest wAY to do business. As u can imagine this whole time i been waiting and i played off the winning and duhhhh i lost it all back to them. They know exactly what they doing they know damn well if they leave the balance in ur account u going to lose thats a fact so the longer they delay the odd of player losing is higher.


They can't solve the verification problem. I uploaded documents several times, both in my profile and via a special link that support sent me by email. In the casino chat they say that the profile is verified, then they force you to go through everything again. Sent passport selfie confirmed address phone email. Because of this, I cannot withdraw my funds. I sent documents at least 4 times. I spent the whole day on this with no results. There is always a new operator in the chat who has to explain everything anew every time.

Update 14.01.2024

I managed to solve the problem. After 2 days, the money was withdrawn to me and the verification was confirmed after 2 days of communication with the chat and technical support.

As a result, I downloaded documents about 5-6 times. I spent many hours communicating with technical support and chat. So I still don’t recommend that you spend too much nerves and it will take time to sort everything out.

Hi, I'm glad your account verification problem has finally been solved. I see it took about two days, which I don't think is very long at all.

However, if you had to send the documents several times, what was the issue? 

This was problem

Fairspin Casino


Hello there!

We are very sorry to hear that you have encountered these inconveniences while using our platform.

We have looked into your case, and we can see that your most recent withdrawal transaction, as well as the first one you have made, got rejected by our financial department.

The first withdrawal request got declined due to the technical error that our financial department couldn't comprehend the source of, so that's why after the support department representatives asked you to make another withdrawal inquiry, they have determined that the error happened due to the fact that you have entered the invalid Bitcoin Cash wallet address in the withdrawal accruals.

That is indeed true that cryptocurrency transactions are being processed the fastest, so if you wish to make another withdrawal request, please input your wallet address correctly, and your transaction will be processed momentarily on the very same day.

We hope we could assist you on this matter!

If anything, please contact our customer support service for all the instructions if you have any questions or concerns.



yes i had big problem with them. I had finally won some money measly $500 i requested withdrawal they made me wait 4-5 days for btc withdrawal, after the 4-5 day they told me opps there was something wrong with our end regarding wallet address error, saying can u pls re request the withdrawal. This is a pure dishonest wAY to do business. As u can imagine this whole time i been waiting and i played off the winning and duhhhh i lost it all back to them. They know exactly what they doing they know damn well if they leave the balance in ur account u going to lose thats a fact so the longer they delay the odd of player losing is higher.

Hi, did you managed to get the money out in the end and did you enter the withdrawal again or did you end up losing your money ? It's certainly not pleasant when the casino has technical problems or some other issue arises. 


Hello. Unfortunately, I think that if I had not sat so diligently and tried to solve the problem, it would still have remained unresolved. No one told me the reason either, they just told me to wait. I have quite a lot of experience using different platforms and I can say that, regardless of the solution to your case, they always give the most vague formulations.

And for some reason, in the specific case with Fairspin, the operator who checks the documents cannot review them manually right away, which is why I had to load such a large number of times in a row. I think this is because Fairspin support is simply too lazy to make a request for manual processing and they force you to upload documents so many times until the error disappears. But I think that in my case, after so many times, I still had to do the check manually.

One way or another, despite solving the problem. Nobody will give me back the time I wasted. Even Fairspin themselves did not even give any bonus for such an incident, which I think is not very loyal on their part. It’s not that I want it, it would just mean that they dont care about how their clients feel. Therefore, my advice will remain unchanged: I do not recommend this platform.


Then don't waste your time trying to deal with if they won't respond to you, thats what these people do here, they can get in touch with the casino, get the casino to prove it that you open up two accounts under the same email.

Hello. Unfortunately, I think that if I had not sat so diligently and tried to solve the problem, it would still have remained unresolved. No one told me the reason either, they just told me to wait. I have quite a lot of experience using different platforms and I can say that, regardless of the solution to your case, they always give the most vague formulations.

And for some reason, in the specific case with Fairspin, the operator who checks the documents cannot review them manually right away, which is why I had to load such a large number of times in a row. I think this is because Fairspin support is simply too lazy to make a request for manual processing and they force you to upload documents so many times until the error disappears. But I think that in my case, after so many times, I still had to do the check manually.

One way or another, despite solving the problem. Nobody will give me back the time I wasted. Even Fairspin themselves did not even give any bonus for such an incident, which I think is not very loyal on their part. It’s not that I want it, it would just mean that they dont care about how their clients feel. Therefore, my advice will remain unchanged: I do not recommend this platform.

I understand your point, but as long as it didn't take an excessively long time I don't think it's that bad, although on the other hand if you have to chase the casino to see if everything is OK with your documents, that's not nice either. I was thinking that maybe the casino doesn't have enough staff and that's why it can take longer, or maybe they just have a lot of KYC requests and so they can't check everything right away. 

Also, casinos take their time and have to check everything to make sure it's okay and that's why I said two days would be okay for me because we give casinos 14 days to deal with this kind of process. 

As far as the bonus is concerned, I know what you mean, but of course if bonuses were to be given out in every situation like this, it wouldn't be beneficial for the casinos. 

However, we all have a choice where we play and where we don't, and you've already made your decision.

I hope you will do better somewhere else and have a more positive experience. 🙂

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