NaslovnaForumKazinaFat Panda Casino - opšta diskusija

Fat Panda Casino - opšta diskusija

 od Johanneli911
2.584 pregleda 19 odgovora |
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Fat Panda Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Danima pokušavam da dobijem novac i još uvek ne uspevam.

Automatski prevedeno:

He there!

What went wrong? If you take some time to express the matter in a more detailed way, we may be able to suggest advice.

So, please make yourself comfortable and share the whole story, I'll be here.

Kada pokušam da podignem svoj novac, piše da je ograničen na datum, ali kad god stigne tog datuma, ne mogu da izvršim povlačenje i datum se ponovo povećava file

Automatski prevedeno:

Have you tried to ask the support what could be the problem in this case and what you should do ? Alternatively, have you made any withdrawal before that might extend this date in some way ? 

I also saw that you have opened a complaint on our site so I hope that it will all be resolved. 

If you don't know what to expect from the complaint, I've added a guide here with some important information.

I hope this will be sorted out as soon as possible.

Let me know if you have anything new.

Kažu mi da čekam dok rade na mom slučaju, dobio sam još jednu takvu poruku danas. Ali danima nisam bio u mogućnosti da izvršim povlačenje, dao sam opciju da svoja sredstva pošaljem ručno, ali nisu ni obraćali pažnju na to.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello. This sounds like a really unpleasant situation and I am sure it must be frustrating, especially if you are not able to do much, just wait. In this case, though, it is probably the best thing you can do. We have to see how the casino will react and if our complaint team will be able to get in contact with them and move your case further. So let's keep 🤞 and of course if you have any update, just let us know, please.

Zdravo, dobro jutro, kako si, hvala casiguru timu što mi je pomogao. Verujem da je potrebno samo malo truda sa strane fatpandacasino-a da bi se rešio moj problem, do sada nisam dobio nikakav odgovor.

Automatski prevedeno:

That may be the case, we'll see if they get back to you and tell you more, for now we'll have to wait for more information. If you have it, don't hesitate to share it. 


Dear Casino Guru,

We're happy to inform you that the case has been resolved, and the player has withdrawn their winnings, demonstrating our commitment to efficient service and a smooth gaming experience.

Thank you, and have a great day!


Fat Panda Casino

Dear Team!

That's really a display of commitment. Hopefully, your presence here will be long-term, and you will proactively help many players. 🙏🐱‍🏍

!!!!Max cashout from any bonus 10x deposit.


This rule does not apply to regular welcome or reload bonuses, only to certain special bonuses.

kada otvorim uslove bonusa u prozoru bonusa, nema ništa o temkt 10k depozitu.

Radiš ovo namerno. Najbolji bonus vic za vaš specijalni bonus :)

Bonus 200%

maksimalni bonus 30 evra

minimalni depozit 20 evra



ko želi bonuse. 200 posto Dobrodošli u fatpandu

Uzeo sam snimak ekrana kao dokaz ako mi neko ne veruje


Moj dobar savet::

sledeća promocija neka bude 300%, biće više željnih...

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

sledeća stvar:

nakon što sam uzeo moj dobitak

Rečeno mi je da izvršim još jednu uplatu i oni će to učiniti brzo.

pa sam naručio file

nakon što su uveče pitali šta je sa ovom brzom uplatom, odgovorili su da može potrajati 72 sata.

Imajte na umu da je isplata od 72 sata bila brza pre 15 godina. pogotovo što je danas nedelja. novac može doći u četvrtak.

Do četvrtka bi mi koristio skuter. moja zemlja da odem kod tebe za ovaj novac i da se vratim

Automatski prevedeno:

please keep us informed about your withdrawal. I want to make sure you get it, even though it won't be that quick, as you said.

Thanks Romi.

The withdrawal was sent within 24 hours of the customer's request.

Fat Panda Casino

Thank you very much, Fat Panda Casino, for the confirmation.👌

Svi zaključci su primljeni prilično brzo, a ako bi se pojavile poteškoće, vrlo brzo su se rešavale. Pristojan kazino.

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

I would say a good review. It's not every day that players praise a casino. 

What did you have to deal with the casino? 

Pridružite se zajednici

Morate biti ulogovani da bi dodali post.

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