NaslovnaForumKazinaGalactic Wins Casino - opšta diskusija

Galactic Wins Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 6)

 od Scatterpro
34.845 pregleda 146 odgovora |
1...5 6 78


Automatski prevedeno:

file Zdravo, da li bi neko mogao dobro da mi objasni šta moram da stavim jer ne razumem?

Automatski prevedeno:


What do you need to know, please?


IBAN and Swift are given by your bank, are codes for international tranfers that identifies your bank agency. You must go to your bank and request for it with your manager or someone!!!

Dobar dan! Deponovao sam 300 reala u galacti pobedama i otišao na 700 i nekoliko reala i nisam iskoristio bonus i odrekao ga se, napravio sam povlačenje pre 5 dana i još ništa! Može li mi neko reći da li postoji mogućnost da dobijem svoj novac?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, it's certainly possible to receive the winnings. Have you tried contacting the casino regarding your withdrawal? If it's your 1st withdrawal in the casino, it's highly probable that you'll need to verify your identity first and that's what usually takes some time.

Od 13.02.2024. izvršio sam povlačenje i još uvek je na čekanju. Već sam odavno poslao svoja dokumenta. Trebalo je da se proveri i ponovo su me pitali. Moje pitanje je kada ću dobiti svoj depozit? Prošlo je više od 5 dana i još ništa

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm sorry to say that, but only casino employees would have a chance to answer your question.

Since you have not yet passed the account verification, I'd say we should for now focus on the most important part - finding out why your documents are not accepted.

Could you please clarify if you still need to provide certain documents or if they are being rejected for a reason?

I aim to learn where the delay comes from. Let me know, please.

Problem rešen juče. Razgovarao sam sa podrškom i moje povlačenje je već u procesu, hvala vam puno

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey. Thank you for tis positive news. It is always better to contact the support if there is some problem, right? 😉 Have they explained what was the case?

Molim vas, da li neko zna koja su mi dokumenta potrebna i koliko brzo povlačenje stupa na snagu?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, according to what you write you need to verify yourself in the casino, am I right ? As for your question itself, the best thing to do would be to ask the casino what you need, and if they ask you to verify your account, they will tell you what they require from you. But if you want to ask beforehand, you should definitely try the casino's support. 

Afterwards you can let us know if everything went smoothly.

I strongly believe that it will. 🤗

Hvala vam

Nažalost, otkazali su moje povlačenje i poništili ga

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, can I also know what was the reason the casino gave you ? Does that mean they took all your money? Were you able to pass the verification in the end ? 

Let me know and we'll see if we can help you. 


Nisam čak ni poslao svoja dokumenta... nakon što sam hteo da se povučem, borio sam se oko 2 ili 3 dana da bih mogao da razgovaram sa izvršnim direktorom... I onog dana kada mi je odgovorio, bio je bot i moj nalog je bio već na nuli i to mi je rekao zbog uslova

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello. Is actually your account fully verified at this casino, or not yet? What was the exact reason, they have told you, you have breached the terms, and are you aware of doing so? Please provide some more details, so we can check it out and see if our complaint team will be able to help you out with that. We'll be waiting for your response.

Ne, nikad mi nisu rekli šta je to zauzelo… i ne, istina je, nisam svestan i ne proveravam….

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, in this situation, I feel we are not going much further by asking you questions, so how about pictures? 🙂. Since we really want to understand what is going on, could you please paste a screenshot showing the email or any other way of communication through which the casino informed you about the problem with the rules?

I'm more than convinced this is worth a try.

Thank you in advance!

My final conclusion with this casino: couples of deposits no more than 50$,. 2 withdrawals no more than 150$. Because of that's withdrawals, I am banned from any further bonuses and promotions. Both claimed withdrawals has been with lots of difficulty . So I can say now, good bye Galactic Wins, and stay me well...


I see another casino you probably won't be playing at anymore. I understand that what is happening more and more is that casinos are taking away bonuses from players who are winning even if it is not much. I wouldn't mind it to be honest, because I sometimes see bonuses as a nuisance rather than an advantage. 

As for the withdrawals, how long did it take you to get them ? Did it take long ? 🙂

1...5 6 78
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