NaslovnaForumKazinaGama Casino - opšta diskusija

Gama Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 4)

 od yoyeli
21.462 pregleda 118 odgovora |
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Da, možda imam više naloga ovde jer se jednostavno nisam setio detalja za prijavu, ali iskreno, zašto se osećate uvređenim jer govorim istinu i neke, a ne govorim o svim kazino poslovima ovde na CasinoGuru make ? Kako drugačije objašnjavate da je kazino kao što je Gama ili Cat po vama najbolje ocenjen, ali svaki drugi igrač ima problema? Reci mi da kad smo kod okrivljavanja, moje je da se licemerno ponašaš kao da podržavaš igrače, ali u stvari podržavaš kazina i jedna zamerka draga moja je da to pokazuje da čak ni nemaš svoj sistem koji može da radi

Automatski prevedeno:

"How else do you explain that a casino like Gama or Cat is top rated by you but every 2nd player has problems?"

Simply because more players are keen to complain directly here on the forum or create complaints through the Resolution Center, players without issues do not submit complaints, do they?

Have you noticed players just come here to share their suspicions and fears about online casinos?

So, your numbers only reflect a part of the players - the outcome is not accurate. If you know about others who believe been scammed make them submit complaints. Every time we caught a casino doing something unfair, there are consequences, BUT we have to catch them first. Accusations are just the beginning.

Furthermore, you should browse each casino's tab called "safety index explained" as the name says it contains an explanation. This article was created to cover the process step by step. Read it, please.

It is, however, just a part of the whole picture, complaints as well as user reviews cover the rest.

I vi ovde govorite o poštenom pristupu? Da li je pošteno od vas ili od kazina da zanemarite i iskoristite zavisne igrače?

Automatski prevedeno:

Sure, casinos should never do that. What is the point of the question, please?

There is no chance for us I know about to take advantage of addicted players. So, what am I missing?

The public part of his complaint does have Netteller's response, namely:

'I would like to confirm your NETELLER is fully eligible to receive payouts from merchants. We are not preventing the transaction from being completed.

Transfers within the NETELLER system are instant; you should receive the funds as soon as the merchant instructs the payment.

However, merchants send funds from their sites at their own pace. Please check with the merchant to find out how long it will take.

If the issue persists, please get in touch with us once again.

Kind regards,



It's all out here in the open, as it is in Cat Casino's reviews and all of the possible complaints; these are true scam artists that should be stopped.


Are we talking about the same complaint? Because I still can't see that here.

I guess it is another complaint created under a different profile, isn't it?

As I said no time to go through that all, so - thanks for bringing it up and saving me time.

If this is true, well, I'm looking forward to seeing the casino's response for sure!


Hi, I'm wondering, you say that:

"Also, I have now read of two negative reviews of Gama that just don't get published."

What do you mean? How can you read reviews that weren't published?

Kao što vidim, nekoliko igrača je već igralo sa Cat kazinom i Gama kazinom (koji oba pripadaju zajedno). Imam problema sa Gama kazinom.

Već mi je poslata potvrda za povlačenje na Neteller-u i novac nikada nije stigao.

Nakon toga mi je obećano da će novac biti odmah prebačen ako dam svoje bankovne podatke. Tada sam napisao da ću dati svoje bankovne podatke samo ako mogu odmah da dobijem novac. Čet mi je to takođe obećao i istakao da će uplata biti izvršena odmah. Čitavih 7 dana me ćaskanje iznova i iznova odlagalo i nisam mogao da odgovorim.

Tek posle ovih 7 dana mi je poslat mejl da im treba još podataka od mene. Kako možete toliko dugo samo da tražite podatke?

Naravno, dao sam i ostale podatke, nakon čega mi je kazino ponovo poslao mejl da je novac prebačen.

To je bilo pre 3 radna dana i moj bankarski savetnik mi je potvrdio da međunarodni transfer takođe traje najviše 2-3 dana. Samo u veoma retkim slučajevima to traje duže od 3 dana i zato opet imam veoma loš osećaj da kazino neće isplatiti mojih 1.800 €.

Takođe sam već pisao Anastasiji na Telegram, koja je samo odgovorila da će pogledati. Nakon toga, međutim, nije bilo dalje reakcije.

Sada opet moram da čekam ponedeljak, u nadi da će novac konačno stići. Nikada nisam doživeo da kazino pošalje e-poruku sa potvrdom isplate, a zatim ne primi novac.

Svaki dan čekaš, ljutiš se i niko ti ne daje nikakve informacije. Kazino se ne može kontaktirati osim putem ćaskanja uživo koji je neupućen kao i vi i nema direktan kontakt sa odeljenjem za finansije, tako da je potpuno besmislen.

Ponovljeni zahtevi e-pošte se jednostavno ignorišu i kada dobijete odgovor, on je blag i kontradiktoran.

Moje samopouzdanje je potpuno nestalo i kada ponovo pogledam svoj bankovni račun u ponedeljak, verovatno opet neće biti novca. Tako je već 26 dana.

Zašto ovo opisujem tako detaljno? Mogu ti to reći. Casino Guru trenutno navodi 5.669 kazina i ako izaberete kazina na osnovu najviše ocene, a time i najvišeg bezbednosnog standarda, onda je Cat Casino na 20. mestu, a Gama Casino je u TOP 100. I to od 5,669 kazina.

Neko bi očekivao drugačije od tako visoko ocenjenih kazina i misterija je kako Casino Guru može tako visoko oceniti ova dva kazina. Kao što možete videti ovde u temi, tada je bilo sličnih problema sa kazinom i tada je ocena bila 8,5. Sada je ocena 9,3, iako je kazino već nekoliko puta delovao sumnjivo i očigledno ima problema sa plaćanjem.

Inače, u Gama Casino sam se tada prijavio samo zbog Casino Gurua, jer ima tako visok rejting i verovao sam Casino Guruu ovde. Sa 5.669 kazina, 20. i takođe 100. mesto moraju biti apsolutno vrhunski kazina, ali svakako ne kazina koja ovako tretiraju svoje igrače.

Rado ću ponovo pisati ovde kada konačno dobijem svoj novac. Zanima me kada će i da li će se to uopšte desiti.

Automatski prevedeno:

Ovde imam post od 3000+ znakova koji čeka na pregled. Šta bi to trebalo? Od kada se prvi put proveravaju postovi na forumu? Uložio sam mnogo truda u objavu i zato vas molim da objavite ovaj post.

Automatski prevedeno:


it is because we try to keep up with spammers who abuse the forum daily. It is our way to keep the forum clean without dangerous links and advertisements. I would blame the word "Telegram" in this concrete case.

As you see, the post has been approved. I'm sorry for the trouble.

Ažurirano od strane autora

I believe Guru, for some reason, is protecting this group of casinos.

I believe Guru, for some reason, is protecting this group of casinos.

We are not.

May I get you back to the bottom of the discussion?

There is no need to repeat the same in another thread, I'd say.

Ovde imam post od 3000+ znakova koji čeka na pregled. Šta bi to trebalo? Od kada se prvi put proveravaju postovi na forumu? Uložio sam mnogo truda u objavu i zato vas molim da objavite ovaj post.

Automatski prevedeno:

May I ask you to stick with the subject right here?

I won't repeat the same communication multiple times, I really do not have the time for this. Sorry, I'm just being honest.

I decided to move all posts here since all sound related to Gama Casino.

I ask you both to stick with this thread. There is no need to make the forum messy for others.

I hope we can agree on that.


Hi man good luck


Issues perhaps? I hope not!


Yeah, same here.

One realistic answer to their payment problems might be the fact that they are a russian owned casino. What I mean with this is that maybe they have trouble paying due to worldwide sanctions against russian owned businesses. Could also be that they are total scammers.


Hello there,

Thank you for your feedback.

We deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused by ongoing technical problems that are impacting the withdrawal process. Our team is diligently working to swiftly resolve these issues and restore seamless functionality.

Would you kindly provide a comprehensive description of the situation by sending us an email at, including your ID or the email associated with your registered account?


Hello there,

Thank you for your feedback.

We want to express our sincere apologies for the current technical difficulties affecting the withdrawal process. Rest assured, we're dedicated to resolving these issues promptly to ensure uninterrupted services.

We kindly request you to share a detailed account of the situation by reaching out to us via email at Please include your ID or the email linked to your registered account.


Hello there,

Thank you for your feedback.

We would like to review this situation in more detail, as we have not encountered similar situations before.

Please write to with your ID or e-mail address where your account is registered.

20 times tried to withdraw my money and every time withdrawal cancelled and i have verify profile , credit cards and everything! Please help!


Hi, according to the complaint you managed to file, I noticed that you were not able to withdraw due to technical problems. I also see that the casino replied to you and said that you need to make a withdrawal to a MasterCard card, which you do not have yet. 

However, once you have processed the card and made the withdrawal again, could you let us know how it went and if there were any other problems or if everything went well ? 

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