NaslovnaForumKazinaGrandwin Casino - opšta diskusija

Grandwin Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

pre 2 godina od evagazsi12
5.980 pregleda 35 odgovora |
1 2
pre 1 godinu

Any chance you have created a duplicate account by mistake? It is quite a coincidence that you are accused of opening multiple accounts when other people in the same household use the same computer.

I am just asking because finding the source of the problem usually helps to find the solution as well 🙂

pre 1 godinu

Ne mogu ništa da kažem o tome. Ne za mene, ali nikad se ne zna. Račun je zatvoren i ne možemo ništa da uradimo. Sve što treba da uradim je da progutam krađu.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu


I would not say this is the end of the story, your complaint is still open. This is important because one of the major parts of the process includes providing proof. It may, however, take some time to get to this point, and that's true, just do not jump to any conclusions now. It's far too early, I'd say.

I imagine you are worried, especially since your account was closed, but it's best to stick with the complaint.

Be positive!

pre 1 godinu

Hvala vam na dobrom tretmanu. Sačekaću, ali se ne nadam da će sve biti u redu. Istina je da mi je žao, ali ne zbog načina na koji se ophode prema ljudima: bez ikakvog objašnjenja su mogli da kažu iz kog razloga su ga zatvorili. Hvala za pomoć

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

I believe I understand your point. As I can tell from my experience, unprofessional treatment causes far greater pain than some money... For this day, I'll play the naive and positive one, and we can exchange sides on Monday, hmm? I'm joking, of course. Every tiny smile counts! ✨🙌

pre 1 godinu


Čekam nedelju dana da grandvin4 verifikuje moj nalog i obradi povlačenje od €2900.

Dva dana nakon povlačenja tražili su od mene dokumentaciju i dostavio sam sve što su tražili, zatim su tražili dodatnu dokumentaciju i na kraju selfi fotografiju.

Posle još 5 dana i dalje čekam odgovor i sa ćaskanja mi samo kažu da treba da sačekam i da će to drugo odeljenje srediti. Ne odgovaraju direktno putem e-pošte.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

Koliko je vremena trebalo da se izvrši uplata?

Ja sam u istoj situaciji.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

Hey. I see you've got yourself into quite an unpleasant situation. But just to make sure, is your account fully verified ? Or is the account verification process still in progress along with the withdrawal. 

However, in this case, I would like to point out that we give casinos 14 days to resolve such a situation, as this procedure is very important for both casinos and players. 

Nevertheless, I think the best thing to do would be to cooperate with the casino and if the time period I mentioned passes and still no progress is made, then I would recommend a complaint. 

For now, I would advise you to wait and see how the casino handles your problem and If there is anything new please do not hesitate to let us know. I hope that your situation will be resolved as soon as possible and everything will turn out well.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 godinu
pre 9 meseci

Mogu samo da upozorim na ovaj kazino, sve je prošlo dobro sa igrom i prvim povlačenjem, ali sa drugim povlačenjem u roku od nedelju dana su tražili naknadu od 8%. Kada sam putem e-pošte zamolio da pauziram mesec dana, bez odgovora. Zatim sam ponovo pokušao da uplatim kao i obično sa mojom Visa-om, i moja kartica je bila blokirana. Naravno, pitao sam svoju banku zašto, a odgovor je bio da su sumnjivi pokušaji zaduženja u meksičkoj valuti i razni drugi računi blokirani iz bezbednosnih razloga. Zatim sam nekoliko puta tražio da se moj nalog zatvori zbog zavisnosti od kockanja, putem e-pošte i podrške, koja me je uvek upućivala da napišem imejl. Uradio sam to tri puta, ali bez odgovora. Podrška je rekla da to mora da se proveri. Zdravo, morate odmah da reagujete kada neko prijavi zavisnost od kockanja. To traje već nedelju dana i još uvek mogu da uđem. Neverovatno sumnjivo. Moja banka me je takođe upozorila na moju Visu. Zaključak: BUDITE PAŽLjIVI

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Hi, I read your casino experience. 

I found that it was pretty good for you at the beginning, but then it got a bit difficult. 8% fee is probably not the least and it would discourage me from playing here. Also, if I didn't get a response to close my account, because casinos should take this kind of thing seriously. 

Regarding the fact that they blocked your card, I'd say that's still good and you're lucky if the money was to be misused.

However, if you want to explicitly close your account and it doesn't work out, you can contact us and we will try to help. 

And of course thank you for your addition. 

pre 9 meseci

Zdravo, imao sam zaista sreće što je moja banka odmah reagovala, ali moj račun nije zatvoren uprkos ponovljenim zahtevima,

Bilo bi sjajno kada biste mi pomogli.

Srdačan pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Yes, I would also say that as a precaution it is good when the bank reacts. 

Regarding help, I can recommend that you lodge a complaint and hopefully our team will be able to assist you. 

Are you in? 😉

pre 9 meseci

da definitivno

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Great, I see you managed to open the complaint

Tomas has already asked you some questions, so when you have time, you can write him back. 

I hope it will be easier than when you tried. 😕

pre 9 meseci

Zdravo, da, hvala, već sam sve prosledio.

Srdačan pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Hello shanty13, that's great.

I'm sorry to see you ran into some problems. We'll be here for any questions or updates you might have. 


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