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GratoWin Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

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pre 5 meseci

uzeli su 550 evra ti ovo zoveš normalnim. to je mamin novac dobijen kockanjem, oni nemaju pravo da zadrže novac jer više nisu njihovi, ti to nazivaš normalnim? u tom trenutku donosite propis da oni mogu da kradu naše dobitke kako žele. Lako je vratiti 20 evra sa kojima je moja majka počela da se igra.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 5 meseci

Not saying that this is normal, just saying that also players need to stick to the terms of every casino, so we can call the game fair, I could say. You got the precise explanation of everything in your complaint, as well.

pre 5 meseci

There is no need to spread the posts all over the forum, please. Let's stay in this official thread, if possible. Thank you.

pre 5 meseci

zdravo, manje-više isto se desilo i meni. Ovde govorimo o krađi, ne postoji propis koji vas ovlašćuje kao kazino da vratite novac koji ste osvojili bez korišćenja bonusa. Ovde se radi o veoma teškom krivičnom delu pronevere. Kada se propis prekrši, profil prekršioca se briše, ali se osvojeni novac vraća jer je to novac pobednika, osvojen bez korišćenja bonusa. Ovo je krađa, pa hajde da se ujedinimo da pitamo kada treba. U međuvremenu je počela žalba. Oni to rade namerno da ukradu novac. U mom slučaju sam se igrao sa imenom i prezimenom moje majke i kada su tražili dokument shvatili su da imam 2 otvorena profila ali sa jednim bankomatom. Provera je morala da se obavi uzvodno kada sam počeo da igram, a ne kada sam morao da prikupim novac od 550 evra osvojenih uz depozit od samo 20 evra sa satima i satima igre. Dakle, ako odem na sud, tražiću i novac za bespotrebno potrošeno vreme

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 5 meseci
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 5 meseci

Hi, I saw that you filed a complaint, but Tomas explained it quite well, as well as attached the Terms and Conditions. You broke the rules of the casino and that's why your money was withdrawn. If you won it by dishonesty, then I don't think the casino should keep the money in your account. If you had done it at any other casino it would have been the same. That's why you should always have everything in your name as your account, payment method and everything else. 

I'm afraid we can't help you in this situation. 🙁

pre 5 meseci

ali kakvo nepoštenje? Samo sam stavio ime i prezime moje majke. Nisam ništa ukrao. U svakom slučaju tražiću od sudije i moralnu i materijalnu štetu za uloženo vreme, idemo oko 5000 evra

Sve sam već izneo advokatu

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 5 meseci
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 5 meseci

Želim taj novac na svojoj kartici jer je to moj novčani period.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 5 meseci

ali kakvo nepoštenje? Samo sam stavio ime i prezime moje majke. Nisam ništa ukrao. U svakom slučaju tražiću od sudije i moralnu i materijalnu štetu za uloženo vreme, idemo oko 5000 evra

Sve sam već izneo advokatu

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 5 meseci

I will be glad if you share the result with us since you say that you have referred it to a lawyer. I personally think you broke the rules that are in every casino and this particular one is probably one of the most basic. All documents, payment methods, cards must be in your name and not in someone else's name. 

I'm not sure what more I could say to you about this, because everything was explained sufficiently in the complaint.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you, although I don't think it will be easy in your situation. 

pre 4 meseci

Koristio sam bonus bez depozita od 50 okretaja, uspeo sam da podignem nešto nakon minimalnog depozita, ali sa druge strane povlačenje nije bilo veliko. Nažalost, da biste podigli sredstva, morate ispuniti uslove sa kojima sam se prvi put susreo.

Nakon što su bonus sredstva prebačena, prebačena su u gotovinski saldo. I ovde se ispostavilo da su vam za povlačenje potrebni bodovi lojalnosti koje zaradite igrajući u kazinu koristeći sredstva iz vašeg gotovinskog stanja. Podrška u ćaskanju je pružila informaciju da za svakih 10 € opklade dobijate 1 poen, dok svaka 2 poena vam omogućavaju da povučete 1 €.

Koliko sam razumeo, ovaj uslov za bodove lojalnosti važi i kada neko deponuje svoja sredstva i ne koristi nikakve bonuse. Tako, na primer, ako igrač uloži 10 evra, mora da odigra 20 puta da bi mogao da ga podigne. Ukupno 200 € opklade, što će vam dati 20 poena lojalnosti i onda možete povući svojih 10 €. Pored toga, takav 100% obrt se računa samo kada igrate slotove.

Po mom mišljenju, ovi uslovi za igru su najteži koje sam ikada video.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 4 meseci
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Hi, I haven't heard of such conditions for a long time to tell you the truth and I find them totally unfair. So in your situation, you can't continue to withdraw any more money, can you? If you make a withdrawal, do you get the loyalty points deducted according to the amount of the withdrawal or do you always keep them ? Anyway, such a big rollover to withdraw money that belongs to you is nonsense in my opinion. 

If you have cash in your account, I would probably lodge a complaint and try to resolve it with our team. I'm not saying it has to work, but it's worth a try at least. 

If you are interested, you can do so here on this link.

Do you think you'll go for it? 🙂

pre 4 meseci

I played slots until the number of loyalty points was twice the current cash balance. I withdrew everything from this casino, the withdrawal to the e-wallet along with KYC took 4-5 business days. So I don't need to file a complaint.

The loyalty points needed for withdrawal are valid for the current month. This information is mentioned in the Banking section and there in Cashout Policy:

  • The amount of payout is dependent on the VIP level reached and the accumulated points for the respective month based on real money bets for the period.
  • The accumulation of points starts at the beginning of each month. If not used within the respective month, the previously collected points will be automatically reset.

There is also a table and if someone has a Entry account level, without loyalty points, their maximum possible withdrawal is 0.

So it doesn't look good. If someone wants to play there using their own funds, but knows about such conditions, they will definitely choose another casino to play.

pre 4 meseci

Thanks for clarifying the situation. 

To tell you the truth, I probably wouldn't play in this casino if there were such conditions, but on the other hand, it's good that they have mentioned it and therefore players know in advance and can decide whether they want to try it or not. 

Regarding the points, it's tough then and you really have to play in the casino quite a lot to be able to withdraw money. And I still don't want to know what would happen if you managed to record a bigger win. 

I guess this was the last time you visited this casino too, am I right ? 

pre 4 meseci

The first comments in this discussion contain information about the accumulation of loyalty points needed for withdraw, but without details. That's why I decided to write something more about what I learned. Of course, another player or someone from Casino Guru staff can check or ask Gratowin support about these conditions for confirmation.

Yes, you're right, it was the first time I played there, but also the last.

pre 4 meseci

It's great that you shared this information that you found out because other players may come across it and they will definitely value this knowledge if it's not properly explained in the casino. We have mentioned something similar in the review, but it's not completely specified. 

Anyway, thank you again for trying to help other players with this and I hope there will be a better casino that will have more fair conditions in terms of withdrawals. 😉

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