NaslovnaForumKazinaHeats Casino - opšta diskusija

Heats Casino - opšta diskusija

 od dcharlet05
877 pregleda 19 odgovora |
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Heats Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Pažnja Heats kazino je isti kazino kao DEl ORO!

Oni nemaju važeću dozvolu. Beži

Automatski prevedeno:

Warning this is a rogue casino!

After having a dispute with them they just changed their Terms of Use to prove me wrong. And try to do everything to avoid their mistakes despite my evidence.

Absolutely a red flag casino so you are warned!!

They also operate illegally in The Netherlands but wont tell you that. In fact they support iDeal and offer a Dutch Live support (both are mandatory in The Netherlands, only thing they miss is a Dutch casino license).


Pažnja Heats kazino je isti kazino kao DEl ORO!

Oni nemaju važeću dozvolu. Beži

Automatski prevedeno:

We have the information included in our review as well that these two casinos are related; you are right.

They operate under the Comoros (Anjouan Gaming) as of now.

Have you got any kind of experience from this casino, please?

Warning this is a rogue casino!

After having a dispute with them they just changed their Terms of Use to prove me wrong. And try to do everything to avoid their mistakes despite my evidence.

Absolutely a red flag casino so you are warned!!

They also operate illegally in The Netherlands but wont tell you that. In fact they support iDeal and offer a Dutch Live support (both are mandatory in The Netherlands, only thing they miss is a Dutch casino license).

I am really sorry that you have to go through this kind of experience, but your complaint resolver Dominika has explained everything in your complaint thread:

"Unfortunately, it’s not written that all your accounts in other casinos of the same owner will be blocked or self-excluded automatically. Please understand that if you self-exclude yourself from one casino it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are protected on all the other associated websites.

Do you have any supporting evidence that the casino has changed its terms and conditions?

Would you be so kind as to forward me the account closure requests that you sent to the casino? My email address is

Regrettably, we do not handle complaints related to licensing regulations and policies. While I understand your perspective, unfortunately, we are not in a position to provide assistance in this matter. Our role is that of an independent online casino database that acts as a mediator in resolving players' disputes. However, we lack the authority to enforce the legality of rules. If your aim is to seek a refund of lost deposits solely on the grounds that the casino lacks a valid license, we are unable to assist you. In each review, we provide users with license information, and it ultimately falls on each player to make an informed decision regarding their choice of casino."

Please provide your reply to her whenever possible. We will keep an eye on this case until the end.


Dragi Romeo, deo mojih objašnjenja je na prethodnim stranicama! Sada više nemam šta da dodam, pošto sam angažovao specijalizovanog advokata. Želim vam dobar dan. Srdačan pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:

Another skamers casino , withdraw Fe 10% of the money wtffile


Hey, I see you have issues in more than one casino. With crypto withdrawals you obviously have to wait and deal with such things. Is this the first time this has happened to you? As long as it's such a small withdrawal I probably wouldn't mind so much but if it was a larger amount then it might be more unpleasant. 

Did you manage to withdraw despite the high fee?

stay away, fraud casino. if you win big they confiscate your money without any reason.

I have an open complaint for 2 months, casino gurus comlaint team says that they should give me back the 15000 they took from my account, but they only want to give me back 2000 as an compensation. they never admited that they treated me unfair and they stall my complaint.


I see Kubo is very likely about to update the complaint. I got the feeling the casino was done talking to you. In any case, hold on, please. Let Kubo get back to you; perhaps he has some news available.

file Kada sam počeo, bio sam srećan i uspeo sam da osvojim 900 evra! Ali pre nego što možete da se povučete, morate da potvrdite svoj identitet, što je normalno! Osigurano je u roku od 48 sati! Takođe se nekoliko puta u četu kaže da je ubrzan! Ali ništa se ne dešava! Onda je prošlo 52 sata i ništa! Pisao sam u podršku, bez odgovora! Onda u ćaskanju ne dobijate odgovor od podrške!? Ali od nas devojaka! Onda su rekli da devojke ne mogu ništa, samo podrška!!! Pa ko je sad podrška!!!??? Znam dosta kazina ali nikada nisam imao takvu zabunu i izjave koje nisu tačne! Jedina e-poruka koju dobijate su evidencije ćaskanja! Samo ste odloženi, ali ništa se, nažalost, ne dešava! Kazino piše da u slučaju sličnom mom igrač treba da piše podršci! Ali ko je to ako ne dobijete odgovor! Samo od devojaka u četu koje nisu ni podrška, kako kažu! Nikad to nisam imao ni u jednom kazinu! Molimo vas da se verifikujete pre nego što igrate jer ne mogu da predvidim kakav će biti ishod! Inače bi kazino bio sjajan!

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, so you're still not verified, yes? Are you waiting for your documents to be checked now? If it was the weekend I would give it some more time, although I can see that I would get quite lost in it, who should I write to when they speak in the live chat quite vaguely. 

However, I would not be skeptical and since this is an important process try to stay calm and see what happens next. You know that if nothing moves, you can let us know and we will try to help you.

Do you think you can hold out?🙂

filefilefilefilefile Zdravo Jaro! Otvorio sam slučaj, možete pročitati više o tome! Sve je to malo zbunjujuće! Zato što dobijate različite odgovore na pitanja! Za vikend kažu da je to zbog velikog broja novih igrača! Onda sam danas pitao o radnim danima i sad je to razlog itd. Zanimaju me i informacije za kupce igrača! Ako je tako, trebalo bi da piše radni dani! Ili bi to trebalo tako da se saopšti u ćaskanju! Hvala i srdačan pozdrav, Jaro! I kao što rekoh, ne dobijate odgovor od podrške!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

I would also say that it should be clearly and understandably communicated so that the player knows what is going on. If it's still something else I wouldn't have a good feeling but let's wait for the verification. It will be important for it to be successful because without it you can't get the money out. 

If there is a problem, your complaint will hopefully solve it. 

If you hear anything new, please let me know because I'm quite interested in how it turns out.

Good luck.☘️

Hvala, sve je jasno! Srdačan pozdrav!

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo Jaro, još nešto! Još jedno ažuriranje! Sada kažu da: Naš tim za usklađenost još uvek nije dostupan i radno vreme vikendom utiče na proces verifikacije. Iako mi je jutros rečeno da za vikend nema tima za usklađenost!!! A pre toga je bilo toliko igrača! Dakle, ekipa nije dostupna ponedeljkom, ni radnim danima! Njihov cilj je da prokockaju moj novac, savetuju me da to uradim!!! Pogledajte snimak ekrana! Dragi Jaro, znam dosta kockarnica ali ovo nikad nisam imao!!!??? Zatim je napisala sledeće: Ne zaboravite da proverite naš RTP – najbolji je godine!

Imamo igrače koji po utakmici pobeđuju duplo, pet puta, pa čak i deset puta više od njihovog bilansa

A takođe vidim da ste već probali i da ste već počeli sa ogromnim dobicima 😄 filefile

Automatski prevedeno:

Ažuriraj! Verifikovan sam! Maksimalno povlačenje za nove igrače je 1.000 evra! Međutim, postoji naknada! Pogledajte slike! Morate da nadogradite na VIP da biste podigli druge iznose. Veći iznosi zavise od toga koliko uplatite! Dobio sam novac odmah preko Skrilla! Srdačan pozdrav, Jaro! file

Automatski prevedeno:

Well done, I'm delighted. As for the fee, I see it was €20, which is not terrible. You got the money pretty quickly after you were verified which is nice.

So are you going to stay here?😉

Da, hoću, i hvala vam na saradnji! Već sam ostavio recenzije o Casinoguru-u i nastaviću da to radim! ugodan dan!

Automatski prevedeno:

We truly appreciate that. 😉

And surely come back whenever you'd like to tell us about any experience with this or other casino.

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