NaslovnaForumKazinaHellSpin Casino - opšta diskusija

HellSpin Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 3)

 od eramomarco
10.684 pregleda 63 odgovora |
12 3 4

To je bio moj prvi put. Zaista nisam svesno prekršio nijedno pravilo, a uslovi i odredbe ne kažu da to morate sami da ispitate. Pretpostavio sam da postoji blok koji uopšte nije dozvoljavao veću opkladu. Ali očigledno su želeli da se to tako desi da ne bi isplatili dobitke. ☹ Takođe sam istraživao i nema licence i adrese kompanije, nekada kao provajder plaćanja na Kipru i kazino na Kurasau ne izgleda pouzdano na Google mapama. Mislim da je novac izgubljen 😞

Automatski prevedeno:

Ne, to mi je bio prvi put. Zaista nisam svesno prekršio nijedno pravilo. Pošto uslovi i odredbe ne kažu da morate sami da obratite pažnju na to, pretpostavio sam da je to u redu i dozvoljeno. Drugi sajtovi imaju blokadu da se to ne bi dogodilo. Ali očigledno to rade namerno kako ne bi morali da isplaćuju dobitke. I ja sam istraživao i nema licence, iako je to bilo navedeno. ☹ A adrese koje je kompanija koja vodi sajt dala na svojoj veb stranici ne izgledaju baš pouzdano na Google mapama. Posebno onaj na Kipru. Nadam se, ali mislim da je dobitak izgubljen. 😞

Automatski prevedeno:

It is always important to read the full terms of every bonus so any issues can be avoided, but I surely get what you're saying.

Just please try not to get to any conclusions yet and wait for your complaint to be resolved. We have to wait and see what our team will be able to do regarding this.

Be patient, please, even though it is not easy.🙏


FOR $4000




Hi there. Your very sad response sounds like it was meant for someone specific. For those situations, we have a "reply" button available. Feel free to use it anytime you like.

In any case, I'm sorry we could not help you back then.

Što se tiče bonusa, zaista mogu da dam ove savete ovde - ali to se odnosi samo na slotove - nemam pojma o kartama ili drugim kockanjima jer ih ne igram

pravilo obaveza koje uvek treba da uradite unapred za sebe.

Pre nego što položite depozit, pogledajte listu igara koje su blokirane sa bonusom - postoje ogromne razlike od kazina do kazina. Ako postoje igre koje biste želeli da igrate, onda naravno nema smisla igrati sa bonusom.

Onda pročitajte šta piše tamo - tamo piše - nije moguće igrati ove igre sa bonusom - onda je kazino odgovoran što se ove igre ne mogu igrati. Ako to vidite i želite da igrate sa bonusom i deponovali ste - onda otvorite blokiranu igru sa liste i primetićete da ni ovu igru nije moguće igrati.

Ako piše da je zabranjeno igrati ove igre sa bonusom, onda ste vi odgovorni za to - tako da je najbolje izbegavati takve kazino bonus ponude.

Što se tiče uloga – najvećim delom, maksimalni ulog za bonus je 5 evra, ali postoje i kazina koji kažu samo 2 evra. Koliko možete da uložite obično je navedeno u samim bonus ponudama

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, have you used any of these bonuses? It looks like they are not very lucrative according to your description. Also the games and max bet is not quite fortunately solved. 

Other than that, is the casino okay? 

Zaista sam proveo neko vreme razmišljajući o tome da tamo napravim depozit, bilo sa bonusima ili ne. Pročitao sam neka mišljenja i pogledao sam kazino. Sajt. I ako nemam taj osećaj da se dobro uklapa, neću ništa da položim. To su samo sva iskustva koja sam imao sa kazinom – bilo dobro ili loše

Automatski prevedeno:

I clearly understand your decision, and I do not wonder why you did not deposit. 

All I will say is, may you do well elsewhere.🙂

Preporučujem kazino. Veoma dobra pomoć u ćaskanju. Bonus za igru. Nema problema sa povlačenjem. Srdačan pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:

This is nice to hear, really.

Would you like to provide some more details?

Like, how long did it take you to withdraw, or how the chat agents helped you?

All these are great information for others, you know.

Also, if you'd like, feel free to submit a user review for this casino here. 🙂

Hy i just want to say that with hell spin i am verry happy . I read also the message from here i didn’t have problems with withdrawal. If sometimes they ask me for documents verification I send it what they need and I received my money without problems . I played also in another casino site but without winning . To tell the truth we cannot always win but you can win gut money . They are the best 💯💯💯💯💯


Not the safest according to the review, but I'm glad you've found a suitable place. 🙂 By the way, according to our system, players from Austria are restricted. How long have you been playing there, please?

I would like to encourage all players to play hell spin. I won 18000 euros. Good luck 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀the best casino online

Not the safest according to the review, but I'm glad you've found a suitable place. 🙂 By the way, according to our system, players from Austria are restricted. How long have you been playing there, please?

2 years


Congratulations and you didn't have any difficulties with the withdrawal? Did you pass the verification? Radka noticed that players from your country should be restricted, is that right or not? Are you using a VPN?

Thank you I don’t have any problem with withdrawing.yes in my country it’s able to play without problem


This is not true I recive all my money what I win . And if somebody need a prof of that I can show any time


I was looking at the terms and I saw that players from your country should be allowed to play here so I'll give it to our data team and let them fix it. 

As for the withdrawal, what payment method do you use?🙂

I used Rappid transfer or Apple Pay 😘

12 3 4

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