Sudeći po tome da kazino ima visok indeks bezbednosti, često sarađuje sa nama u žalbama kada ga kontaktiramo. Dakle, ako niste uradili ništa loše, onda bi postojala šansa da ceo slučaj bude rešen. Ako, s druge strane, kazino dokaže da ste vi pogrešili, žalba bi bila zatvorena. U svakom slučaju, ne morate da plaćate za to i moguće je da će to biti rešeno. Dakle, ako vam žalba kazina nije dovoljna, onda ne možete ništa učiniti.🙂
Judging that the casino has a high safety index, it often cooperates with us in complaints when we contact it. So if you didn't do anything wrong, then there would be a chance that the whole case would be solved. If, on the other hand, the casino proves that you were at fault, then the complaint would be closed. Either way, you don't have to pay for it and it's possible that it will be resolved. So if the casino's complaint to you is not enough, then you can do nothing.🙂
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