NaslovnaForumKazinaIceCasino - opšta diskusija

IceCasino - opšta diskusija (strana 28)

 od nadineanders81
130.858 pregleda 578 odgovora |
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i have won 90 k at the casino and they refuse to payout,the reason is: one deposit from my husbands bankcard back in nov 2023,i have since that deposited and withdrawn with my own cards revolut etc and my kyc is veryfied,now im blocked out of my account and the only way to get in is if i agree to let the casino take 88k and leave me with 2k as a goodwill this kind of operational treatment of customers legal at all?


OMG, izvini, kad pročitam da mi se dižu dlake na potiljku. Ovde sam već detaljno opisao svoja iskustva sa kazinom. Katastrofalan, samo odvratno tužan način na koji se tamo tretiraju ljudi. To mesto je odavno trebalo tužiti i zatvoriti.

Čim budete imali profit u rasponu od 4 ili 5 cifara, oni će pronaći sve načine, najnemoguće i najsojnije pozadine, da vas hladno ostave.

Pre mnogo godina imao sam tako ogromne dobitke na Sunmaker-u, bio je skoro 97.000€ sa slot: prelepa priroda.

Naravno, prosečnom čoveku takva suma menja život i opravdano sam šokiran.

Ranije sam nesvesno prekršila odredbe i uslove toliko puta kada sam deponovala u ovom kazinu, uključujući i ono što vam se desilo, uplatom na drugi račun preko naloga mog muža

Na to su mi skrenuli pažnju kada sam tražio jednokratnu isplatu od 97.000 evra i u tom trenutku sam pomislio da je to to, a naravno da ste blizu nervnog sloma kada imate posla sa takvom sumom .

Ali ne, ovaj kazino, tužni ali istiniti, koji danas može da radi samo po jeftinoj nemačkoj licenci, bio je apsolutno prvoklasni kazino u smislu pravičnosti i orijentacije prema klijentima.

Jedino što su uradili je da su mi ukazali na ovu grešku i rekli mi da ako želim 97.000 evra, moram da budem spreman da vratim sav novac koji je deponovan na moj račun putem uplate treće strane mom mužev račun🤭😆

Pala sam sa stolice, šta, pa sve je u redu ako samo isplatim mužu skoro 1000€???

Dobro sam čuo, uradio sam to, a Sunmaker je to sasvim jednostavno uspeo, posle 7 radnih dana imao sam 97.000 evra na bankovnom računu kod kuće, to je bilo 2018.

Tako to mora da radi, ovo su kazina.

Osećate se nezamenljivo bezbednim i zabavljate se igrajući; kada doživite ovakav tretman, to vam govori da je kupac kralj.

Kada samo čujem ICE Casino, sve mi se vraća. Mislim da je to bilo prošle godine u oktobru kada su tako nešto uradili sa mnom, suma je bila samo oko 5.000 evra, ali i to je šala, dobijem tako gadnu knedlu u grlu pri samoj pomisli.

Želim ti puno živaca, probaj sve. Idite na bilo koji forum, dajte sve detalje, napravite snimke ekrana, insistirajte na svojim dobicima, toliko su srećni što su našli nešto da vas namame u zamku uslova 🤮.

Prosto je odvratno, nisam trebao lično da sretnem nijednog od menadžera, užasno asocijalan i lukav, a pre svega podrška 🤢katastrofalna.

Prokletstvo, zašto nisi mogao da osvojiš 90.000 u drugom kazinu.

Igrajte na JET, IZZI, LEGZO.

Oni su kao zlato, svaka isplata nakon verifikacije će biti na kartici u roku od najviše 30 minuta.

A ako imate problema sa bankom, sa isplatom ili bilo šta, oni će vam pomoći direktno, bez ikakvih zaobilaženja, ako treba, sat vremena u četu ako nešto ne razumete itd.

Izvinite, ice kazino, mislim da postoji hitna potreba za javnom DEMO protiv ovog mesta😪🤮🤮🤮

Automatski prevedeno:

i have won 90 k at the casino and they refuse to payout,the reason is: one deposit from my husbands bankcard back in nov 2023,i have since that deposited and withdrawn with my own cards revolut etc and my kyc is veryfied,now im blocked out of my account and the only way to get in is if i agree to let the casino take 88k and leave me with 2k as a goodwill this kind of operational treatment of customers legal at all?

I am really sorry about this issue. As I have read in your complaint, though, you have breached the terms of this casino, and that is why all this is happening.

Veronika has explained: "If you’re not able to prove that you are a legitimate owner of the payment method and you haven’t received approval from the casino allowing you to use a third-party payment method, I’m afraid there’s not much we can do for you."

I am really sorry for the inconvenience. Now it is up to you if you'll accept the money offered by the casino.

OMG, izvini, kad pročitam da mi se dižu dlake na potiljku. Ovde sam već detaljno opisao svoja iskustva sa kazinom. Katastrofalan, samo odvratno tužan način na koji se tamo tretiraju ljudi. To mesto je odavno trebalo tužiti i zatvoriti.

Čim budete imali profit u rasponu od 4 ili 5 cifara, oni će pronaći sve načine, najnemoguće i najsojnije pozadine, da vas hladno ostave.

Pre mnogo godina imao sam tako ogromne dobitke na Sunmaker-u, bio je skoro 97.000€ sa slot: prelepa priroda.

Naravno, prosečnom čoveku takva suma menja život i opravdano sam šokiran.

Ranije sam nesvesno prekršila odredbe i uslove toliko puta kada sam deponovala u ovom kazinu, uključujući i ono što vam se desilo, uplatom na drugi račun preko naloga mog muža

Na to su mi skrenuli pažnju kada sam tražio jednokratnu isplatu od 97.000 evra i u tom trenutku sam pomislio da je to to, a naravno da ste blizu nervnog sloma kada imate posla sa takvom sumom .

Ali ne, ovaj kazino, tužni ali istiniti, koji danas može da radi samo po jeftinoj nemačkoj licenci, bio je apsolutno prvoklasni kazino u smislu pravičnosti i orijentacije prema klijentima.

Jedino što su uradili je da su mi ukazali na ovu grešku i rekli mi da ako želim 97.000 evra, moram da budem spreman da vratim sav novac koji je deponovan na moj račun putem uplate treće strane mom mužev račun🤭😆

Pala sam sa stolice, šta, pa sve je u redu ako samo isplatim mužu skoro 1000€???

Dobro sam čuo, uradio sam to, a Sunmaker je to sasvim jednostavno uspeo, posle 7 radnih dana imao sam 97.000 evra na bankovnom računu kod kuće, to je bilo 2018.

Tako to mora da radi, ovo su kazina.

Osećate se nezamenljivo bezbednim i zabavljate se igrajući; kada doživite ovakav tretman, to vam govori da je kupac kralj.

Kada samo čujem ICE Casino, sve mi se vraća. Mislim da je to bilo prošle godine u oktobru kada su tako nešto uradili sa mnom, suma je bila samo oko 5.000 evra, ali i to je šala, dobijem tako gadnu knedlu u grlu pri samoj pomisli.

Želim ti puno živaca, probaj sve. Idite na bilo koji forum, dajte sve detalje, napravite snimke ekrana, insistirajte na svojim dobicima, toliko su srećni što su našli nešto da vas namame u zamku uslova 🤮.

Prosto je odvratno, nisam trebao lično da sretnem nijednog od menadžera, užasno asocijalan i lukav, a pre svega podrška 🤢katastrofalna.

Prokletstvo, zašto nisi mogao da osvojiš 90.000 u drugom kazinu.

Igrajte na JET, IZZI, LEGZO.

Oni su kao zlato, svaka isplata nakon verifikacije će biti na kartici u roku od najviše 30 minuta.

A ako imate problema sa bankom, sa isplatom ili bilo šta, oni će vam pomoći direktno, bez ikakvih zaobilaženja, ako treba, sat vremena u četu ako nešto ne razumete itd.

Izvinite, ice kazino, mislim da postoji hitna potreba za javnom DEMO protiv ovog mesta😪🤮🤮🤮

Automatski prevedeno:

Unfortunately, in the case of catan6 there was a breach of the terms of this casino, so there's nothing much we can do about it. I hope you can understand.


so the casino can let me deposit and withdraw funds after the breaach as they want? have already deposited with my card played and withdrawn several times,guess its ok when the amounts are small,fucking scam.but the bank will will make a request on behaf of my husband directly to ice casino , clearing way for lawsuit

in other words,the only way you can withdraw funds is if you only deposit from your own card,any other deposits will make you loose all you have won,but they wount do anything about it before you win and try to withdraw a significant amount.and if u agree to leave all your winnings to the casino,then you can play again without any restrictions,they will remove them as well as your basically the casino does as it wants.i would strongly recomend to never play at ice are deemd to loose,they will find something to keep you away from your winnings.i have a social page at fb with around 900k followers, i will clearly post about this there to prevent people from getting scammed by the casino.


what do you mean? is it possible to pay back to the used card? that would be no problem,since the card is already half mine,it only has his name on it,but we manage it together from the local bank


what if i can provide documentation that this card is from our joint bank accounts?even though my name is not on the card i have legally rightys from the bank to use it 50/50 with my husband

It's getting worse every day... if there is a limit you can play for a couple of minutes, if there is no limit then you can play a lot, but for a lot of money in exchange... this is an incredible site, if someone wants to win €1000, he has to lose €20,000 at least.. .for months you just pay and pay more, but nothingyou don't get a decent amount... you're one of the worst, casinoguru, you defend this in vain... I don't understand your logic, how you protect players, when for example it's crap for almost all players, or Rabidi is full of complaints about it too sides, mostly that they don't pay, illegallythey ban and you still give every page a grade of 8-9-10... is this in return because Rabidi puts it out every year so they can vote for him in the annual list of the best organization?I think that's why and this is the truth... you are also taken by sites, you helped them by re-informing the players, with false grades in order to take the money away from the hopeful players... you are jokes

what if i can provide documentation that this card is from our joint bank accounts?even though my name is not on the card i have legally rightys from the bank to use it 50/50 with my husband

Hello. I am really sorry for this situation at the Ice Casino. We are always here, trying to help, and our complaint team is doing their best as always to get the best resolution to every case possible.

It is nothing unusual that the casino will find out whenever a card does not belong to the person playing at their casino only when the withdrawal is requested. It is because only then will they start the verification process.

Have you sent the proof to the casino and our complaint team, as well, that the card is actually from the joint account? Many times this kind of payment is approved by the casino, as I can say from my experience. Please let us know about any news regarding your case.

It's getting worse every day... if there is a limit you can play for a couple of minutes, if there is no limit then you can play a lot, but for a lot of money in exchange... this is an incredible site, if someone wants to win €1000, he has to lose €20,000 at least.. .for months you just pay and pay more, but nothingyou don't get a decent amount... you're one of the worst, casinoguru, you defend this in vain... I don't understand your logic, how you protect players, when for example it's crap for almost all players, or Rabidi is full of complaints about it too sides, mostly that they don't pay, illegallythey ban and you still give every page a grade of 8-9-10... is this in return because Rabidi puts it out every year so they can vote for him in the annual list of the best organization?I think that's why and this is the truth... you are also taken by sites, you helped them by re-informing the players, with false grades in order to take the money away from the hopeful players... you are jokes

Our goal is to bring fairness to online gambling, and we are always here for players and the casinos as well, whenever they need us.

We always say that all casinos have an advantage over players in the long run. It is really important to play for fun, as a hobby, and nothing more.

Our complaint team is working hard and doing their best to always solve all the complaints fairly and help players whenever there is a suspicion that a casino acts against fair gambling. If you are interested, you can also read an article about how do we review all online casinos and, after that, estimate the safety index, so you can better understand our work here. Just follow this link, please, to view the article.

May I ask if you have any experience playing at this casino, and perhaps you need to be helped with something there? Do not hesitate to let us know, for sure. We're always glad to help.

Podižem svoj novac već 2 nedelje, međutim, kazino ga prihvata, ali provajder zadužen za transfer odbija povlačenje, očigledno zato što nije pravilno popunio obrazac za povlačenje. Želeo bih neke smernice o tome kako da ispravno popunim obrazac. Hvala. Inače, već imam verifikovan profil.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, have you tried asking them what is wrong with filling it in and what should be different? I would probably start there because I have no idea what could be different. 

Also, I moved your post under the casino you are talking about, so you can see if any of the players here had the same problem and if they were able to solve it. 

If you don't get any response from the casino, feel free to get in touch and file a complaint here and our team will try to help you. 

Do you think you will do that?

it has become the worst site.. it delays payment until you pay the money, because you know you are playing, the games are a joke, for 1 week they give almost literally nothing, I played 1000 € max 1 hour low (0.3...0 ,4) bet and several times through olxan hundred spins, nothing..I would highlight the shame of the Fazi service provider, because I played on several sites on its crap called games, although I did not get any profit from it anywhere, but what it is doing here is the most disgusting thing in the entire online casino.. all of Radek's games are unplayable..he is the most money-hungry person I've ever met..on that site he gives about 5-10 euros for every 100 euros lost, and continuously, I hope they won't let it work for long, just like icecasino, because it it destroys people more and more almost in a competitive way, I don't understand how the authorities can let this happen, I advise anyone who is thinking about registering not to do it, if you succeed in withdrawing all the money, you will be charged until you pay it back at least five times, until then it won't give you anything.. its bonuses like for example you can't spin the weekly refund.. the requirement is 21 but it can never be more than three times, the same as the promotional spins.. it makes no sense, I wish from the bottom of my heart to whoever participates in its operation to suffer .. a lot


Dear Novcsi87

Thank you for the feedback!

Would you mind sharing your account ID in order to investigate?


I swear, I've never seen this before..casinoguru, please play for real money on the matter how much you deposit, you don't win, 90% of the time it doesn't even give you playing time because none of those pathetic games give you anything..I would highlight the plinko games. .all of them must be avoided far away on the site, I lost many times the max prize on Plinko xy and Tadagaming Plinko and still 99% 0.2 multiplier, slot machines are jokes..



I wish I could help; sadly, it is solely up to the license provider to investigate casino games. No one could gain access to the source code, not to mention the procedure. If you are concerned, try to reach out to the regulator in the first place, please.

If I may, if you are that stressed by losing, consider having a break. It might be a good idea to consider, since gambling is supposed to be a fun way of losing money, so it is not supposed to be stressful. It is just an idea, of course.

Ažurirano od strane autora

casino guru are even bigger joke then those frauds.. 80% stuff on this site is fraudelent


Like what for example, you can be more specific and we can have a debate.

Broj kazina je 21.1 nije iz ćaskanja, upravo smo rekli da samo morate da sačekate i daćemo sve od sebe da obradimo moj zahtev. Zaista sam razočaran Icecasinom. Član sam više od 5 godina

Automatski prevedeno:
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