Ja sam TAKO iznad tipičnih Brango, Ektreme, Bonus kazina. DOSADAN. Zaista im ostaje samo brza isplata. Prestaće da daju bonuse, a čak su i moji komp poeni deaktivirani zbog više pobede nego što sam izgubio na njima.
Tražim dobar, pouzdan i brzu isplatu, USA Casino za koji možda ne znam. SUPER umorni od ovih istih starih igara i kazina. Oni više nisu ni zabavni.
I am SO over the typical Brango, Extreme, Bonus Casinos. BORING. Really they only have going for them is the fast payout. They will stop giving bonuses and even my comp points have been deactivated due to winning more than I lose at them.
I am looking for a good, trustworthy, quick payout, USA Casino that maybe I dont know about. SUPER tired of these same ole games and Casinos. They are not even fun anymore.