Ja sam 100% verifikovan. Sve je ažurno.
Prošle subote sam dobio ovaj odgovor od podrške:
Naši stručnjaci za plaćanja suočeni su sa velikom količinom zahteva ove nedelje, tako da obrada traje duže nego što se očekivalo. S obzirom na obim zahteva i tempo obrade, Vaš zahtev bi trebalo da bude isplaćen u ponedeljak . Izvinite zbog ove neprijatnosti i hvala vam na strpljenju.
... i ne, nisam dobio svoj novac danas. Povlačenje je ponovo otkazano.
Pokušao sam da se povučem sa Bitcoin-om. I to je otkazano.
Izgleda da svaki put kada se povlačenje otkaže i ponovo pošalje, ono ide na kraj čekanja... kada treba da se obradi sa prioritetom.
Upravo sada.. kako jeste.. jednostavno ne mogu da obrađuju Interac uplate za kanadske igrače.
I am 100% verified. Everything is up to date.
Last Saturday, I got this reply from support:
Our payment specialists are facing a large amount of requests this week, so the processing takes longer than expected. Considering the volume of requests, and the processing pace, your request should be paid-out on Monday. Sorry for this inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.
... and no I didn't get my money today. The withdrawal was canceled yet again.
I did try to withdraw with Bitcoin. That was canceled too.
It looks like every time a withdraw is canceled and re-submitted, it goes at the back of the queue... when it should be processed with priority.
Right now.. as it is.. they simply cannot process Interac payments for Canadian players.
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