NaslovnaForumKazinaiWild Casino - opšta diskusija

iWild Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od vonHorst
58.574 pregleda 338 odgovora |
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It should not be like this, but this is a good casino so I'm far from thinking there will be some bigger issue.

Do I think correctly that you're waiting to get verified in order to complete a withdrawal?

I just want to make sure, that the verification was truly triggered.

It's sad that the live chat is no use, what did you learn from the operator, I wonder?

There must be some reason for this delay.


Web stranica odjednom više nije dostupna??? Ne vidim šta će se desiti sa isplatom.

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm able to access the site with no issue.

Is there any kind of error message displayed when you try to enter the website? 🤔 Can you enter the site or just can't access your account?

Another thing that crossed my mind is that your account may get blocked due to some check procedure - just guessing now.

Furthermore, what about the verification - you did not answer and I think it's important to know whether your account has been fully verified.


Provjera je uspjela.

Isplata je već stigla, ostalo se čeka dugo.

Stranica ponovo radi bila je greška uzrokovana serverima.

Srdačni pozdravi

Automatski prevedeno:


that's wonderful, thank you for getting back to us. 🙂

So you got paid in a couple of days if I'm not mistaken, right? 

What payment option did you use, please?

iwildcasino nije odgovorio ni na jednu moju poruku više od 10 dana, iako T&C navodi da obrađuju svaki upit i žalbu u roku od 7 dana.

Šta je ADR kazina? Da li neko zna U live chatu nije dozvoljeno da mi kaže i ne dobijam odgovor od podrške. Hvala.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello again,

and by ADR you mean what exactly? In case you would like to know the licensing authority, it's this one:


What happened in this casino, I wonder?

Hey Radka :)

Thanks for the answer. I submitted a request more than 10 days ago and it's been completely ignored. I would be happy if the casino just wrote a quick note that my message was received and processed, but nothing. They communicated quickly and competently until I submitted my request. 1 hour after I submitted my complaint my account was closed. Since then I haven't heard anything.

My five subsequent messages were also ignored. If I ask an unimportant question in the live chat, I am referred to the support (the livechat has probably received the instruction not to communicate with me).

Under a different name, I then asked the same questions in livechat that were not answered in livechat.

Livechat told me that iwildcasino does not have ADR to resolve issue/complaint from an independent body. Your screenshot says the same thing. A player has to resolve the complaints directly with iwildcasino (which you can't do if the communication is one-way) or go directly to the licensor (Antillephone).

Now I have studied the T&C of iwildcasino and come to the conclusion that ADR does exist. For example, Article 26.5 allows players to consult the Pogg. Am I reading this term correctly?

My problem is very precarious and difficult to write here publicly. But I can briefly describe it to you in an email if you have the time and inclination :)


Hello there,

OK, I'm assuming that this is about another particular paragraph in the casino's Terms and Conditions, am I right? 🙂

Anyway, if you get some reliable reaction from the licensing authority, I believe that it will be the proper time to share more publicly.

What do you think?

Haha ne! Ne radi se o T&C 🙂

Skratiću: provajder Play'n GO ima kazino tj. kazino grupa Altacore NV davno je naložila da svoje igre ne nudi na švajcarskom tržištu. To je zato što se dobavljač pridržava švicarske pravne situacije u Švicarskoj i vjeruje u regulirana tržišta. Provajder je blokirao ili je blokirao svoje igre za švicarske igrače u svim MGA kockarnicama, Antilephone kockarnicama i Curacao kockarnicama.

Međutim, mogao sam igrati švicarske igre iz Play'n GO-a na iwildcasinu. Kada sam se suočio sa iwildcasino povodom ovoga, moj nalog je odmah suspendovan i nikada nisam dobio nikakav odgovor u vezi s tim. Oni također ignoriraju sljedeće poruke. Kontaktirao sam Play'n GO i njegovog izvršnog direktora g. Törnqvista. Odmah su odgovorili i žele da istraže stvar.

Iz tog razloga sumnjam u vrlo dobru reputaciju iwildcasina.

Automatski prevedeno:


Trebao bih danas dobiti poziv iz ovog kazina preko Skypea zbog verifikacije, nažalost ne mogu saznati vrijeme i pomalo se bojim da će mi direktno oduzeti dobitak jer prijete da će to učiniti u svaku poruku.

dobićete poziv 20. jula u 16:10 (GMT +3).

Može li mi neko reći koliko je sati ovdje u Njemačkoj? Hvala na pomoći.

Automatski prevedeno:


Well, I found that Berlin is GMT +2 hours for example. But I would guess that this 16:10 is eligible for your location, doesn't it?

Just check this web:

Do not hesitate to ask the casino as well.

During the call, try to stay calm. Do not consult any notes, during this call - it would look suspicious. Try to refresh your memory instead, focus on games you played, payment options you opted for, how many times you made deposits, etc. - this should help you. If you do not know the answer, just say you do not remember. Do not try to guess or make something up.

Let us know how you fared. 🤞


Hvala vam puno na odgovoru. Upravo sam vodio razgovor.

Dame su samo htele da pročitam svoju adresu i sve, zatim koje sam utakmice igrao, koji su ulozi i koji je moj najveći profit. Stanje na mom računu. Ne znam tačne količine, nadam se da je dovoljno informacija. Provajder bi ipak trebao provjeriti moju historiju igara, da budem iskren, ne razumijem šta bi to trebalo biti.

Možete uplatiti bez problema, ali prilikom isplate uvijek pokušavaju sve odgoditi.

Automatski prevedeno:

Kada sam pitao iwildcasino zašto mogu igrati Play N GO igre kao Švajcarac (u svakom drugom kasinu je Play N Go zabranio), odmah su mi blokirali nalog bez razloga i bez odgovora. Nakon toga su ignorisali sve moje dalje poruke. Live chat je primio naredbu uprave da ne komunicira sa mnom.

Koristeći drugo ime, tada sam u live chatu pitao da li švicarski igrači mogu igrati Play N GO igrice. U ćaskanju uživo mi je rečeno da to, nažalost, više nije moguće (ubrzo nakon mog zahtjeva gore). Ali razgovor uživo mi je rekao da mogu koristiti VPN. Ovo mi je čudno, jer su VPN zabranjeni prema odredbama i uslovima i mogu dovesti do konfiskacije novca.

Za mene, Casino Guru previsoko ocenjuje iwildcasino.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hvala vam puno na odgovoru. Upravo sam vodio razgovor.

Dame su samo htele da pročitam svoju adresu i sve, zatim koje sam utakmice igrao, koji su ulozi i koji je moj najveći profit. Stanje na mom računu. Ne znam tačne količine, nadam se da je dovoljno informacija. Provajder bi ipak trebao provjeriti moju historiju igara, da budem iskren, ne razumijem šta bi to trebalo biti.

Možete uplatiti bez problema, ali prilikom isplate uvijek pokušavaju sve odgoditi.

Automatski prevedeno:


how are you faring now?

It's been a week so I'd like to know whether you've passed the call and if your gaming history is ok.

You should keep in mind, that this kind of verification is a procedure the casino simply must do, and it's usually bound to withdrawal. Try to ask some casino to verify you immediately and you will go through the same verification just before you even ask for the withdrawal. It's not any delay tactics in most cases - it's a must. Every time some irregularities are found a decent casino makes a verification call to clarify the situation, it's only for the best.

Kada sam pitao iwildcasino zašto mogu igrati Play N GO igre kao Švajcarac (u svakom drugom kasinu je Play N Go zabranio), odmah su mi blokirali nalog bez razloga i bez odgovora. Nakon toga su ignorisali sve moje dalje poruke. Live chat je primio naredbu uprave da ne komunicira sa mnom.

Koristeći drugo ime, tada sam u live chatu pitao da li švicarski igrači mogu igrati Play N GO igrice. U ćaskanju uživo mi je rečeno da to, nažalost, više nije moguće (ubrzo nakon mog zahtjeva gore). Ali razgovor uživo mi je rekao da mogu koristiti VPN. Ovo mi je čudno, jer su VPN zabranjeni prema odredbama i uslovima i mogu dovesti do konfiskacije novca.

Za mene, Casino Guru previsoko ocenjuje iwildcasino.

Automatski prevedeno:


the variety of games is a powerful tool for any casino. If some game provider leaves the local market and its games become forbidden to a portion of players, it's up t the casino whether it will respect the situation, or will come up with an alternative to make sure that lots of players are not leaving.

Let's just say that the casino risks its cooperation with the associated game provider, but in the end, it's up to the casino.

If the casino lets you play those games - offering you the way how to be able to play, and you win fairly and clearly, you should get your winnings no matter what.

Anyway, always keep screenshots of such conversations, to avoid possible issues.

Good day

I thought you knew such base, but I'll explain again :)

It is never the casinos that technically implement the restrictions and regulations of the game providers (which countries are blocked, etc.). This is always done directly by the game provider and the casinos have no control over it.

I have set out several reasons why iwildcasino is not a reputable casino. However, I accept that they always try to argue from the casino's point of view.



I know these basics, but you're not precisely correct at this point. What you've described is a theoretical base, I've commented on the practical base 🙂. That's all.

If you happened to come across any issues that actually happened, feel free to submit a complaint, I'm sure you know the drill already.

I regret to note your shallow cynicism.


You don't have to.

I have found none of your complaints submitted against iWild casino, if you feel you were mistreated I ask you kindly to submit the complaint, so we can give it a look.

No cynism at all.

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