NaslovnaForumKazinaJackpot Frenzy Casino - opšta diskusija

Jackpot Frenzy Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od Radka
4.777 pregleda 68 odgovora |
1 2 34

You know the users usualy do not get back once the problem is resolved hence we have no other clues - like in this case.

I suggest you keep in touch with the casino support to ensure things are going as they should. As you probably spotted already, this casino is a bit slow and perhaps also a bit disorganized. So, keeping an eye on the progress won't hurt.

The way I see it from your description, just one withdrawal seems to be "missing" out of many; is that so?

In any case, ask the support regarding that, and let us know what they come with, please.


Dobro veče, još svi nedostaju ali prva već urađena 29.10.2024. i dalje nema rezultata, a čitajući razne situacije u meni se digla pomalo trema.

Ostale sam uradio u naredna 2 dana, ali neće biti u toku zbog praznika i vikenda. Obaveštavaću vas sledeće nedelje o svim dešavanjima kako bih mogao da preduzmem mere ako bude negativan

Automatski prevedeno:

Please do so; we'll wait for your reply.


Ponedeljak, koji je radni dan, videću da li će obraditi onaj 29. inače ću već moći da kontaktiram uživo ćaskanje i pomoć da vidim status transfera i obavestiću vas, hvala mnogo i želim vam ugodan vikend

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey. So are there any news, please?


Dobro jutro, kontaktirao sam centar za pomoć tražeći informacije i vesti o povlačenjima, prilažući snimke ekrana povlačenja sa relativnim brojevima, a ovo što sada prilažem je odgovor, mislim da se generiše automatski, tako da mislim da danas smo i dalje na početnoj tački bez vesti file

Automatski prevedeno:

Yeah, it looks like that, but it doesn't need to mean that they are not processing your request. Right?

Try to be patient, and we'll wait for another update here.


Dobro jutro, pre svega hvala na interesovanju za moju stvar, takođe sam hteo da vam kažem da trenutno još ništa nije stiglo, bez vesti. file

Automatski prevedeno:

It looks like they are still checking, right? May I ask if they ask you to send any documents for verification?


Dobro jutro, i pre isplate poslao sam im fotografiju svoje lične karte i izvod kartice koju sam koristio za uplatu i podizanje, samo da budem siguran, a kasnije su od mene tražili samo da navedem mejl sa kojim sam registrovan na njihovom sajtu za kladionicu, i odmah sam to dao, tako da mislim da im ne treba ništa drugo.

Automatski prevedeno:

Uvek na početnoj tački, i kada zatražite informacije preko pomoći, evo iste poruke koju je kopirao i nalepio automatski robot, a da zahtev nije preuzeo pravi saradnik file

Automatski prevedeno:

I believe that if you feel that it is going nowhere, you should file a complaint here where our team will try to help. It is completely free of charge, so there is no reason why you shouldn't do it.

Just follow this link and explain everything to our complaint team regarding the situation at this casino.

Please read about how we resolve complaints here to get more information about what to expect, and if you have any questions, we'll be here to answer them.


Hvala vam, ali nažalost ovi linkovi se ne učitavaju za mene, stoga me ne vode ni na jednu stranicu

Automatski prevedeno:

I can see that you were able to file a complaint, which is now waiting to be reviewed by our team. I am glad that you did it at the end.

Also, try to clear cache and cookies on your computer and login to your account again if you experience this kind of issue next time. Hopefully it will help in resolving the situation.

Surely let us know if everything is ok, please, and keep us informed regarding your case in this casino.


Savršeno, čekam da prihvate moju žalbu pokretanjem debate, možda čak i označavanjem sajta i ažuriraću ga. Takođe vam se zahvaljujem na interesovanju za moj problem.

Automatski prevedeno:

I can see that our complaint team already posted the reply to your complaint, and now we need to wait for the 14-day timeframe to pass before we can intervene.

It is a standard procedure, and in the meantime, please keep us informed about any updates you can get from the casino.

We will be waiting here.


Obaveštavaću vas i još jednom hvala.

Automatski prevedeno:

Sure thing! We are here for you, and I personally hope the issue will be cleared out very soon of course.


Dobro veče, i danas ništa

Automatski prevedeno:

Let's see if there will be some movement by tomorrow, which is the date mentioned in your complaint where our team should get involved if there has been no change. Right?

Or has there been any change by now?

We'll be waiting here.

1 2 34

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