NaslovnaForumKazinaJoo Casino - opšta diskusija

Joo Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od Ella092
9.200 pregleda 58 odgovora |
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Just joined JOO CASINO to find out I can ONLY PLAY 2 GAMES because i have an active bonus. (The 1st Welcome bonus) This after I joined and deposited $50!

Customer service says I can't get a refund but i will have to cancel my newly given bonus then make a withdrawal....NO I CAN'T it doesn't allow it!



We always recommend to read the terms of every bonus beforehand, so you don't get yourself into any issues like this one you have described. It is always a free will of a player to take the bonus, so unfortunately there can't be anything done here. What are you going to do, if I may ask?

Zdravo narode!

Iskoristio sam bonus dobrodošlice u Joo Casinu. Nažalost, glupo sam deponovao kod Paisafe-a i moram da podignem preko svog nemačkog bankovnog računa. Ali ne želim to da radim. Da li bi bilo moguće napraviti nalog kod N26, na primer, prebaciti novac na njega i to je to? Ne želim da kazino transakcije budu na mom normalnom računu... Ili imate neku drugu ideju?

Srdačan pozdrav


Automatski prevedeno:

You should always check with the support of the casino regards the payment methods and what options do you have. They should be able to help you out with your requests, even though, I am not quite sure there will be such a solution to your request.🤷‍♀️

Zaista mogu preporučiti Joocasino. Sa mojim prvim depozitom od 100 i igranjem slota od 1 €, uspeo sam da zaradim 4000 € za samo nekoliko sati. Nisam verovao, ali to je istina. Jedina negativna stvar je što možete podići samo 500€ dnevno.

Imam link za registraciju

Automatski prevedeno:

Please do not post any forbidden links on this forum and stick to the rules 👈. We wouldn't like to see your account banned.

Tell us which payment method you use for the withdrawal, if you don't mind me asking.

Zdravo! Dobio sam e-poštu da sam osvojio nagradu na turniru! Ali nisam shvatio! Mislim da je nepravedno reći da je to bila greška!? file

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, congratulations on your win. When you click on the button, you can't claim it ? Where did the casino tell you it was a mistake, please? 


Pitao sam u ćaskanju uživo i rečeno mi je da je greška što sam pobedio!

Automatski prevedeno:

Sorry, could you be more specific, please?

So, you have played the tournament and won, right? Then the live chat told you that it was a mistake and that you didn't win the tournament. How is this possible? Have they explained it to you, please?

Sorry for all the questions, but I cannot get it into my head that how could such a mistake happen, you know?

Provide more details regarding this issue, and maybe we will be able to help somehow.


Dobio sam e-poruku da sam pobedio na turniru i da treba da preuzmem svoju nagradu! Zatim sam otišao na veb lokaciju kazina i nisam mogao da pronađem nagradu! Onda sam otišao u ćaskanje uživo i opisao svoj problem! U ćaskanju uživo mi je tada rečeno da je moja pobednička poruka bila greška, izvinjavamo se! Nisam dobio više informacija! Ni ja ne znam zašto! Iznerviralo me je! file

Automatski prevedeno:

So what kind of tournament was it? Did you actually participate at it, or you just suddenly received the message that you won?🤔

I am just trying to see what could've happened there, you know.🤷‍♀️


Ne mogu sa sigurnošću da kažem! Pošto različite igre zahtevaju da učestvujete, ja uvek učestvujem! U drugom kazinu to je bio slučaj i sa igrama i jednom sam osvojio malu nagradu! To se dešava automatski kod različitih provajdera! Ali nisam direktno tražio način da učestvujem na turniru! Najbolje želje!

Automatski prevedeno:

Okay, so did you play those games to be included in the tournament ? I'd say you need to check all the important information you had to complete and if you did, then I'd probably be sad. But mistakes can happen and if you didn't do it then maybe the system just misjudged the players. 

Od 1. novembra čekam da se moj paisafecard depozit uplati. U ćaskanju od mene se uvek traži da budem strpljiv. Svaki dan isti izgovori. Poslao sam im sve potvrde. Od danas nema odgovora u ćaskanju. Ranije sam imao 24 depozita koji su uvek bili na mom računu odmah. Nemam pojma šta se dešava sa Damom u poslednje vreme. Šteta, voleo sam da igram tamo.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, sometimes it's tricky with deposits and it can take a while before the casino gets it and you can play. Maybe they don't tell you anything because they don't have anything to tell you and still they might not get anything either. So I would try to be patient and see what happens. I saw that you also opened a complaint, so at the moment it's in review status, but if nothing happens we would try to help somehow, although in these cases our possibilities are limited. 

We will see what happens next.


Da, naravno. Samo me nervira što mi se ovo nikada nije desilo sa paisafe-om.

Automatski prevedeno:

I completely understand because I wouldn't like it either. I'm really curious if everything will be fine and turn out well. Did you also contact the provider to see if everything went well? 

filefilefinally wagered the bonus. Then they say this. Leave me with the $70 I deposited after hours of playing, finally having some luck winning. 60x wager 😅🫠


Da, poslao sam i kazinu potvrdu. Na listi transakcija, depozit je označen kao prihvaćen nakon nekoliko dana. Danas je 10. dan i moj depozit još uvek nije tu. U ćaskanju uvek dobijem drugačiji izgovor. Nemam pojma šta nije u redu sa Damom u poslednje vreme.

Automatski prevedeno:
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