NaslovnaForumKazinaJoo Casino - opšta diskusija

Joo Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 3)

 od Ella092
9.221 pregleda 58 odgovora |
12 3

Da, poslao sam i kazinu potvrdu. Na listi transakcija, depozit je označen kao prihvaćen nakon nekoliko dana. Danas je 10. dan i moj depozit još uvek nije tu. U ćaskanju uvek dobijem drugačiji izgovor. Nemam pojma šta nije u redu sa Damom u poslednje vreme.

Automatski prevedeno:

They must be scamming so many people.. I’m getting the same response just saying I should’ve checked the terms and condition

I completely understand because I wouldn't like it either. I'm really curious if everything will be fine and turn out well. Did you also contact the provider to see if everything went well? 

All they say is, I should have checked the terms and conditions. I just understand why they let me play any game being able to do any bets, then just take it all after I finish the wager amount. 60x 😅

filefilefinally wagered the bonus. Then they say this. Leave me with the $70 I deposited after hours of playing, finally having some luck winning. 60x wager 😅🫠

Hello, according to what the casino wrote, you exceeded maxbet when you wagered the bonus. Are you aware of anything like that? Did you cross it many times or did it happen to you once by chance? Could you say more about that? 🤔

Da, poslao sam i kazinu potvrdu. Na listi transakcija, depozit je označen kao prihvaćen nakon nekoliko dana. Danas je 10. dan i moj depozit još uvek nije tu. U ćaskanju uvek dobijem drugačiji izgovor. Nemam pojma šta nije u redu sa Damom u poslednje vreme.

Automatski prevedeno:

It's a shame that nothing has happened yet and we don't know anything else relevant. I don't know how long this whole situation can last and I would slowly expect something more. I hope that soon we will know what to expect from this case. 😕

Podneo sam žalbu protiv ovog kazina jer ne mogu da prođem verifikaciju. Uložio sam žalbu, ali je uprava napisala zvaničan odgovor i zatvorila moju žalbu. Još uvek nisam dobio odgovor ni na jedno moje pitanje. Ne igrajte u ovom kazinu, to je moja preporuka. Oni će učiniti sve da vam ne plate. I žalbe na ovom forumu neće pomoći. Čekao sam 8 dana na odgovor iz kazina. I nisam dobio nikakve odgovore na svoja pitanja.

Automatski prevedeno:

Unfortunately, as I can see in your complaint, it was rejected due to the fact that you have already played down your winnings. Isn't that right?

Therefore, our team is not able to do anything regarding your issue if there is no amount to "fight" for, you know.🤷‍♀️

With every complaint, there is a timer set, and every party needs to reply within this time frame. It is not always possible to reply to every post in the complaint right away, and that is why we have implemented these timers.


Kakve veze moja pobeda ima sa tim? Nisam mogao da prođem verifikaciju 10 dana čak ni uz žalbu na vašem forumu. Iz kog razloga nisam dobio odgovor? Takođe, nakon jednog depozita moji bonusi su onemogućeni. Zašto? Želim da dobijem odgovore na ova pitanja iz kazina. Zar mi zaista ne možete pomoći da shvatim ova 2 pitanja?

Automatski prevedeno:

Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to force any casino to answer to its players. Maybe you should try to contact the support. And if you already have, I am really sorry that it didn't work out.

We give casinos 14 days to proceed with the payment, but if the player plays down the money, it is closed for us as there is no amount to help get. You know.


Želim da uložim novu žalbu o tome šta mi treba da prođem verifikaciju. Da li treba da otvorim novu žalbu? Ili ćemo o tome raspravljati u ovoj temi?

Automatski prevedeno:

I am not sure if I understand what you mean to tell you the truth.

So, could you please explain what the issue is now with the casino?

Have you requested a new withdrawal, perhaps, and you are not able to verify yourself? Is that what you mean?

Verification when you are trying to cashout is almost impossible. They are asking for things that we cannot provide. Just don't go there.


Hi, what documents do you not provide to the casino, what they ask from you? I think any situation regarding verification could be solved, so try to explain it to me and we'll see what can be done.

Everything is fine now. After 12 tries, I finally was approved. I’ll change my rating. There should be examples available for future clients who could have the same probleme. It would save a lot of frustrations with the process


Ne, nisam tražio novo povlačenje. Ali želim da prođem verifikaciju sa njima i da razumem šta je bio razlog zašto nisam mogao da prođem kroz to.

Automatski prevedeno:

Everything is fine now. After 12 tries, I finally was approved. I’ll change my rating. There should be examples available for future clients who could have the same probleme. It would save a lot of frustrations with the process

So really, you had to try that many times? What was the reason, though? Some missing documents perhaps?

At least you got it now. Right?

Ne, nisam tražio novo povlačenje. Ali želim da prođem verifikaciju sa njima i da razumem šta je bio razlog zašto nisam mogao da prođem kroz to.

Automatski prevedeno:

In that case, no complaint will be opened. Only if there is some pending withdrawal can our team intervene, you know.

You will need to communicate that with the support of the casino directly.

Zdravo, uspeo sam da ostvarim veliku pobedu u Joo Casinu. Sada su dobici poništeni jer nisam ispunio uslove bonusa. Verovatno nema šanse, ali to ne može biti istina. Kazino nije spreman da pokaže bilo kakvu dobru volju... Razumem uslove i odredbe, ali sam takođe igrao bez bonusa i mislim da nije legalno sve otkazati? Imate li iskustva sa ovim? Da li su sve licence u redu ili se preko njih može nešto kontrolisati?

Automatski prevedeno:

Could we take it step by step here, please?

So, you played with some bonus. Right? Was there a maximum withdrawal applied, and that is why the casino took the money that was over the limit, perhaps?

Please know that it is very important to read the terms of every bonus beforehand so you are informed about it well.

When you say that you played also with real money, could you tell us exactly how it was and what you mean, please, so we are able to hopefully help?


Najverovatnije nećete dobiti ništa. Ovaj kazino se pokvario. Nisu mi platili samo jedan depozit. A onda su mi isključili bonuse i blokirali nalog. Iako sam uzeo samo jedan bonus. Ne zaboravite da ostavite recenziju o ovom kazinu na stranici sa recenzijama. Tako da drugi igrači mogu da vide vaše iskustvo.

Automatski prevedeno:
12 3

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