Bio sam ovde pre godinu dana i imao sam veoma loše iskustvo, a sada sam napravio veliku grešku!
Pre 2 nedelje sam primio promotivnu e-poštu od njih i bez razmišljanja sam ponovo otvorio svoj nalog. Uzeo sam bonus na meč i pokušao da napravim depozit, ali stranica kreditne kartice mi nije dozvolila da dodam novu karticu. Žalio sam se korisničkoj podršci i oni su mi stalno govorili da ništa nije u redu sa njihovom stranicom za depozit. Nisam imao problema u bilo kom drugom kazinu samo Kats. Čak sam i snimio mp4 snimak problema i dali su mi sve izgovore zašto ne mogu da ga pogledaju. Svaki put kada sam kontaktirao CS chat morao sam da ispričam celu svoju priču o tome zašto još nisam igrao. Toliko sam ih se zasitio da sam 10 puta tražio da zatvorim svoj račun jer ne mogu da uplatim. Takođe sam im rekao da ne radim Cripto. Nezainteresovan. 10 puta su ignorisali moje zahteve. To me je pogoršavalo.
Konačno sam razgovarao sa nekim i oni su mi poslali obrazac da popunim da bi moj nalog bio zatvoren. Zaboravi na to!
Žele da moj ID sa slikom i svi dokumenti zatvore moj nalog. Imali su sve te dokumente iz mog prethodnog članstva. Nikada nisam mogao da uplatim i igram ovaj put, tako da što se mene tiče moj nalog bi trebalo da bude zatvoren bez ikakvih problema ili ponovljenih dokumenata.
Odgovorio sam im i rekao da nema šanse. Možete ostaviti račun otvoren 100 godina, ali ja se nikada neću prijaviti ili pokušati da uplatim ili igram.
Još jedan nelicencirani mrtav je pobedio kazino sa lošom uslugom za korisnike.
Ok znam da sam pogrešio i trebalo je da se setim svog poslednjeg iskustva..LOL. Šta misliš da treba da uradim sada?
I was a member here one year ago and had a very bad experience and now I made a big big mistake!
2 weeks ago I recieved a promo email from them and without thinking I reopened my account. I took a match bonus and tried to make a deposit but the credi card page wouldn't allow me to add a new card. I complained to customer support and they continually told me there is nothing wrong with their deposit page. I had no issues at any other casino only Kats. I even took a mp4 video of the issue and they gave me all the excuses why they cannot view it. Each time I contacted CS chat I had to tell my whole story over about why I haven't played yet. I got so fed up with them I asked 10 times to close my account because I cannot deposit. I also told them I do not do Crypto. Not interested. 10 times they ignored my requests. It was getting me aggrevated.
Finally I spoke to someone and they sentt me a form to fill out to have my account closed. Forget That!
They want my picture ID and all documents to close my account. They have had all those documents from my previous membership.I never was able to deposit and play this time around so as far as I am concerned my account should be closed without any issues or repeated documents.
I replied to them and said no way. You can leave the account open for 100 years but I will never sign in or try to deposit ever or play.
Another unlicensed dead beat casino with poor customer service.
Ok I know I made a mistake and should have remembered my last experience..LOL. What do you think I should do now?
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