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Kazina mogu prestati da plaćaju (strana 2)

pre 10 meseci od Rsfa345
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Jaro, ovo izaziva psihički i fizički poremećaj koji je teško izraziti, mislim zato što sam sebi dozvolio da pobedim i ne plaćam, moram da čekam Od tebe, uspeo sam da kontaktiram kazino jer nisam mogao, izgubio sam broj od tolikih neuspešnih pokušaja

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pre 10 meseci

Više ne idem nego igram jer bih mogao da gubim vreme i novac jer mi nisu platili pa ću čekati isplate, sada se plašim da igram u bilo kom kazinu

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pre 10 meseci

Igrao sam juče jer sam se nadao da će mi platiti jer ovo je moj način života, plaćam račune i kućne troškove, nadam se da ćeš pomoći

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pre 10 meseci

I understand that you are frustrated and I sympathize with you because this is certainly not an easy situation. It's certainly not nice to see the casino not responding when it's your money at stake. 

As for being afraid to play at another casino, I would be the same way. I personally wouldn't play in a casino even if it was I don't know how great because it's a waste of money for me. However, always do some research before you go to deposit money to find out what's going on, so that you can reduce the risk of such a situation occurring as much as possible. That's what I can recommend. 

However, I don't recommend playing with the money because it's possible you'll lose it and it won't help you in the end. Wait to see how your open complaints turn out and if we can get in touch with the casino. Would that be possible? 

pre 10 meseci

I understand that you are frustrated and I sympathize with you because this is certainly not an easy situation. It's certainly not nice to see the casino not responding when it's your money at stake. 

As for being afraid to play at another casino, I would be the same way. I personally wouldn't play in a casino even if it was I don't know how great because it's a waste of money for me. However, always do some research before you go to deposit money to find out what's going on, so that you can reduce the risk of such a situation occurring as much as possible. That's what I can recommend. 

However, I don't recommend playing with the money because it's possible you'll lose it and it won't help you in the end. Wait to see how your open complaints turn out and if we can get in touch with the casino. Would that be possible? 

pre 10 meseci

Dobro jutro, ne znam da li ćete moći da stupite u kontakt jer sam pokušao na više načina, koriste live chat i nikad ne odgovaraju kao u prilozima koje sam poslao, nadam se da ste uspešni, uspeo sam da dobijem u kontaktu sa njima, bizgo777 je panda05, oboje su isti vlasnici

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pre 10 meseci

Yeah, you already mentioned that it's hard to contact the live chat. Let's see what our team can do, but I saw that the casino did not respond to the first call and Peter extended the timer for another 7 days. I am quite worried if the casino will reply, but I hope they will.

For now we will have to wait. Fingers crossed. 🤞

pre 10 meseci

Nadam se da se nadam

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pre 10 meseci

As long as you are! We're here for updates. 🤞🤞🤞

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