NaslovnaForumKazinaKingmaker Casino - opšta diskusija

Kingmaker Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 14)

 od Zabolota92
42.622 pregleda 332 odgovora |
1...13 14 15...17

That is great, and I really like that it is like that.

May I ask you, though, what was the reason you deleted your previous posts?🤔

It is not bad to leave them even though they were not this positive, I believe.🤷‍♀️

King Maker Casino delivers an exciting experience with the Star Joker game, offering dynamic gameplay and rewarding features. Frequent payouts and engaging bonus rounds make it an ideal choice for players seeking both adventure and potential rewards.


Hi, and besides that, would you say something else about the casino? 😀

Nažalost, i ja sam pao na to... očigledno se kazino ne isplati. Zanimalo bi me da li je neko ikada uspeo da podigne 1 cent? Imam 13 hiljada na računu... da li mi neko može reći da li je neko ikada mogao da podigne novac ili ne, da sačuvam nadu u slučaju da nije tako.

Srdačan pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:

napravio sam povlačenje, kasni samo nedelju dana, a takođe ne znam na kom nivou si da podigneš 13000

Automatski prevedeno:

Nažalost, i ja sam pao na to... očigledno se kazino ne isplati. Zanimalo bi me da li je neko ikada uspeo da podigne 1 cent? Imam 13 hiljada na računu... da li mi neko može reći da li je neko ikada mogao da podigne novac ili ne, da sačuvam nadu u slučaju da nije tako.

Srdačan pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:

What exactly have you fallen into? I think if you go through this thread you will find both good experiences and bad. There is no need to be negative right from the start and definitely stand up for getting your money and don't give up right away.

Speaking of withdrawals, how long do you wait or are you not allowed to withdraw? Tell me more about the process so I know exactly where you stand. When it gets tough, we'll try to help you. 

Heads up.☘️

I have 3 withdrawals pending, 2 of which are now 4 business days old is there any way I can get some help with these?


Is your account fully verified already, or are you still undergoing the verification process?

Our team can intervene only after the 14-day time period passes and the casino still doesn't process the payment, so please keep us informed on how it goes.

Zdravo. Zatražio sam povlačenje za 12 dana i još uvek se obrađuje. Uvek odgovaraju istom porukom da je povlačenje bezbedno. Ja sam očajan. Ima li šanse da dobijemo novac ili smo ga izgubili?

Automatski prevedeno:

Dobro veče prijatelju. Jesi li dobio svoj novac?

Automatski prevedeno:

12 radnih dana? Zašto čekam od prošlog petka?

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Čim ih dobijete (ako ih dobijete) zatvorite svoj nalog i napravite što više loših recenzija. Sada prevaranti mogu da traže od mene identifikacione dokumente (bankovne izvode itd.) i treba još par meseci da podignu novac, dok su me do sada puštali da igram i normalno uplaćujem i isplaćujem. Nadam se da će se zatvoriti.

Automatski prevedeno:

So you have a problem with the withdrawal and you still haven't received the money? Have you already passed the verification or is the casino still processing some documents? Is this your first withdrawal? 

Please let me know.


I have done 2 withdraws already. No verification needed from the casino. They have not asked me anything .

My first withdraw request dated 15 days ago.

Suddenly since today morning i have no access in my account neither the live chat ( I havent used any bad language although they deserve it)

After that, they cancelled one of my 3 withdraws with no excuse . I am waiting for the three other withdraws to be cancelled and get them back to the account that i cannot enter.

I have to say this is one of worst experiences in my life and its totally shameful the kingmaker casino high rates by anyone. They are scammers. Thieves.

Zdravo, meni se isto desilo. Čekam na uplatu 4 dana. Kako i gde mogu da se žalim?

Automatski prevedeno:

Jeste li na kraju dobili novac?

Automatski prevedeno:

I have done 2 withdraws already. No verification needed from the casino. They have not asked me anything .

My first withdraw request dated 15 days ago.

Suddenly since today morning i have no access in my account neither the live chat ( I havent used any bad language although they deserve it)

After that, they cancelled one of my 3 withdraws with no excuse . I am waiting for the three other withdraws to be cancelled and get them back to the account that i cannot enter.

I have to say this is one of worst experiences in my life and its totally shameful the kingmaker casino high rates by anyone. They are scammers. Thieves.

Thank you for the reply. 2 weeks is quite a long time I would say and I am quite surprised that no verification was needed.

It's also quite strange why you don't have access to your account. Does it mean you can't log in or do you have a complete block? 

The complaint was the right move and now we will just have to wait for our team and what they find. 

Hopefully this will be fixed soon and the casino will explain what is going on.

Zdravo, meni se isto desilo. Čekam na uplatu 4 dana. Kako i gde mogu da se žalim?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, you can file a complaint with us but I would recommend being a bit patient first. You have only been waiting 4 days so far, so there is no reason to panic. We give casinos 14 days, so our team would be waiting to see if the money gets to you in that time anyway, so try to keep a cool head. 

Have you had any withdrawals before or is this your first one? Did you play with a bonus or just real money? 

Let me know please. 

Čekam da mi stigne povlačenje od 12.6, da li je moguće?

Automatski prevedeno:

Očekujem tri povlačenja od 3,4 i 5/12. Takođe su mi deaktivirali nalog bez ikakvog izgovora.

Automatski prevedeno:

Kada kažete da su ga deaktivirali?

Automatski prevedeno:
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