Zelena slova vas preusmeravaju na link koji vodi do žalbe. U ovom obrascu ćete popuniti šta vam se dogodilo, a naši stručnjaci će se pozabaviti čitavom situacijom. Proces funkcioniše tako što vam prvo postavlja pitanja koja su relevantna da biste saznali što je više moguće o celom slučaju. Kada to bude urađeno, kontaktiraćemo kazino da bismo saznali zašto još uvek nemate svoj novac i pokušaćemo da vam pomognemo.
Mislim da vredi pokušati.
The green letters redirect you to the link that leads to the complaint. In this form you will fill in what happened to you and our experts will deal with the whole situation. The process works by first asking you questions that are relevant to find out as much as possible about the whole case. Once this is done, we will then contact the casino to find out why you still don't have your money and try to help you.
I think that's worth a try.