Zdravo, molim vas, držite ruke dalje od ovog kazina!!! Kao što možete pročitati u gore navedenim pritužbama, tu ima mnogo problema!!!
Hello, please keep your hands off this casino!!! As you can read in the complaints above, there are a lot of problems there!!!
Servus, bitte lasst alle die Finger von diesem casino!!! Wie ihr bei den Beschwerden oben schon lesen könnt gibt es dort jede Menge Probleme!!!
Istina je da izgleda da kazino plaća igrače kasnije, ali dovoljno igrača je napisalo da su i oni primili novac, tako da ne bih bio toliko siguran u vašu izjavu.
A što se tiče Radke i njenog posta. Šta drugo da vam kažem osim onoga što je već spomenula. Kada je kazino nov, teško je od samog početka proceniti kakav će biti. Većinu vremena vam je potrebno neko iskustvo da biste saznali kako to funkcioniše, i zato je to uvek rizik. Nije da neko želi da se opravdava, ali jednostavno je tako.
It is true that the casino seems to pay players at a later time , but enough players wrote that they also received money, so I would not be so confident with your statement.
And as for Radka and her post. What else can I tell you than what she already mentioned. When a casino is new, it's hard to assess what it will be like right from the start. Most of the time you need some experience to find out how it works, and that's why it's always a risk. It's not that anyone wants to make excuses, but it's just the way it is.