Nedavno sam pročitao da je grupi Genesis koja u svojoj grupi ima 12 internetskih kockarnica oduzeta licenca zbog kršenja pravila u njihovoj licenci. Špekulacije kažu da je s njima imati 3 verzije utora s različitim RTP-om, od 96% do 91%. Može li netko osvijetliti ovo i može li se to događati negdje drugdje. Sigurno sa stanovišta igrača to se smatra nepravedno. Koliko bi još internetskih kockarnica moglo biti uhvaćeno.
I have read recently that the Genesis group who have 12 online casinos in their group have had their license revoked due to breaking a rule in their license. Speculation says it is to do with them having 3 versions of a slot with different RTP's ranging from 96% to as low as 91%. Can anybody shed any light on this and could this be happening elsewhere. Surely from a players point of view this is deemed unfair. How many more online casinos could be caught out.