Hm, znači bliži se pomenuti rok. Ali želeo bih da znam koji je problem kazina sa vašom adresom, ili koji razlog ima da ne prihvati ovaj dokument? Tužno je kada igrač dođe u ovakvu situaciju, da kažeš da ništa nisi osvojio. Ako slučaj traje više od 14 dana i ništa se ne pomeri pre toga, preporučio bih vam da podnesete žalbu ovde: https: //
Što se tiče toga da više ne igrate u kazinu, ne krivim vas ako sam iskren i verovatno bih izabrao kazino gde se slični problemi nisu dešavali.
Međutim, definitivno mislim da je uvek dobro pogledati recenzije ili žalbe korisnika, jer su to stvarna iskustva igrača i mogu vam pomoći u donošenju odluke pri izboru novog kazina. Za sada nema skoro ništa o ovom kazinu, ali vidim da što se žalbi tiče, igrač ima sličan problem kao i vi.
U svakom slučaju, ako saznate neku novu informaciju, javite nam.
Nadam se da će se vaša situacija rešiti i da ćete na kraju biti zadovoljni.
Hm, so it's getting close to the mentioned deadline. But I would like to know what is the casino's problem with your address, or what reason it has for not accepting this document ? It's sad when a player gets into a situation like this, where you say that you haven't won anything. If the case lasts more than 14 days and nothing moves before then, I would recommend you to file a complaint here:
As for not playing at the casino anymore, I don't blame you if I'm honest and I'd probably choose a casino where similar problems haven't occurred.
However, I definitely think it's always good to look at user reviews or complaints, because these are real experiences of players and could help you in your decision making when choosing a new casino. So far, there is almost nothing about this casino, but I can see that as far as complaints are concerned, the player is dealing with a similar problem as you.
Anyway, If you find out any new information, let us know.
I hope your situation will be resolved and you will be satisfied in the end.
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