NaslovnaForumKazinaLetsLucky Casino - opšta diskusija

LetsLucky Casino - opšta diskusija

 od elfarerik
5.749 pregleda 26 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za LetsLucky Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Zdravo. Imam pitanje. Dobio sam bonus novac na svoj prvi depozit. Pa pobedio sam i sad se postavlja pitanje kada mogu da dobijem svoj novac i koliko dugo moram da čekam dok novac ne bude slobodan??

Automatski prevedeno:


to be able to answer that, you should consult the bonus terms. Honestly, you should do that in advance to make sure that the bonus is worth taking, because not every bonuses are worth taking.

Basically, you need to know whether this bonus consists of a wagering requirement, that's a good start.

There can bo other rules, you should bair in mind while playing.

I guess that this article should help you understand how bonuses work in general. You can even undergo a free course about bonuses!

But for a concrete answer, please ask the casino chat or support. 😉

Let me know whether the casino answered all your questions.

Depozit 2 puta danas sa bonusom. nakon stotina okreta besplatna igra. prevara file

Automatski prevedeno:

That is truly a sad picture. But it happens, I guess.


Svako ko igra često i mnogo dobro poznaje ovu sliku 😀

Ali to ne mora da ima veze sa prevarama ✌🏾✌🏼

Često se dešavalo da imam profit od 0,00 € nakon besplatnih okretaja 🙂

Sećam se da sam igrao Razor Shark pre otprilike godinu dana i prva 4 besplatna okretanja su bila veoma loša! Njih 2 dobijaju po 0,00 evra, a druga dvojica dobijaju najvišu opkladu od 20k, a zatim osvajaju 5. opkladu sa besplatnim okretanjem od 6000k.

To je samo kazino 🙂 ponekad ne dobijete apsolutno ništa, a nekim danima dobijete mnogo, tako je. 🙂

Ali na kraju dana, a toga uvek morate biti svesni, kazino pobeđuje.

Budite strpljivi, 100% sam siguran da ako igrate s vremena na vreme velika pobeda će i vas usrećiti. 🙂

Držim palčeve da svi redovi budu puni algi i to sa množiocem od 30k 😀

Prijatan dan i držite glavu gore!

Pre ili kasnije neće pisati 0,00 već mega broj 🫶🏽🫶🏻🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

Već neko vreme igram ovde i imao sam dosta depozita i povlačenja u skladu sa tim.

Ja sam lično veoma zadovoljan kazinom!

Ponekad isplate zaista prođu ovde za nekoliko minuta i do sada nije bilo nikakvih problema 🙂

Mislim da je to kul mesto za kockanje 🙂

Mogu li da pitam odakle dolazi ocena 5.2?

Mislim da je to zaista odličan kazino i mislim da zaslužuju više poena. 😀

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello CasinoStreamer88,

Thank you for your contribution. The rating of casinos consists of many components. It is a comprehensive process where we evaluate the casino in many ways. In particular, the casino has points down because of the limited winning limit per day (100,000 euros per day) and because of this reason: ,,This casino forbids certain betting patterns or strategies (even when playing without a bonus), but we have not witnessed this rule being used against players yet." We have found this in their terms and conditions probably, but as we wrote...we have no information about the casino ever applying it. Is this casino your favorite or do you like another one even more?🙂

Opet, to bi trebalo da bude Hollicorn Casino. Tek juče sam dobio mejl sa Luckidreams Casino, koji je kazino u vlasništvu Dama nv. Ali odgovor na moju e-poštu za Luckidreams nije došao od Luckidreams-a, već od Letsluckija, koji zapravo pripada Hollicornu. Možda neko ovde može da mi objasni ovo jer Letsluki nije u stanju da mi objasni. Da li je Hollicorn nv i Dama nv isti klub???

Automatski prevedeno:

Može biti 🙂

Ne znaš to tačno. 🙂

Mislim da mnoge kazina vodi istih nekoliko ljudi, ali to je samo nagađanje.

Ja lično mislim da su to veoma dobra kazina!

Letslucki je, na primer, po mom mišljenju sjajan.

Ovde sam već imao oko 7 isplata, a sve su uvek obrađene u roku od 24 sata bez ikakvih problema 🙂

Ako ostanu takvi, to je odlično društvo. 🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

Nisam rekao da je loš kazino. Važno mi je samo da se ovde daju poštene licence

Automatski prevedeno:

Postoje kazina bez licence koja su bolja od onih koja imaju licencu 🙂

Licenca ne govori ništa o kazinu.

Čak i mnogi sa licencama jebe svoje mušterije. 🙂

Zavisi od uprave 🌴

Automatski prevedeno:

Opet, to bi trebalo da bude Hollicorn Casino. Tek juče sam dobio mejl sa Luckidreams Casino, koji je kazino u vlasništvu Dama nv. Ali odgovor na moju e-poštu za Luckidreams nije došao od Luckidreams-a, već od Letsluckija, koji zapravo pripada Hollicornu. Možda neko ovde može da mi objasni ovo jer Letsluki nije u stanju da mi objasni. Da li je Hollicorn nv i Dama nv isti klub???

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello there.

Could you resend all those emails to please?

As an alternative, the "update us" feature is still available. 🙏

Thank you for your support!

Upravo sam dobio povlačenje od Letsluckija. Može li neko da mi kaže koliko dugo traje isplata jer postoje različiti izveštaji na internetu.

Podrška uvek teši istom spremnom porukom.

Automatski prevedeno:

Kada ste tražili isplatu?

Obično prilično brzo.

Automatski prevedeno:

Recently I made some pretty bad experiences with this casino. From my last 10 withdrawals money got deducted. I went into livechat 2 weeks ago, but so far nothing happened. Money still gets deducted from my withdrawals. I did all the withdrawals via Mifinity, I never had anything similar happening in any other casino. This is the list of my last 10 withdrawals and what they actually send me, all in euros:

17 Jan, 17:25 43,53/45,11

19 Jan, 18:56 67,96/70,42

20 Jan, 18:53 217,27/225,15

22 Jan, 21:05 135,52/140,44

25 Jan, 1:08 67,67/70,12

29 Jan, 17:53 114,36/118,51

31 Jan, 21:03 92,64/96

1 Feb, 0:34 53,22/55,15

2 Feb, 21:38 400,44/414,96

3 Feb, 16:50 178,69/185,17

-52,19 euros until now


Hello, I see you tried asking the casino what's going on, what did they tell you? I'm wondering if there are any fees on withdrawals, but that's just my idea. 🤔

Anyway, it would be best to get a straight answer to be sure. 

Also, when you are withdrawing through Mifinity, have you tried contacting them to see if there is something on their side ? 

Let me know.


The livechat said that there should be no fees on the withdrawals. They opened a case two weeks ago to investigate it, but so far nothing happened. When I ask in livechat they always tell me the same: "As far as we've been informed there may have been a fee charged by the intermediary bank, We'll look into this further. Is there anything else I can assist you with?" I have the feeling that they gave me the fee, because I won too much. I am playing in different casinos and even nowadays I never get any fees in other casinos with Mifinity, so I really think Letslucky is the problem.


I would also try asking the intermediary bank if they have any fees in this regard and if not then I would recommend filing a complaint and our team will try to find out what might be involved. 

So give it a try and if you don't hear anything relevant let me know. 

I asked Mifinity and they dont have any fees for this. The answer makes sense, because the Mifinity withdrawals from all the other online casinos come without any fees. Where can I file a complaint about Letslucky casino?

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