ForumKazinaList of casinos to avoid

List of casinos to avoid

pre 2 meseci od dancerreddevile
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pre 2 meseci

Taken from LCB.ORG. This is a list of all casinos that do not pay out winnings.

The virtual group

Bet Royal Casino

Cirrus Casino

Club Player

Cool Cat Casino

Dreams Casino



Palace of Chance

Party City Casino


Prism Casino

Slots of Vegas

Vip Lounge Casino

The Virtual Casino

Wild Vegas Casino

Planet 7 Casino

Goldstream Casino

Pharaohs Gold Casino

Catseye Casino

Royal Ace Casino

Captain Jack Casino

Silver Oak Casino

Slot Madness.

Microgaming software:

Grand prive group

Belle Vegas Online

Casino Grand Bay

Grand Bay Poker

Kasino Grand Bay

Lake Palace Casino

Jupiter Club Casino

Road House Reels Casino

Fortune Junction Casino

Jackpot Wheel Casino

Villa Fortuna Casino

Big Dollar Casino

Villa Fortuna Affiliates

Grand Prive Affiliates.

Rival software:

ALL are to be treated with care untill better news from the online gaming world is presented, but especially un-recommended are Slotsofcash, Mayan Palace,Traditon and Dendera

G-Fed Csinos:

pre 2 meseci

That's quite an extensive list. Have you played at all of these?

I hope it will be helpful to other users to collect all the information about the casinos.

pre 2 meseci

No, I didn't played in all that's casinos . This list is collected several months by players in forums. You can see many sisters casinos on list, with same management and same rogue T&C. In every casino on list withdrawing is very slow process.

pre 2 meseci

Understand. Thank you for caring anyway.

Do you have your own experience with any of these casinos, though?

pre 2 meseci

I be added on list all casinos from Green Feather company:

Galactic wins casino

Boo casino

Mr. Fortune


pre 2 meseci

Did something specific happen to you when you added casinos from this group ? It would definitely be good if it was also from some experience. Of course, I wouldn't be happy if you didn't enjoy playing somewhere, but you understand. 

pre 2 meseci

No Jaro, it's not my personal experience. As I said, this list is from forum, and it's collected several months,maybe even a year, from players, , who's been over a decade in that site. is become a affiliate partner, and players are forced to make such a list, by own. You don't must to believe me, just googled any if this casinos to see how many complaints they have. Its all about withdrawing, some casinos delays payment in hope that players will be continues to play( and lost all at the end) or simply they don't pay any winnings. And this is shorted list, actually it's a much more blacklisted casinos. But you know all that , better than me.

pre 2 meseci

I understand that you are trying to warn the players, but sometimes it's good to know the experience, especially because everyone thinks they are right and sometimes it doesn't have to be that way. Of course I have no reason not to trust you and I don't play in casinos, so for me this list is not that important and any other players who go through it can find the information to make sure themselves what is waiting for them if they want to play in any of the mentioned casinos.

My point is just that sometimes it's better to imagine the situation a player is in and it's easier to accept that than when someone picks a casino and says don't play here. Anyway, thanks and I hope every player will think about where to deposit their money. 

pre 2 meseci

Наравно да играчи мисле да су у праву, јер казина одређују правила и услове. Ми можемо само да прихватимо или одбијено. Не можемо ни налог са отворимо ако не испуњавамо услове. Казино има максималну контролу над нашим налозима, као и над играма.Имамо само једно дугме да притиснемо, и онда ти казино каже да ли смо нешто добили или не. И како онда , и где долази до проблема? Када затражимо исплату!! Тада. Док уплаћујемо све је ОК. Али са првим покушајем повлачења новца, казино више није ОК, и флексибилан као код депозита. И ја стварно не знам зашто ово пишем, када ти много боље од мене знаш све то. Да ли треба да се сви овде правимо наивни , и да се као нешто сви чудимо када читамо све ове жалбе играча? Играо у казину две године, па када коначно једном добио казино га блокирао?! И онда га као питамо,па зашто, па како, па да ниси урадио нешто против правила? Па дај пишу жалбу , па чекај 3 месеца да се неко из казина удостоји да се јави. Хахаха, па нисмо ми мала деца да нас неко лаже бајкама и легендама. Ако сам регистровао налог и уплатио депозит без проблема, зашто има проблема при исплати?

pre 2 meseci

RealtimeGaming casinos with very slow payment process( about one month for first withdrawal):

Sun Palace casino

Old Havana casino

Las Vegas USA casino

Lucky Hippo casino

Las Vegas online casino

High country casino

Diamond Reels

Island Reels

pre 2 meseci

Well, it's a good question why there is no problem with deposits most of the time and there is with withdrawals. Some casinos are careful and some are dishonest, so it can be different. There are also a lot of other factors that come into it, like 3rd party providers and such. Sometimes it's not the casino's fault that something is happening with withdrawals on the other hand I think any conscious player has no problem with that. The problem sets in when the casino complies with a million things and the players end up getting nothing, losing their money, or not even getting contacted by the casino. 

So I would probably stay with the casino where I would have the fewest issues and not go somewhere else to play all the time, because I'm tired of that one casino. Nowadays, many players don't appreciate that some casinos are actually good and they want to try some other casinos all the time, which I personally see as a problem. Especially when they are new and few people have experience. 

I would say that players need to be more attentive and it would be best if casinos were more honest and didn't try to find something that is a deal breaker at all costs. But that's generalizing too much, which is not good in some cases. 

pre 2 meseci

Потпуно си у праву што се тиче навике већине играча да стално траже нова казина. Треба се држати проверених казина који исплаћују добитке у најкраћем року. Ми овде у Србији имамо срећу да државна управа за игре на срећу контролише сва казина и кладионице, и ниједан казино из Србије никад није одбио исплату , на колико она била. Ево на мом личном примеру: јутрос сам погодио неколико тикета, отишао до казина( који је на 300 метара од моје куће) подигао новац само са кодом, попио неко пиће са девојкама што раде тамо, и све то одмах након завршетка меча. И када већ имам такав казино , зашто бих ја играо у тамо неком lucky owl casino, or in smokace casino или у било ком другом казину који сам навео у листи. Да чекам месецима за новац? Лакше је узети кредит у банци, него завршити верификацију налога. Шта се то дешава са онлине казина? Ако сам добио нешто, хоћу одмах свој добитак.

pre 2 meseci

I think it is important that gambling is regulated by the state, but it is not the same everywhere. Then there would be fewer problems for gamblers. However, I know from my experience as long as I have been working on this that players always want to try something new and especially not to be informed. 

In the online world it's all a bit more complicated because players want fast withdrawals and a reliable casino, on the other hand casinos want to protect themselves as much as possible against fraud and things like that, so some of the processes are prolonged and complicated to the point of being overwhelming. So the best way is to play at a reputable casino and eliminate any potential issues that could arise. 🙂

pre 2 meseci

Слажем се са тобом у потпуности. Ипак сам ја мало више субјективан, јер сам навикао да никад немам проблема са исплатом (када се ради о Српским казина). Наравно да казина треба да се заштите од разних врста превара, али се сада дешава да играчи треба да се заштите од покварених појединих казина, којих је на жалост све више. Менаџменти казина би требало да КYC процес заврше па бар у року од 24 часа, а када играч уплати депозит то би требало да је верификован налог. Како онда играчи морају да пролазе поново процес верификације налога, и то тек када затраже исплату?! Казина исто тако крију поједине услове за бонусе, а њихове T&C су намерно преопширне. Основно правило би требало да буде: на који начин је била уплата, таква треба да буде и исплата. А не да чекам месец дана. Ето да споменем и моју задњу жалбу, чиме све се још казина служе да обмањују играче. Условни обрт бонуса не обрачунавају како треба. Одиграм слотове за 10$, а на прогрес бару ми показује само 1$. То што кажеш да играчи не читају услове, је делимично њихова кривица. Али исто тако , казина би требало да наведу све услове, и да то буде видно и транспарентно . Али казина намерно се труде да све то буде непрегледно. Баш Као што је и @brazilbet фино замаскирао услове промоције. Бонус од 200% на први депозит. А у ствари бонус новац нисам ни добио, треба да га "откључам" само са правим парама. А казино нигде то није написао на видном месту. У суштини ништа у данашње време није до играча, ми се малтене ништа и не питамо. Казина све одлучују, и сваки спор на релацији играчи -казино је инициран од стране казина.

pre 2 meseci

I'm certainly not saying that it's always the players who are to blame. It is clear that in the online world there are also many casinos that are not honest. It's sad if someone plays in one and can't tell if it's a scam or not at first glance. But that's what information is all about, and I don't put money into anything I haven't checked.

I also agree that some casinos have unnecessary Terms and Conditions or hidden things and stuff like that. That's why players also have to be careful when you talk about bonuses and read up. Even if an offer comes to my email I would always go and check what is in the terms and conditions, because I know that these offers are the ones that cause the most problems. I would also say that casinos also make unnecessary difficulties and sometimes it is pointless if they could eliminate it. 

So I guess the conclusion is that whether it's the casinos or the players, they're both at fault in some situations and it would be nice to have as many honest ones as possible. But that seems to be utopia.

pre 1 meseca

Само прочитајте задње објаве у дискусији на chipstar I balkanbet , и све што је овде речено тамо се имплементира. Разрешите бонус на први депозит у chipstars casino , и добићете Нобелову награду.

pre 1 meseca

Well, with some casinos, anyone who solves some things should probably get a Nobel Prize. Sometimes it's all unnecessarily complicated even though it doesn't have to be, which is a shame. I believe that if casinos would make some things easier for players, there wouldn't be so much inconvenience. 

pre 1 meseca

Другим речима играмо игру а не знамо правила... Још више новца за казина. Сваки нови члан у њиховим T&C је још један основ да не исплате евентуалне добитке. А таквих играча који су остали неисплаћених и нису се нигде жалили, нити игде објавили , је много више, од од оних који се жале и које можемо да сретнемо по сајтовима као што је и casino guru.

pre 1 meseca

It could be a reason that there can only be a small number of players who were injured.

On the other hand, I would say that casinos that are honest can make it much further than those that are not. If you have loyal players and every new one can become one too, in my opinion the casino wins. I don't understand if casinos have some opposite "tactics" and are just there for a while to scam players.

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