Napravio sam povlačenje, nisu prihvatili, tražili su da proverim adresu, poslao sam i oni su to 10 puta demantovali i 10 puta sam ponovo poslao potpuno isti zvanični dokument, rekli su mi da nema datum, onda je imao datum
da je adresa pogrešna, adresa tačna...
Hteo sam da podignem 1000, ali videvši šta sam video i videvši da mnogi ljudi imaju isti problem sa ovim sajtom, rekao sam da ću videti da li će to prihvatiti gubitkom novca, pa sam počeo da gubim.
Uzgred, novac za povlačenje sa količinom
niži je i čačan kada dostignem 400 dolara oni prihvataju verifikaciju. Nastavljam da povlačim 400 dolara znajući da je vrlo verovatno da će čak i ako sam uspeo da ih nateram da prihvate dokument o direktnom zaduživanju, biti neophodno da vidim da li će mi dati novac. Probudim se danas i poništili su povlačenje i skinuli 300 dolara sa računa, sad imam samo 100 i pokušao sam da ih podignem, otvorio sam chat sa kojeg ti niko ne odgovara ali znam da će mi reći da sam premašio opkladu od 4 dolara pošto su drugima rekli nešto što nije istina, to je čista prevara i svi ste saučesnici.
Povrh toga, imam zdravstvenih problema i ne mogu da radim, a ovaj novac bi mi bio od velike koristi.
I made the withdrawal, they did not accept it, they asked me to verify the address, I sent it and they denied it about 10 times and 10 times I sent it again exactly the same official document, they told me that it did not have a date, it did have a date, then
that the address was wrong, the address was correct...
I was going to withdraw 1000 but seeing what I've seen and seeing that many people have had the same problem with this site, I said I'm going to see if they'll accept it by losing money, so I started losing.
By the way, money to make withdrawals with quantity
it is lower and chachan when I reach $400 they accept the verification. I proceed to withdraw the $400 knowing that it is very likely that even if I have managed to get them to accept the direct debit document, it would be necessary to see if they would give me the money. I wake up today and they have cancelled the withdrawal and taken $300 from the account, I only have 100 now and I have tried to withdraw it, I have opened the chat that nobody answers you from but I know that they are going to tell me that I have exceeded the bet of $4 as they have told others something that is not true, it is pure SCAM and you are all accomplices.
On top of that, I have health problems and cannot work, and this money would have been very useful.
Hice el retiro , no me lo aceptaban me pedían verificar el domicilio, lo envie y me lo denegaron como 10 veces y 10 veces lo volví a mandar exactamente el mismo documento oficial, me decian que no tenia fecha, si tenia fecha, luego
que la dirección era erronea, la dirección estaba bien...
Iba a retirar 1000 pero viendo lo visto y viendo que a mucha gente le ha pasado igual con este sitio digo voy a ver si perdiendo dinero me lo aceptan así que fui perdiendo
a proposito dinero para hacer los retiros con cantidad
es mas baja y chachan cuando llego a 400$ me lo aceptan la verificación. procedo a retirar los 400$ sabiendo que es muy probable que aun que haya conseguido que me aceptaran el documento de domiciliación habría que ver si me daban el dinero. Me levanto hoy y me han cancelado el retiro y me han quitado 300$ de la cuenta, tengo solo 100 ahora y he intentado retirarlo, he abierto el chat del que nadie te contesta pero se que me van a decir que he superado la apuesta de 4$ como a otros le han dicho cosa que no es verdad, es pura SCAM y todos sois complices.
Encima estoy con problemas de salud y no puedo trabajar y este dinero me hubiera venido bastante bien.
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