NaslovnaForumKazinaLucky Legends Casino - opšta diskusija

Lucky Legends Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 7)

 od cawoods903
56.028 pregleda 164 odgovora |
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Hello! I'm am posting here hoping to get some assistance in receiving a redemption request from the Lucky Legends Casino App. I requested a redemption for 500.00 that I won on 6/24/2024. I only emailed them once to check on the status and noticed two days ago(7/17/2024)that the request was denied due to inconsistencies with my account. I made sure I followed all the rules and regulations so that I might avoid this issue. Today I noticed that the funds were back in my Casino funds account and have since, requested another redemption. I have all emails that I've sent and received saved as well as screenshots of my requests. If someone could assist me in this, I would greatly appreciate it.

Joshua M.


Hello, it has been going on for quite a long time and we give casinos 14 days to send money to the player. But if there were some inconsistencies with your account what exactly does that mean ? What payment method do you use to withdraw ? 

Of course, if you don't know what to do next and how to resolve this situation with the casino, you can file a complaint with us.

You can do so at this link. ⬅️

Will you do it?

Oh, they are so dodgy.Currently have an open case through another arbiter for LL shortchanging my withdrawal.


Hmm, could you say a bit more because neither I nor the other players seem to get much out of what you wrote. I see that this is about your withdrawal, which you probably haven't got yet. What is the casino's reason and how long have you been waiting ? Where did you report them ?


As of now nothing is resolved. I made a whole new account. And they are still saying it's not the right account. It's a checking account through my bank. With just my name on the account. Then they say they need pdf copy of my bank statement which matches the new account. So I sent that. Everything is legit and they are still telling me no.


I see that this has been going on for quite a long time and you did the perfect thing by lodging a complaint. 

I know this is certainly not pleasant at all and if you made a new account to withdraw money and it wasn't even enough for the casino to send it to you, we'll see what we can sort out and we'll be able to help you.

If you say nothing has changed, then we'll have to wait for further developments. 

I hope it turns out well.

Što se tiče mog poslednjeg povlačenja.

14.jun Zahtev za povlačenje

2. jul Zahtjev za povlačenje odobren

Izvršeno je 24. jula btc.

Potrebno je oko 30 radnih dana.

Ipak, dobro je izvući novac.

Ako ta jedna stvar nije problem, onda je „sve u redu".

Bez obzira koliko je dobar ostatak, kazino koji se ne isplati nije kazino.

Automatski prevedeno:

That was a really long wait, indeed. Have you ever learned what caused the delay, though?🤔

May I ask if you continue playing at this casino now?


26.jula podneo sam zahtev za povlačenje dodatnih 1000 USD. strpljivo ću čekati.

Šta uzrokuje kašnjenje?

Kazino pravila.

Rečeno mi je da može proći do 12 radnih dana nakon što moj zahtev za povlačenje bude odobren.

Dakle, ako ne bude odobreno, ne znam koliko će to trajati.

Ali na moju podršku su odgovorili kako treba. I konačno sam uspeo da podignem svoj novac. Samo to me čini srećnim.

Automatski prevedeno:

Yeah, we usually give casinos 14 full days to process the withdrawal. It may take a few days, especially when it comes to the first one and the verification needs to take place. I don't want to say that that is okay, though, when a casino takes this long to approve it. It's just that they need to go through all the documents, and it could happen that some obstacles get in the way.

I hope that they will be able to pay your money as soon as possible and I am glad that you're happy. Let us know, for sure, how this last withdrawal goes.


Stvari počinju da izgledaju zlokobno.

23. jula sam zatražio povlačenje u našem sestrinskom kazinu, kriptoLoko kazinu.

2.Ovo je skoro isti iznos za koji sam se prijavio na Lucki Legend 2. jula.

Povlačenje izvršeno 24.7 je možda bilo iz kriptoLoko.

Podrška CriptoLoko mi je dala taj ID transakcije.

Verujem da je za isplate iz RTG kazina potrebno vreme, pa sam mislio da će isplata 24. jula biti od Lucki Legenda. Međutim, postoji i mogućnost da to bude kriptoLoko.

ID transakcije može da vidi svako ko zna moju adresu.

Možda kriptoLoko laže.

da brinete.

Automatski prevedeno:

So do I understand correctly that you made a withdrawal request from two casinos at the same time? Is that right? Did you receive any of those? Sorry, I couldn't understand well.🤷‍♀️

If there is anything we can help with, just let us know, please.


Tako je. Prijavio sam se za povlačenje na dva mesta.

A CriptoLoko se povukao skoro istog dana.

A Lucki Legend je jutros povučen. Izgleda da je zaboravljeno, ali sam zadovoljan što je povučen.

Bio sam iznenađen koliko brzo CriptoLoko povlači novac. Mislim da je to bila samo slučajnost.

Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you for clearing that up. I am glad that you've managed to get the money from both sites. Coincidence or not, it is really nice how fast it was processed. Right?😉

Do not forget to leave your reviews about this experience. Will you?🙂


Pregledaću ga kasnije.

Nije licenciran i isplate mogu biti spore, ali osim toga nije loš kazino.

Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you in advance for sharing.😉


Hey there, are you still considering the review?

It would be a shame not to pass on such handy feedback. No pressure, though.

Have a good one!

I like this casino very rarely do I lose


Hey, I'm so glad you like the casino. You win a lot, don't you ? Do you have any screenshots of such wins ? Do you have something that is not present in other casinos just here and do you appreciate it ? 😁 

I gave lucky legends my I'd before they already verify me so why now. When I'm only trying to deposit 80.00 I gave my I'd. Gave spectrum bill. Gave. Chime bill from bank still. Saud cant verify me when ya already did

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