NaslovnaForumKazinaLuckyDreams Casino - opšta diskusija

LuckyDreams Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 4)

pre 2 godina od Radka
14.954 pregleda 87 odgovora |
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pre 1 godinu

Mislim da nije, jer postoje i druga kazina kao što je Trickz gde možete da povučete novac u roku od 1 sata. Čekanje 5 dana nije u redu, pogotovo ako ste verifikovani

Srećno tamo.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci


Platio sam 20 evra Luckidreams-u putem bankovnog transfera 1. marta 2024. 2. marta 2024. pokušao sam da pitam preko casino chat-a zašto novac nije poslat na moj račun. Bio bih stavljen u red gde bih bio napolju nakon 1,5 sata čekanja bez odgovora. Tada sam video da je depozit odbijen. Depozit je prošao preko Friolion Ltd i imam snimak ekrana poslao. Do tada sam već uplatio nekoliko puta i nisam imao problema. Od tada pa nadalje nisam više davao depozite.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Hey, regarding your deposit that didn't go through, did you try to ask the bank if there were any problems? Or did the money leave your bank account, it just didn't get deposited into your player account ? 

It's also good that you sent Petronela everything that was needed in your complaint and that you have a screenshot. I'm sure our team will try to help you if this situation persists. 

I firmly believe that your deposit will eventually arrive, just like the last one. If you have any further news, please let me know. 

pre 11 meseci


Uradiću. Hvala

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

Sada ponovo čekam povlačenje iz Lucki dreams-a .3 dana i ponovo piše na čekanju/otkaži.

Kažu da je odobreno, ali je na čekanju. Oni samo lažu. Piše ako ste verifikovani potrebno je 24 sata, ali sada je prošlo 48 sati m

Šta bi neko zapravo uradio ..Zaista loš kazino.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

Hmm, could it be some sort of automatic rejection? Because it really makes a little sense, at least for the first glimpse. 🙁

In any way, no wonder you feel dissatisfied. Has their support provided something close to an explanation?

pre 10 meseci



Ažurirano od strane autora pre 10 meseci
pre 10 meseci


Hteo bih nešto da pitam

Imam isplatu 17.04

Drugi od 22.04

sve vreme je u toku

Kad ih pitam, svaki dan imaju drugačiji izgovor

gde da se žalim

Već sam poslao e-mail

još nema odgovora

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

Upravo su i oni počeli da me ignorišu.

Možete poslati žalbu kazino guruu kako bi vam oni pomogli. Pošto sam i ranije imao problema sa povlačenjem, sada me na četu jednostavno ignorišu.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 10 meseci
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

Da tačno

Pokušavam ceo dan ali niko ne odgovara 😖😖

Kako da podnesem žalbu?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

Ovde kod kazino gurua sa leve strane postoji formular za žalbu tako da možete da pišete.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 10 meseci
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci



pre 10 meseci

I see from what the agent wrote to you and also from your screenshot that the withdrawal is still pending. I don't understand, if they look at your player account and see the same thing why would they tell you it's already approved. 

On the other hand, you know that you've already managed to resolve a withdrawal issue with them once, and I believe that you know you can reach out to us if there are still problems. 

Of course, if there is some technical error or delay on the part of the payment provider, you will probably just have to be patient and I believe that the money will come to you. 

Be sure to let me know if you hear any new information or if the money arrives. If it doesn't, we'll try to help again. 🙂

pre 10 meseci


Hteo bih nešto da pitam

Imam isplatu 17.04

Drugi od 22.04

sve vreme je u toku

Kad ih pitam, svaki dan imaju drugačiji izgovor

gde da se žalim

Već sam poslao e-mail

još nema odgovora

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

Hi, what exactly is the casino giving you as a reason why you don't have your money yet ? Have you verified your account here successfully ? Did you play with any bonus ? 

As far as the complaint is concerned, I saw that the player you exchanged a few posts with has already shared the link with you, so if you are interested you can open one with us. 

If you have any questions or something didn't work you can address us. 

I've also included a guide which will give you more information on what you can expect from the complaint process. 

You can find it here on this link. ⬅️

I hope the whole case will be resolved as soon as possible.

pre 10 meseci


Yes exactly, they expect you to gamble away profit

so now the last time to play there.

Today was approved for withdrawal and money will arrive within 1 - 7 days.

Thank you .🙂

pre 10 meseci

That's what I like to hear. Obviously if you wanted to keep playing here you'd have to get used to longer withdrawals, so I don't blame you at all for your decision. 

If something unexpected happens, feel free to share it with me. 

Good luck. ☘️😊

pre 10 meseci

I have received withdrawals recently, even though their email states that I have to wait 1-7 days.

Thank you for being here and listening to us when we have problems with casinos etc

Have a nice weekend.😊

pre 10 meseci

You're welcome, we're happy to help when we can. 

As for your withdrawals, I'm glad you recieved them, it looks like it was earlier than you were expecting. 

I firmly believe that everything will only get positive from this point on. 

If you have experience with any other casinos or would like to share, I'll be here. 

Good luck. 😉

pre 4 meseci

Zdravo prijatelji igrica,

Nažalost, imam problem sa Osvojio sam 4,500 evra u nedelju na meču Zevs protiv Hada. Osvojio sam ovo kroz bonus kupovinu u vrednosti od 90 €. Prokockao sam još 500 € i dao preostalih 4.000 € za povlačenje. Proverio sam se i sve je izgledalo dobro do juče. Danas sam ustao i dobio sledeću e-poštu. (Slika 1) file

Zatim sam pisao ćaskanju za podršku na sajtu. Rekli su da ako dobijete bonus od 5 €, nije vam dozvoljeno da stavljate opklade veće od 5 €. Nikada nisam čuo za ovo niti sam pročitao bilo šta o tome. Takođe, dobio sam bonus od 5 € preko točka sreće i nisam ga sam izabrao.

Deponovao sam 20,00 € i izabrao bonus za točak sreće. Onda sam dobio kredit od 5 evra. Igrao sam, zatim prokockao na 10 evra i onda pobedio jednom. Posle toga sam imao kredit od 150 evra. Onda sam otišao na Zeus vs Hades i osvojio €4,500. Da li je neko ikada imao istu situaciju?

Srdačan pozdrav


Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Hi, quite a complicated situation according to what you describe. To clarify, you deposited €20 and collected €5 in credit on the wheel of fortune. Were there any requirements that you had to meet for this bonus? Did you meet them if so? 

I see that you dropped to €10 afterwards and thus got to €150 late on Zeus vs Hades or were you playing something else at the time? By the time you got to that amount did you have a bet of 5 euros or more? 

When you bought the bonus in the game, were there still any conditions in the bonus while you were playing? 

I know there are a lot of questions but it would be good to know things a little more in depth. 

pre 4 meseci

Zdravo Jaro,

Hvala na odgovoru. Tako sam dopunio €20 i dobio €5 bonus. Zatim sam smanjio na 10 evra i osvojio 150-160 evra u drugoj utakmici. Posle toga sam nastavio da igram do 95 evra. Onda sam kupio €90 bonusa Zeus vs Hades i osvojio €4,500. Bio je to bonus na depozit, ali više nije bio aktivan. Kada sam napravio povlačenje nije pisalo da je novac blokiran ili bilo šta drugo. Luckidreams je sada uzeo €3,980 u mom kreditu za igre. Po mom mišljenju, to je potpuno nepravedno prema svim igračima. Onda nema smisla igrati na ovom sajtu uopšte.

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