Srećno sa povlačenjem sredstava! Otvorili su licencirani kazino u Ontariju, licenciran od strane Ontario Gaming Regulatora i zaista ih je teško kontaktirati i kao da vode prevaru.
Nikada nisam mislio da će igranje u lokalno regulisanom kazinu imati takve operatere da e-poruke odbijaju i ne postoji način da ih kontaktiram.
Imam novac za povlačenje i ne mislim da će to učiniti lol.
GL tebi! 😁
Good luck withdrawing funds! They have opened a licensed casino in Ontario, licensed with the Ontario Gaming Regulator and they are really hard to contact and its like they are running a scam.
I never thought playing in a locally regulated casino would have such operators that emails bounce and there is no way to contact them.
I have money to withdraw and I dont think they will do it lol.
GL to you! 😁
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