NaslovnaForumKazinaMarvel Casino - opšta diskusija

Marvel Casino - opšta diskusija

 od Jeffrey2994
9.358 pregleda 34 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Marvel Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

!!Not for dutch players!! try to get your stuff in order guru its anoying to hear you cannot play last minute while making an account


Hello Jeffrey.

I am sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for the update. We are doing our best to keep all the reviews up to date. Unfortunately, in case of this casino and also the previous one you have commented (both looks like same platform), there was no mention of restricted countries in their T&C, and it has changed after we reviewed them.

Hi there, this casino runs online fake games, on server "c27 games". How can it be that this casino gets a good reputation?


Hi, then we need to look at this and forward it to my colleagues. I'll let you know when I know more.

Hey, I don't have many questions about how the platform works. But what I would like to find out is what mechanisms and Game forms you use to win or get some win. I played in casinos for a long time, and because of the pandemic I did not have to get the amount of adrenaline required by my body. Later I managed to find the platform who managed to make my nights full of smack. But now I'll have two platforms to play on. Plus not only to play, but also to earn money, which is more than important. I hope that at any time I will be able to address here for some advice


Never play in here guys.

I deposited like 500 dollars and noticed that casino guru is right.

Slots are fake and they offer very good bonus because they know that you will not win anything. Be careful and never trust this casino and never trust any W.o.T casino. You will not win anything.


Did you manage to check this?


Asking about a 2-year-old investigation, we can hardly answer such an out-of-date question. Please mind the current safety index instead 🙂:

No sign of fake games.


Ne znam kakve istrage vodite, ali mislim da ste se grdno prevarili i ovaj kazino bi trebalo da se skine. Slotovi su definitivno namešteni i želeo bih da vam se zahvalim što nudite tako divna kazina posetiocima vašeg sajta. Da sam sam uradio verifikaciju umesto da vam verujem, ne bih deponovao ovde

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello. We have not found any evidence that something suspicious is going on with the provided games. If you, however, are capable of proving that, please do so:

Kindly note that we hold no authority over casino games; this is something the licensing authority or the game provider itself does.

Could you perhaps explain what seems to be wrong? Did you know that not even original servers provide original games? Could this be the case, perhaps?

Anyway, I forwarded this free site to our Data Team. Thank you, of course.

Ne znam kakve istrage vodite, ali mislim da ste se grdno prevarili i ovaj kazino bi trebalo da se skine. Slotovi su definitivno namešteni i želeo bih da vam se zahvalim što nudite tako divna kazina posetiocima vašeg sajta. Da sam sam uradio verifikaciju umesto da vam verujem, ne bih deponovao ovde

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, an update from our dedicated Data Team: with all due respect, this site you posted is not considered a 100% valid proof of non-original game origin.

For instance, we are not aware of any freely available database providing a list of official servers each game provider uses. Thus, investigating the origins of games is not so easy. So, we are very hesitant to believe this not-so-well-looking site can actually compare sources not available publicly.

If you, however, prefer to trust something like this, it is, of course, your choice. We do not.

I'm sorry I had to disappoint you. 🤷‍♀️

Razočaranje pronaći ova kazina, to je kazino prevara, čini mi se neobičnim da ima tako visok indeks sigurnosti ako ga nisu pravilno analizirali. Ne bi trebalo da imaju visok indeks bezbednosti u zelenoj boji ako se to ne može dokazati, nikada više neću igrati u kazinu koji nema korisničke recenzije, indeks bezbednosti koji pruža kazino guru nije pouzdan.

Samo sam jednom igrao u kazinu sličnom ovom gde su mašine bile lažne, distributeri koji imaju servise za ponavljanje ili istoriju kao što su nolimit ili hacksav, ne rade u ovom kazinu jer nisu povezani sa serverom.

Automatski prevedeno:

It's obvious it's fake, there is no casino that will offer 500-600% on top of your deposit, and that's absurd. Casino Guru should feel ashamed of promoting it and even protect it by saying it's not fake it can only mean one thing - they are getting commission from the 100% lost deposits.

Razočaranje pronaći ova kazina, to je kazino prevara, čini mi se neobičnim da ima tako visok indeks sigurnosti ako ga nisu pravilno analizirali. Ne bi trebalo da imaju visok indeks bezbednosti u zelenoj boji ako se to ne može dokazati, nikada više neću igrati u kazinu koji nema korisničke recenzije, indeks bezbednosti koji pruža kazino guru nije pouzdan.

Samo sam jednom igrao u kazinu sličnom ovom gde su mašine bile lažne, distributeri koji imaju servise za ponavljanje ili istoriju kao što su nolimit ili hacksav, ne rade u ovom kazinu jer nisu povezani sa serverom.

Automatski prevedeno:


I read your post many times to make sure I didn't miss anything. But I can clearly say that you forgot to explain what happened to you. Don't you think this is a really important part? Not just that, it might add some value to your words, but we may even suggest some help.

Just reflect on how does this feels: "I only once played in a casino similar to this one where the machines felt fake"

So, if I may, could you kindly set aside your opinion about Casino Guru and focus on a decent explanation regarding your unknown issue in Marvel Casino? 🙏

It's obvious it's fake, there is no casino that will offer 500-600% on top of your deposit, and that's absurd. Casino Guru should feel ashamed of promoting it and even protect it by saying it's not fake it can only mean one thing - they are getting commission from the 100% lost deposits.


It's great to see you back.

I really appreciate your opinions. I think you should know we do not promote casinos; you are probably used to that from other sites. But that's ok, it's really a common mistake.

When it comes to "obviously fake" bonus offers, have you shared your concern with the support? I mean, how familiar are you with, for example, the cost efficiency, pricing, and player retention offers? Besides, if you claimed it was fake, does that mean you didn't get it? Or does it mean "unlikely to give" because it is "too high"?

I'm trying to figure out the real value of your "statement.". Hopefully, you'll help me with this one:

" and even protect it by saying it's not fake it can only mean one thing - they are getting commission from the 100% lost deposits." To use your own words, this is exclusively fake 🙂.

Based on your whole response, I'd say you have decided we are the bad guys here, and this is just a "reasonable" conclusion you have made based on the previous post, despite the fact it lacks anything concrete.

My honest opinion.


Možda nisam dobro objasnio, izvini. Istina je da nisam želeo da ulazim u toliko detalja, ali evo ga: igrao sam u mnogim kazinima, ne znam tačno kako RTP tehnički funkcioniše u kazinima, razumem koncept, ali ne i kako funkcioniše baš tako. U ovom kazinu bilans je naglo pao, povraćaj novca i vreme za igru bili su oskudni ako ne i nuli. Međutim, svestan sam da činjenica da sam izgubio nije dovoljna da kažem „mašine nisu davale bonuse, lažne su", međutim, dovoljno je sumnjati. Zašto sam skoro siguran da nešto nije u redu sa ovim kazinom? Postoji nekoliko distributera slotova koji imaju uslugu ili opciju ponavljanja rundi klađenja (npr. Pragmatic, Hacksav, Nolimit, iggrasil, između ostalih). U svim pouzdanim kazinima za koje znam možete dobiti link u slotovima za deljenje runde, ove veze su od distributera, moraju biti hostovane na sopstvenom serveru, u ovom kazinu NE POSTOJI odeljak za ponavljanje. Štaviše, u Nolimit-u u bilo kom kazinu postoji odeljak gde možete da vidite svoj maksimalni dobitak i one koje su imali drugi ljudi koji su igrali dilera, u ovom kazinu tog odeljka nema, gde bi trebalo da bude on je prazan, bukvalno prazan meni, u najmanju ruku je sumnjivo, s obzirom da sva kazina koja sam video imaju ovo...

Konačno, pomenuo sam još jedan kazino u kojem sam igrao, koji više ne postoji (zvao se Ondabet), u ovom kazinu su mašine bile lažne i mogao sam da vidim slično ponašanje u slotovima kao što je gore pomenuto. Nešto što sam primetio u Avenger Casino-u je da je traženi pogrešan, traženi ima tri bonusa (voz, duel i mrtav), u normalnom traženom slotu iz bilo kog pouzdanog kazina nikada ne pada u različitim scatter simbolima, odnosno može samo pada vrsta scatter simbola, u ovom kazinu i u drugom kazinu koji je imao lažne mašine se dešavalo isto, ponekad bi vam bacilo mrtvi scatter i duel scatter, u bilo kom kazinu priznatog brenda koji se ne dešava.

Konačno, da zaključim, možda se ništa ne može proveriti, ovo je samo moje iskustvo i ne želim da prezirem ili krivim kazino gurua, ali kao konstruktivnu kritiku mislim da treba da budemo zahtevniji sa indeksom bezbednosti koji im je dat. kazino, za mene bi ovaj kazino trebalo da ima ocenu manju od 5.

Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you very much! I really think you did a good thing, and the rest of the community may now have a decent opinion about your experiences.

Would you try to ask the game provider about your suspicions? I'm really sorry to say that, but there is not much I can help with.

I'm sorry, but can someone please explain how this casino has a 9/10 and a very high safety rating?

If you are looking for a perfect online casino, we recommend trying out this one

Whoever wrote this review should be fired.


Well according to what I read the casino didn't have that many problems with players. It doesn't have any unsolved complaints and this is important.


Anyway, what's your problem with the casino? Is there something specific that happened to you? Let me know, please.

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