NaslovnaForumKazinaMegapari Casino - opšta diskusija

Megapari Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 4)

 od Magda
24.959 pregleda 130 odgovora |
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there is weekly fixed % of sport bets cs, but maybe 2-3 % idk exactly.

also there are some points that i sometimes have and sometimes don't ..u can use them on some live games or sportbetting if u transfer them to real money tickets/promocodes. they are not really explained and i don't know how i can obtain them

basically their app is f 300 areas, and stuff u can't really know what is what, there are so many things

but this cs is bugging me ever since i hit max

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Ja bih to ostavio kao negativnu recenziju, što im umanjuje ocenu (i to im je jedino bitno)

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear player,

We apologize for the disappointing performance of our cashback system at the moment. You are correct that as you progress in levels, the company should offer you even more perks. I have recently had a discussion with the VIP department, and they assured me that the system will be updated soon. The current system is dependent on bet amounts and has a relatively low percentage for short play periods. Please provide us with your account ID, and we will explore ways to enhance your gaming experience with MegaPari.



We apologize if our efforts have left a bitter taste. However, it is not accurate to say that the rating is the only thing that matters. At MegaPari, unlike many other casinos, we have a dedicated department specifically created to monitor customers' sentiment and troubleshoot any issues. If you are our existing customer and experiencing any trouble with the platform, please do not hesitate to contact We are here to address any concerns and provide assistance.

I opened a case but I want also to add here the issue I'm trying to solve.

Problems with a withdraw through SEPA. I was able to withdraw money yesterday but today, at first was denied and know even the option has disappeared. This is far far to be the quality you expect from a trustable site.

The assistance from their end seems poor. Always the same answer and not really addressing what happens.

I really hope I can solve my problem properly because all what I've played was legit. Deposit via bank account and trying to withdraw the same.

I hope CG will help and also from Megapari stop hiding their methods of withdraw and handle as they should.



Dear goofysandy, we apologize for the difficulties encountered with withdrawals via SEPA.

The fact is that preventive work was carried out on this payment system in the period from 10/29/2023 to 10/31/2023. For this reason, this payment system has been disabled as an option for withdrawing funds.

At the moment, the functionality of the payment agent has been fully restored and is operating as normal.

We understand how frustrating it can be to experience an unexpected loss of your payment system. However, this is a forced procedure necessary to ensure stable and secure operation of the withdrawal system.

I opened a case but I want also to add here the issue I'm trying to solve.

Problems with a withdraw through SEPA. I was able to withdraw money yesterday but today, at first was denied and know even the option has disappeared. This is far far to be the quality you expect from a trustable site.

The assistance from their end seems poor. Always the same answer and not really addressing what happens.

I really hope I can solve my problem properly because all what I've played was legit. Deposit via bank account and trying to withdraw the same.

I hope CG will help and also from Megapari stop hiding their methods of withdraw and handle as they should.

Hi, I'll start by saying that I saw that the casino representative has replied to you about your withdrawal problem. So it looks like there has been an downtime of this payment method. 

Did you reenter the withdrawal ? It would be nice to wait since you said you got the money without any problems before and be a bit patient. If there are any further problems in the next few days, you can update your complaint that you have filed. I wish you the best of luck in your withdrawal. ☘️😊

Drago mi je da vidim da je rejting koji CG daje Megapariju dosta opao. Konačno shvataju da je to piratski kazino sa praksama koje nisu nezakonite, ali su jezive (kao što je privremeno eliminisanje metoda povlačenja tako da ste u iskušenju da nastavite da igrate i na kraju izgubite, zatvaranje naloga bez razloga, itd.)

Nadamo se da će korisnici takođe ostaviti svoje iskustvo u specifičnim recenzijama kazina.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I suppose when you described these things you had a problem here, am I right? Sometimes things like payment method elimination can be caused by technical problems that are not the casino's fault. I don't think it would have to be the shady thing. However, feel free to share if something happened to you. 


Desilo mi se tri puta, pokušao sam da povučem preko SEPA transfera i nije bilo dostupno i na kraju sam izgubio sve. Nisu specifični problemi svakih mnogo meseci. To su problemi svaka tri-četiri dana (imam dosta iskustva u kockarnicama i nikada nisam video nešto slično).

Ograničavaju se na to da odgovaraju automatskom porukom i poručuju da "to nisu standardi kvaliteta koje žele u svojoj kompaniji" i da će učiniti sve da to reše, ali to je laž.

NIKAD VIŠE neću igrati u ovom kazinu.

Automatski prevedeno:

I understand why you have this attitude towards the casino when it has happened to you 3 times. However, I would like to tell you that if such a thing occurs in a casino again, you can contact us and file a complaint with us, which might help. It's free, so I always think it's worth a try in similar situations. 

However, I am sorry that you lost your money in the end and nothing could be done about the case. Next time, you'll know you can try reaching out to us. Hopefully, this will not be necessary and you will have a good experience. 🙂


Svraćam na forum da prokomentarišem svoje užasno iskustvo sa megaparijem.

Imam „nerešen" spor u kome se kazino guru slaže sa mnom i koji ima vrednost od 3000 evra više od 9 meseci.

Megapari je ponovo otvorio spor i posle MNOGO PREGOVORA (hteo sam 2000, a oni su ponudili samo 1500), predstavnik Megaparija je insistirao, 1. februara, sa ponudom od 1500 evra (i zamolio me da razmislim o tome nekoliko dana) . Petog prihvatam ponudu i njegov odgovor je da je sada ponuda 1000 evra.

To je sramotno. Ozbiljnost ovog kazina je jasna. Po mom mišljenju, ocena kazino gurua je preterano velikodušna.


Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I read your complaint too and I saw that you didn't reach an agreement with the casino after all. I can understand that because I wouldn't want half of what I'm really owed either. Especially when the first offer was different at first and when you nodded at it, it changed to a smaller amount. 

However, the casino got black points for that and it affected its safety index. But since the casino has only 2 unresolved complaints, you can't expect it to suddenly have a completely low safety index. So I don't think it's unfair in any way.

Anyway, thank you for sharing this on the forum, and maybe the casino will want to reopen your complaint sometime in the future and hopefully you will get everything you are owed. 

MEGAPARI KAZINO---------Dobro jutro, igram višestruku fudbalsku utakmicu i sastoji se od 7 mečeva od kojih svaka ima utvrđene kvote i ako se meč odloži uzimaju se u obzir preostale kvote preostalih mečeva . Umesto da su mi na vašem sajtu ukrali novac bez razloga, kada su mi platili višestruko zadržali su nešto novca bez ikakvog objašnjenja, konsultovao sam njihov ćaskanje (čak i ako je često beskorisno osim što su vas stavili na čekanje za čak 20 -30 minuta) rekli su mi bez objašnjenja da je ovako u redu. Na sledećoj recenziji istog dana objasniću još jednu stvar još goru od ove:

Štaviše, juče dok sam igrao vaš rulet desilo se nešto zaista neverovatno, nakon što je moja opklada bila dobitna na iznos od 34,20 € i redovno uplaćena od strane vašeg sistema, nakon nekoliko minuta isti iznos, odnosno 34,20 €, je nestao sa sto. iz mog budžeta. Tražio sam objašnjenja u ćaskanju, a prezrivo mi je rečeno da je sve u redu ovako kako jeste. neverovatan ! NEVEROVATAN! OVDE IMAJU SISTEM KOJI JE KAO LOPOVI DA KAŽU MALO GDE VAM KREDUJU ZA DOBIT NA IGRE, ALI U ISTO VREME IMAJU NAČIN DA OTKAZU ISTI DOBITAK BEZ DA VAM DAJU ISPLATE. Tražio sam objašnjenje i za ovo, a oni su mi odgovorili da je sve u redu. Neverovatan. Ne igrajte na ovom sajtu, oni vam kradu novac i ne isplaćuju dobitke. Mogu sve da dokažem ne samo rečima kao što sam to učinio sa njima. ne igraj se ovde!!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, I'm sorry to hear about your problem at the casino. However, I understand that you were able to open a complaint, which I think is a good step if you feel that you did nothing wrong and the casino can't explain and give you a relevant reason why your money disappeared. 

As for the roulette itself and the €34, do you have this bet in your game history where it would show that you won ? If so I think that would be a good proof. 

Of course, since support gave you the same answer over and over again, which basically didn't say much, we'll have to wait and see what our team finds out and where it goes. 

I hope everything will be resolved fairly and if you have any further info, don't hesitate to let us know. Good luck. ☘️

Zdravo, želeo sam da vas obavestim da je sajt megapari kazina, prepoznajući grešku, vratio iznos koji sam osporio. Stoga, zahvaljujući na vašem interesovanju, smatram da je stvar završena. Hvala i pozdrav.

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Automatski prevedeno:

Well, I'm glad it turned out this way and the casino admitted that there was a mistake. You resolved it quite promptly. 

However, could I ask you to also write this fact to Kristina in your complaint so that she can close it ? 

Also, will you continue to play at the casino? 

Zdravo, mislim da Kristina već zna kako je prošlo. Dalje, da bih odgovorio na vaše pitanje, moram da vam postavim pitanje: "da li biste igrali na sajtu gde novac nestaje?" Slažem se da su mi to vratili, ali nije greška, para je nestalo, a da nisam primetio i uspeo da dokažem nešto što nisam smeo da uradim, ne mislim da bi mi vratili njih. Proveo sam sate ćaskajući da donesem bezbroj dokaza. Smatram da je ovo u najmanju ruku sramotno i ne mislim da je greška.

Automatski prevedeno:

I think she'll still ask you to confirm that you've received the funds, so I reckon it'd be nice to write it anyway. 

Regarding the second part of your post, I would say that you have a point. Personally, I'd probably be on the fence too and wouldn't play here again, but that was a question for you and not for me. Some players will say that the casino tried and solved their problem, which is also sometimes a good thing, because maybe not everywhere would be like that. 

However, I will certainly understand if you don't go there anymore so that something similar doesn't happen. 

Either way, I hope you'll do well. ☘️

Dobro veče, osećam se PREVARENO od MegaParija, očajan sam, tri dana mi odeljenje za bezbednost kazina daje smešna objašnjenja i traži od mene sve više stvari kako bih izvršio povlačenje. Mesecima sam uplaćivao i podizao preko ASTROPAI-a i odjednom je ta opcija nestala, rekli su mi da uplaćujem iz drugog novčanika dok se ASTROPAI ne vrati. Otvorio sam račun u LEMON-u, uplatio 4000$ i sve je bilo u redu, kada sam hteo da podignem sav saldo koji sam imao počeli su sa izgovorima, osećam se kao da me varaju. Bio sam u mogućnosti da podignem samo 4000 dolara koje sam deponovao preko LEMON-a. Imam 500.000 unutra da me drže i traže od mene neobične podatke i nikada ne omogućavaju isplate. Molim vas da mi pomognete. Hitno mi treba novac i imam osećaj da je ovo prevara. Verujem da mi možete pomoći. Milioni hvala. Sve najbolje!

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