ForumKazinaMy experiences with Stellare Casino

My experiences with Stellare Casino

pre 2 meseci od Radka
869 pregleda 19 odgovora |
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pre 2 meseci

Osvojio sam više od 1.400 evra na sajtu zvezdanog kazina...dodajem snimak ekrana NIKADA ne plaćam....dodajem da se igra Gate of Olimpus kontroliše...Objasnio sam im preko ćaskanja da kada osvojiš besplatne okrete i onda izađu drugi 3 kapije Olimpa ako osvojiš još 5 ALI NIJE TAČNO...ima još samo 4 razumeju šta govorim u četovanju pa ne znam šta da radim više... postoji mogućnost da dobijete novac su prevaranti file

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pre 2 meseci

If the casino is unable to help, I would suggest you file a complaint here with our team, and hopefully we'll be able to get to the bottom of everything.

Just follow this link to do so, please, and let us know how it goes.

pre 2 meseci

Hvala, već sam pisao Petroneu putem e-pošte

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Izvinjavam se, već sam pisao Petroneli putem mejla

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

No worries at all. Do not forget to update your complaint thread as well, as the timer is still ticking. Answer, please, the questions, and you can even write that you have sent an email to Petronela.😉

I can actually see that this is your second complaint with this casino. Right? May I ask what the outcome of the first one was?

pre 2 meseci

Dobro jutro Romi

Da, ovo je moja druga žalba... negativna i na prvu.

Mogu li da pitam kako ćete dalje? Postoji li mogućnost da povratim svojih 1.400 koje sam osvojio?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Do I understand correctly that you were not able to get the money from the first complaint? Unfortunately, you did not update it, so we never learned anything.🤷‍♀️

I am not able to answer your question yet, as it is still very early to know. I will surely hope for the best, of course.

pre 2 meseci

Hvala puno Romi verujem u tebe.....

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Da, tačno Romi, nisam ni dobio pare sa 1. žalbom

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

I hope everything will be resolved.

Just next time, it'll be good if you update your complaint as well, so our team knows what is happening, you know.

pre 2 meseci

Kako da ga ažuriram? Šta da napišem?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

The timer is set for you to reply. So just write in the thread for example, that you have sent the email to Petronela. So the timer will go to our complaint team and won't finish on you. Do you understand what I mean? If you need any assistance, please let us know, and we will go through everything together.

pre 2 meseci

Dobro jutro Romi,

Ne razumem baš da li radite na mojoj žalbi i kako se krećete... a pre svega kada ću dobiti svoj novac

Da li ste već kontaktirali Stellar Casino?

Hvala vam

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Good day. As I can see, you still did not update your complaint, so it means that we cannot get notified about any of your messages so the timer will go back to our comlaint team to continue working on the complaint. I have already told you in my previous posts that it is really necessary to do, to update your complaint.

Will you be able to do that now?

pre 2 meseci

Dobro veče Romi

Oprostite, ali možda ne razumem... šta znači ažuriranje žalbe? Napisao sam sve što sam imao da napišem o kazinu Stellare... plus pitao sam da li ste ih kontaktirali, pa kako ide?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Hi, I think Romi meant that Petronela responded to the complaint you filed. She asked you a few questions that would be appropriate to answer and that's why Romi wrote to you to update the complaint or respond. Would it please be possible, so that our team can move forward in solving your case ?😉

pre 2 meseci

Dobro jutro

Mogu li da saznam razvoj događaja u vezi sa mojom žalbom? Da li ste kontaktirali Stellar Casino za moj novac?

Hvala vam

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci


Though I understand waiting must bring a lot of stress, you have all the information at your fingertips all the time. Let me explain:

The timer says Casino Guru, namely Petronela, has almost 5 days to respond. So no, frankly, there has not been a development. To be perfectly honest with you, it seems you have overlooked the series of questions you were asked. The complaint won't reach another stage unless you answer these questions.

Again, frankly, due to the aforementioned reason, the casino representative has not been contacted.

Please inspect your complaint carefully and update Petronela.

You may access the complaint directly from here 👈

pre 2 meseci

Dobro veče Radka,

Odgovaram na vaša pitanja (poslao sam ovaj isti e-mail Petroneli)

Nažalost, ne sećam se datuma moje pobede od 1.400 evra na Stellar kazinu... jun sigurno, ali se ne sećam tačnog DD... imam samo snimak ekrana koji pokazuje moj kredit od preko 1.400. .

-Nemam snimak ekrana da potvrdim da besplatni okreti nisu ono što kažu...Igram sa mobilnim telefonom, igra se kreće i čak i da želim ne bih mogao da slikam ...

- Nemam komunikacije iz kazina pa ne mogu da ih pružim

- nema komunikacije iz kazina da dobijem moj novac

- Uvek i samo sam igrao sa zvezdanim kazinom i ni sa jednim drugim onlajn kazinom....

Ovo su sve informacije koje imam. .Iskreno ne razumem koliko je vremena potrebno da mi vrate novac..igre su kontrolisane...siguran sam u ovo..kada moraju da uzmu novac na karticu vrlo su brzi ako imaju da isplatim dobitke mnogo manje... ima li nade da dobijem svoj novac?

Hvala vam


Hvala vam

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Sure, it would be best to post it in the complaint thread too because then it looked like you didn't reply at all. Petronela is also on vacation as you can see, so that might be the reason why it's a bit slower. However, when she gets to your email she will definitely reply and you will know more. You will have to be a bit patient. 

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