Normalno je da su igre drugačije dizajnirane za neke zemlje, to je zbog marketinške strategije. Smatram da bi bilo dobro pomenuti primer. Zamislite samo deo o vilenjačkom selu.
U Finskoj će vilenjački šeširi biti plavi, a vilenjaci prilično bledi. S druge strane, verzija iz Brazila će obezbediti polugole likove napravljene od bronze sa sitnim zelenim šeširima napravljenim od lišća.
Jesi li shvatio šta mislim?
Čak i bonus funkcija može izgledati drugačije, ili pozadinska muzika može biti malo drugačija.
Priznajem da ne razumem u potpunosti šta je glavni problem sa igrama. Ali ako osećate da nešto nije u redu, proverite URL u ovom kazinu - zatim posetite drugi, pokrenite istu igru i uporedite URL.
Kao poslednju alternativu, pitajte provajdera igre. Trebalo bi da budu zabrinuti zbog lažnih igara.
Nažalost, licenca je nešto o čemu igrači uvek treba da vode računa, u pravu ste. Ali, sve dok su mnogi igrači i dalje voljni da igraju u nelicenciranom kazinu, šta tera takav kazino da ga kupi?
Ima dobrih i poštenih kazina kojima nedostaje licenca. 🤔
It's normal that games are designed differently for some countries, it's due to a marketing strategy. I feel it would be good to mention an example. Just imagine a slot about an elven village.
In Finland, elvish hats will be blue and elves would be quite pale. On the other hand, the version from Brazil will provide half-naked characters made from bronze with tiny green hats made from leaves.
Did you catch my meaning?
Even the bonus feature could look different, or the background music could be slightly different.
I admit I do not fully understand what seems to be the main problem with games. But if you feel, something is not right, check the URL in this casino - then visit another one, start the same game, and compare the URL.
As the last alternative, ask the game provider. They should be concerned about fake games.
Sadly, the license is something players should always take care of, you're right. But, as long as many players are still willing to play in an unlicensed casino, what makes such a casino acquire one?
There are good and honest casinos missing any license. 🤔
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