Tako se u ćaskanju kaže "Nisam umešan" 🙁. To je neprijatno, ali prilično uobičajeno, s druge strane. Operateri za ćaskanje obično nisu u stanju da odgovore na tako konkretno pitanje jer ne učestvuju u KIC procesu. Što komunikaciju čini besmislenom - znam da je sranje!
Ako mene pitate – rekao bih, operaterima kazina bi bilo mnogo lakše da kažu: „Hej, trenutno smo prilično zauzeti, nedostaje nam osoblja zbog nekoliko odmora. Žao mi je, verifikacija kasni, ali dajemo sve od sebe da ih nadoknadimo."
Barem se igrač ne oseća kao da je potpuno prevaren. Ali samo moje lično mišljenje. Pretpostavljam da ne bih bio oduševljen da to čujem više od jednom. 🤔
Mislim da ste prilično upoznati sa funkcijom žalbe, ne ustručavajte se da pošaljete drugu kada osetite da je pravi trenutak.
Naravno, nadam se da neće biti potrebno!
That's how the chat says "I'm not involved" 🙁. That's unpleasant but quite common, on the other hand. The chat operators are not usually capable of answering such a concrete question because they do not participate in the KYC process. Which makes the communication pointless - I know it sucks!
If you ask me - I'd say, it would be so much easier for the casino operators to say: "Hey, we're quite busy at the moment, short on staff due to several vacations. I'm sorry, the verification is delayed, but we do our best to catch up."
At least the player doesn't feel like being fooled completely. Just my personal opinion though. I would not be delighted to hear that more than once I guess. 🤔
I think you're quite familiar with the complaint feature, don't hesitate to submit another one once you feel it's the right time.
Of course, I hope it won't be necessary!