Znate da smo pošteno i otvoreno objasnili naš pristup. Jedina stvar koju radite je da ujedete ruku, što bi na kraju moglo pomoći. Mislite li da je ovo mudro?
Samo prihvatite da morate da se pridržavate žalbe. Imajte na umu 14-dnevni proces o kome smo vas obavestili. Pošto ovaj vremenski okvir nije ispunjen, u našim očima, prerano je za istragu. Dok ne ažurirate svoju žalbu vestima, to bi sugerisalo drugačije. Da li shvatate moje značenje?
Da li ste takođe primetili da mnoge zemlje imaju nacionalni bankarski praznik? Zaista mislim da bi trebalo da se smiriš i prestaneš da budeš glupo nepristojan. 🙏
Budite uvereni da:
"Ako je žalba opravdana i ne možemo da je rešimo, ona se zatvara i kategoriše kao 'nerešena'. To se dešava kada nam kazino ili ne odgovori ili odbije da uradi ono što smatramo fer u toj konkretnoj situaciji. . Nećete dobiti željeni ishod, ali žalba će biti sačuvana u našem sistemu, kazino će biti kažnjen nižom ocenom od nas i naš pregled kazina će upozoriti druge igrače šta se desilo. Štaviše, ako kazino želi da bi poboljšao svoj rejting u budućnosti, biće prinuđen da se pozabavi žalbom, tako da postoji šansa da će vaša žalba biti rešena kasnije."
(izvor ovde )
Nadam se da razumete da se cela istraga mora završiti da bi se odlučilo da li je nešto pogrešno učinjeno. Iz očiglednog razloga, indeks bezbednosti ne računa nedovršene žalbe ili nedokazana iskustva objavljena na forumu. To bi bilo zaista neodgovorno.
Pokušajte da budete strpljivi i sarađujte kroz žalbu; ovo je ono što je bitno.
You know we have explained our approach fairly and openly. The only thing you're doing is biting the hand, which may eventually help. Do you think this is wise?
Just accept that you need to stick with the complaint. Mind the 14-day process we informed you about. Since this time frame has not been met, in our eyes, it's too soon to investigate. Until you update your complaint with news, that would suggest otherwise. Do you catch my meaning?
Have you also noticed that many countries have a national banking holiday? I truly think you should calm yourself and stop being stupidly rude. 🙏
Be assured that:
"If the complaint is justified and we are unable to resolve it, it is closed and categorized as being 'unresolved'. This happens when the casino either does not respond to us or refuses to do what we consider to be fair in that specific situation. You will not get your desired outcome but the complaint will be saved in our system, the casino will be punished with a lower rating from us and our review of the casino will warn other players of what happened. What's more, if the casino wants to improve its rating in the future, it will be forced to address the complaint, so there is a chance that your complaint will be resolved at a later date."
(source here)
I hope you understand that the whole investigation needs to be concluded to decide whether something wrong was done. For an obvious reason, the safety index does not count unfinished complaints or unproven experiences posted on the forum. That would be truly irresponsible.
Try to be patient and cooperate through the complaint; this is what matters.
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