Nisam otvorio žalbu do 18. avgusta da im dam vremena da odgovore.
Ali ovde sa vama delim poslednju e-poštu koju sam dobio od njih (proverite datum)
U četvrtak, 8. avgusta 2024. u 20:05 < > napisao:
zdravo kkkkk,
Hvala vam što ste nas kontaktirali.
Hvala vam na brzom odgovoru i što ste dali dokumente na verifikaciju. Zaista cenimo vašu saradnju u osiguravanju da vaš proces verifikacije teče glatko.
Spremni smo da vas vodimo kroz svaki korak procesa verifikacije i nadamo se da će sve biti završeno bez ikakvih problema. Očekujte malo vremena da naše relevantno odeljenje pregleda otpremljene dokumente. Čim se pregled završi, bićete obavešteni o rezultatima.
Veoma vas cenimo kao igrača i radujemo se što ćete nastaviti da uživate u našem kazinu.
Hvala vam još jednom na strpljenju i saradnji.
Ako se pojave bilo kakva pitanja, bićemo tu da odgovorimo 24/7.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Menadžer kluba za igre, Thea
Odgovor je poslat danas, 11. avgusta
Draga Tea,
Nadam se da će vas ova poruka dobro naći.
Hvala vam na nedavnoj e-poruci i na stalnoj podršci tokom procesa verifikacije. Međutim, pišem da bih izrazio zabrinutost u vezi sa kašnjenjem u ručnoj proveri autentičnosti mojih dokumenata.
Kao što znate, sistem veštačke inteligencije je prethodno potvrdio moju pokrajinsku ličnu kartu i dokaz o adresi, a takođe je potvrdio autentičnost novih dokumenata koje sam nedavno podneo. S obzirom da je AI validacija bila uspešna i za prethodne i za nove dokumente, zabrinut sam zbog produženog odlaganja procesa ručnog pregleda.
Pored toga, bio bih vam zahvalan ako biste mogli da date pismeno objašnjenje o sledećim tačkama:
Razlog za prvo odbijanje: Možete li objasniti zašto su moji prethodni dokumenti odbijeni uprkos njihovom legitimitetu prema kanadskom zakonu?
Trenutno kašnjenje validacije: Možete li da navedete detalje o tome zašto ručni pregled novih dokumenata traje duže nego što se očekivalo, iako je sistem veštačke inteligencije potvrdio njihovu autentičnost?
Razumevanje ovih aspekata će pomoći da ublažim moju zabrinutost i obezbediće da se problemi brzo reše.
Hvala vam na pažnji prema ovom pitanju. Radujem se vašem brzom odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
I have not opened a complaint still until august 18 to give them time to reply.
But im sharing here with you the last email i got from them(check the date)
On Thu, Aug 8, 2024 at 8:05 PM <> wrote:
Hello xxxxx,
Thank you for contacting us.
Thank you for your prompt response and for providing the documents for verification. We truly appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that your verification process goes smoothly.
We are ready to guide you through every step of the verification process, and we hope that everything will be finalized without any issues. Please allow some time for our relevant department to review the uploaded documents. As soon as the review is complete, you will be notified of the results.
We greatly value you as a player and look forward to seeing you continue to enjoy your time at our casino.
Thank you once again for your patience and cooperation.
If any questions arise, we will be here to answer them 24/7.
Best regards,
Manager of the game club, Thea
Reply sent it today August 11
Dear Thea,
I hope this message finds you well.
Thank you for your recent email and for the ongoing support throughout the verification process. However, I am writing to express my concern regarding the delay in manually verifying the authenticity of my documents.
As you are aware, the AI system has previously validated my provincial ID and proof of address, and it has also confirmed the authenticity of the new documents I have recently submitted. Given that the AI validation was successful for both the previous and new documents, I am concerned about the extended delay for the manual review process.
Additionally, I would appreciate it if you could provide written clarification on the following points:
Reason for Initial Rejection: Could you please explain why my previous documents were rejected despite their legitimacy under Canadian law?
Current Validation Delay: Can you provide details on why the manual review of the new documents is taking longer than expected, even though the AI system has confirmed their authenticity?
Understanding these aspects will help alleviate my concerns and ensure that any issues are addressed promptly.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.
Best regards,
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